Higher school of professional and artistic-technological education

Professors-teacher’s stuff of the higher school, possessing social values in the training of young teachers in general education institutions and colleges of the West Kazakhstan region, ready to solve the problems and difficulties of teaching – educational process with acquired professional competencies, possessing sufficient modern technologies of education and upbringing 6B01401 – «Initial military training and physical culture», 6B01404 – «Visual art, artistic work and graphics», 6B01402 – «Professional training», the last year of training in educational programs 6B01405 – «Physical culture and sports».

There are 21 teachers in the higher school. Among them there are 4 candidates of science and 6 masters of science. The teaching staff includes 10 trainers-teachers to teach the above-mentioned courses of physical culture and sports.

Professors and teachers of the higher school undergo practice in various forms for continuous improvement of their professional work. Scientific and methodical seminar was organized at the higher school. At these workshops, teachers conduct research and share the results. In addition, teachers of higher education undergo internships, short courses and receive certificates for the improvement of special disciplines and methodical knowledge in educational centers of the CIS and abroad. Cooperation in linking teaching and methodical work of teachers with practice, development of competences makes it traditional to conduct pedagogical practices, internships, practice-oriented classes, Scientific and methodical seminars together with the teaching staff of the secondary school of Uralsk No. 30, 10, 47, 20  in partnership.

For the development of practical skills on methodological culture and profiles of students at the higher school there are scientific and methodical circles «Pedagogical search» and practical circles «Mergen». Students are engaged in improving their professional-pedagogical and sports skills in extracurricular time at seminars, practical conferences, sections of the modern sports complex «Zhangir khan» in various sports, in small sports halls.

As a result, we have more than 30 candidates for master of sports in various sports among students in the fields of initial military training and physical education in higher education, about 10 masters of sports and winners of international and republican sports competitions.

090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:[email protected]
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