Жанаталапов Нурболат Жасталапович
Старший преподаватель, доктор PhD


  1. NasiyevB.N., Gabdulov M., Zhanatalapov N., Makanova G., Izbasova G Studying of the phenology. Abundance and harmfulness of locusts in the semi-desert zone and the organization of locust control measures // Biosciences biotechnology research Asia. – 2015. – Vol.12(2). – Р.1759-1766. (Scopus). (Eng)
  2. Nasiev BN, Zhanatalapov NJ Modern state of pasture semi-desert zone // Kormoproizvodstvo. — 2015. — №7. — P.16-19. (RINC, Agris)
  3. НасиевБ.Н. Agrochemical parameters of soil degradation of forage semi-arid zones // Agrochemistry. — 2015. — №9. — P.20-16. (RINC, Agris)
  4. Nasiev BN, Zhanatalapov NZ Efficiency of separation of barley and chickpeas in mixed settlements at different terms of cleaning in conditions of Western Kazakhstan // Feed production. — 2015. — № 4. — P.21-25. (RINC, Agris)
  5. Nasiev BN, Gabdulov MA, Zhanatalapov N.Zh. Monitoring and extinction of locusts — especially dangerous pests of semi-arid forages // Feed production. — 2015. — № 5. — P.13-17. (RINC, Agris)
  6. Nasiev BN, Tulegenova DK, Bekkaliev AK, Zhanatalapov N.Zh. Change of plant and soil cover pastbish under the influence of loosening // Izvestiya NAN RK. Series of agrarian sciences. — 2015. — №3. — C.60-64.
  7. Nasiyev B., Tulegenova D, Zhanatalapov N, Bekkaliev A,Bekkalieva A. Specific Features of the Vegetative and Soil Cover Dynamics in the Semiarid
    Pasture Ecosystems Influenced By Grazing // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (ISSN09758585-India-Scopus).– 2016. –№7(4). –Р.2465-2473. (Eng)
  8. NasiyevB.N., Mussina M., Zhanatalapov N.,Yeleshev R., Salykova A Formation of Annual Crop Yield When Cultivating for Green Conveyor System
    in Dry Steppe Area of Western Kazakhstan //Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (ISSN09758585-India-Scopus). – 2016. — №7(4).– Р.2505-2515.
  9. Nasiyev B.N., Gabdulov M., Zhanatalapov N., Makanova G. Study of Biological Efficacy of Drugs and Resistance of Acridoidea in SemiArid Areas // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (ISSN09758585-India-Scopus).– 2016. – №7(4). – Р. 2382-2390.
  10. Nasiyev B., Tlepov A., Zhanatalapov N., Bekkaliev A., Yeleshev R.Studing agrophytocenoses of sudan grass in the dry steppe zone of West Kazakhstan //Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc. Vol. 20(2): 2018: 594-600
    © Global Science Publications. ISSN-0972-3005. IF 0.07
  11. B. Nasyiev., N. Zhanatalapov, A. Bushnev. The influence of seeding time on growth development and productivity of sunflower in the dry steppe area // EEC-EM — Ecology, Environment and Conservation (0971765X-India-Scopus), 2018, 24(4), 703411: 1617-1623© Global Science Publications. ISSN-0971-765Х. IF 0.11, База Scopus
  12. Nasiyev B., Zhanatalapov N, Yessenguzhina A, Yeleshev R.The use of sudan grass for the production of green fodder, hay and haylage in Western Kazakhstan // Ecology, Environment and Conservation (0971765X-India-Scopus) 25 (2): 2019; pp. (295-302) Copyright@ EM International ISSN 0971-765X
  13. Nasiyev В., Bekkaliyev A.K., Zhanatalapov N.Zh., Shibaikin B.,Yeleshev R.Changes in the physicochemical parameters of chestnut soils in Western Kazakhstan under the influence of the grazing technologies // Periódico Tchê Química. ISSN 2179-0302. (2020); vol.17 (n35) PP.192-202. http://deboni.he.com.br/Periodico35.pdfScopusПроцентиль 72
  14. Nasiev B., Zhanatalapov N., Shibaikin V., Yancheva Hr. Adaptation of elements of Sudan grass cultivation to the conditions of dry-steppe zone // Turkish Journal of Field Crops. – 2020. – 25(1). – PP.57-65. URLhttp://www.field-crops.org/assets/pdf/product5ed12e1859e4d.pdfDOI: 10.17557/tjfc.743681 ScopusПроцентиль 49
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