Беккалиев Асхат Кажмуратович
Доцент м.а, PhD докторы
Агротехнология институты


  1. Nasiev BN, Tulegenova DK, Bekkaliev AK, Zhanatalapov N.Zh. Change of plant and soil cover pastbish under the influence of loosening // Izvestiya NAN RK. Series of agrarian sciences. — 2015. — №3. — C.60-64.
  2. Nasiyev B., Tulegenova D, Zhanatalapov N, Bekkaliev A,Bekkalieva A. Specific Features of the Vegetative and Soil Cover Dynamics in the Semiarid
    Pasture Ecosystems Influenced By Grazing // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (ISSN09758585-India-Scopus).– 2016. –№7(4). –Р.2465-2473. (Eng)
  3. Nasiyev B., Tlepov A., Zhanatalapov N., Bekkaliev A., Yeleshev R.Studing agrophytocenoses of sudan grass in the dry steppe zone of West Kazakhstan //Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc. Vol. 20(2): 2018: 594-600
    © Global Science Publications. ISSN-0972-3005. IF 0.07
  4. Nasiyev В., Bekkaliyev A.K., Manolov I.G., Shibaikin B.Influence of grazing technologies on the indices of chestnut soils in Western Kazakhstan // Polish Journal of Soil Science. – 2020. VOL. LIII/1 PP.163-180.PL ISSN 0079-2985 DOI: 10.17951/pjss/2020.53.1.163 https://journals.umcs.pl/pjss/article/view/10090 Scopus Процентиль 33
  5. Nasiyev В., Bekkaliyev A.K., Zhanatalapov N.Zh., Shibaikin B.,Yeleshev R.Changes in the physicochemical parameters of chestnut soils in Western Kazakhstan under the influence of the grazing technologies // Periódico Tchê Química. ISSN 2179-0302. (2020); vol.17 (n35) PP.192-202. http://deboni.he.com.br/Periodico35.pdfScopusПроцентиль 72
  6. Nasiev B., Zhanatalapov N., Shibaikin V., Yancheva Hr. Adaptation of elements of Sudan grass cultivation to the conditions of dry-steppe zone // Turkish Journal of Field Crops. – 2020. – 25(1). – PP.57-65. URLhttp://www.field-crops.org/assets/pdf/product5ed12e1859e4d.pdfDOI: 10.17557/tjfc.743681 ScopusПроцентиль 49
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