Beishova, A. Nametov, A. Shamshidin, A. Belaya, T. Ulyanova, A. Kovalchuk, I. Tegza, B. Traisov, Y. Yuldashbaev, A. Akhmetaliyeva, A. Abylgazinova, R. Beishov and Y. Batyrgaliyev. Effectiveness of the Use of Genetic Markers of Meat Productivity in the Kazakh White-Headed Breed Identified Using Genome-Wide Association Study /OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 2024, 24 (4): 624.632 /Scopus/
Nassambayev E. Akhmetalieva A.B., Nugmanova A.E., Batyrgaliyev Y.A., Kulbaev R. Yeerlan Xieermaola. Productivity of the aberdeen-angus breed bred in different regions of the republic of Kazakhstan / Ғylym zhәne Bіlіm. – 2024. – № 1 (74), № S. 26-33 /Article/
Evrazijskoe patent na izobreteniya № 042083. Vitaminno-mineral’nyj premiks dlya molochnyh korov / Abugaliev S.K, Alimhanov E.M, BatyrgaliyevY.A, Kadrgalieva. Data vydachi pat: 11.01.2023 Dejstvitelen: c 15.04.2022 po 14.04.2027 /Patent/
A. Shamshidin, A. Kharzhau, D. Gabdullin, Y. Batyrgaliyev, R. Kulbayev and A. Zholdasbekov. Development of feeding and reproduction technology in dairy cattle breeding based on the use of digital technologies / Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2023, vol. 83, e276748 /Scopus/
Nassambayev E., Akhmetalieva A.B., Batyrgaliyev Y.A., Nugmanova A.E., Kulbaev. Rroductivity indicators of young cattle in the Western region / Ғylym zhәne Bіlіm. – 2023. – № 3-4 (73), № S. 41-50 /Article/
Nugmanova A.E., Mahimova ZH.N., Sengaliev E.M., Batyrgaliyev Y.A. Sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya utkovodstva v Zapadno –Kazahstanskoj oblasti /Ғylym zhәne Bіlіm. – 2023. – № 2- (72), № S. 322-333 /Article/
Kharzhau A., Batyrgaliyev Y.A, Bogolyubova N. V. Features of feeding dairy cows of cattle / Ғylym zhәne Bіlіm. – 2023. – № 2-3 (71), № S. 44-52 /Article/
SHamshidin A.S, Harzhau A, Batyrgaliyev Y.A, Batanov S.D, Starostina O.S. Osobennosti rosta i razvitiya telok v molochnyh hozyajstvah Zapadnogo Kazahstana / Izvestiya Kabardino-Balkarskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta im. V. M. Kokova. – №2 (40), 2023. S.56-66 /Article/
Nasambaev E.G., Ahmetalieva A.B., Nugmanova A.E, Batyrgaliyev Y.A., Kulbaev R.M., Tret’yakova R.F., Amerhanov H.A., Dunin I.M. Rost i razvitie molodnyaka auliekol’skoj porody / ZHivotnovodstvo i kormoproizvodstvo. 2023. T. 106, № 4. S. 80-90 /Article/
Nametov A, M, Beishova I, SBelaya A, V, Ulyanova T, V, Kovalchuk A, M, Nassambayev Ye, Abylgazinova A, T, Murzabayev K, E, Y.A. Batyrgaliyev, Dushayeva L, Zh, Ginayatov N, S. Determination of Diplotypes Associated with Meat Productivity in Cattle Breeds Common in the Territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan /OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences//.- 2022, 22 (3): Page 287.298, /Scopus/
Nassambayev E., Akhmetalieva A.B., Batyrgaliyev Y.A Kulbaev R. Scientific and economic justification of methods for improving angus cattle / Ғylym zhәne Bіlіm. – 2022. – № 4-3 (69), № S. 91-99 /Article/
Batyrgaliyev Y.A. Kharzhau A., Shamshidin A.S., Zholdasbekov A.K. The effect of live weight of cows on their milk productivity / Ғylym zhәne Bіlіm. – 2022. – № 3-2 (68). S. 10-17 /Article/
Nassambayev E., Akhmetalieva A.B., Nugmanova A.E, Ye.A. Batyrgaliyev. Breeding and productivity indicators of the kazakh white-headed breed /Ғylym zhәne Bіlіm//. – 2022. – № 2-2 (67), № S. 21-27 /Article/
Nasambaev E.G, Ahmetalieva A.B, Batyrgaliyev Y.A Esengalieva S.M. Rekomendacii po vnedreniyu i ispol’zovaniyu novyh tekhnologij i oborudovaniya v myasnom skotovodstve i ih ekonomicheskoe obosnovanie, NAO «ZKATU imeni ZHangir hana», Ural’sk, 2020, 42 s, ISBN 978-601-319-265-9/Methodological recommendations/
Nasambaev E.G., Ahmetalieva A.B., Batyrgaliyev Y.A. Nugmanova A.E,Iklasova K. Myasnaya produktivnost’ bychkov pri skarmlivanii kormovoj dobavki I-Sak / Materialy XXV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii Rossijskaya akademiya menedzhmenta v zhivotnovodstve «Povyshenie konkurentosposobnosti zhivotnovodstva i zadachi kadrovogo obespecheniya». – g.o. Podol’sk, pos. Bykovo, 2019- S. 253-259. /Article/
Batyrgaliyev Y.A B. U. Bektasov. Rekomendacii po avtomatizacii tekhnologicheskih processov v zhivotnovodstve, NAO «ZKATU imeni ZHangir hana», Ural’sk, 2019, 29 s, ISBN 978-601-319-184 /Methodological recommendations/
Nasambaev E, Gubashev N.M, Absairov G.G, Ahmetalieva A.B, Batyrgaliyev Y.A, Esengalieva S.M, Bulekov T.A, Nugmanova A.E. Rekomendacii po ispol’zovaniyu novyh tekhnologij i oborodovaniya v myasnom skotovodstve, NAO «ZKATU imeni ZHangir hana», Ural’sk, 2019, 63 s, ISBN 978-601-319-185-0/Methodological recommendations/
Nikolaev S.I., Nassambayev Y., Akhmetalieva A.B, Y.A. Batyrgaliyev, Schekhranova S.V. The level of feed digestibility and the productivity indices of bulls fed on leguminous crops / Ecology, Environment and Conservation//.- Vol 24, Issue 4. – 2018; Page No. (1989-1994). ISSN: 0971-765X /Scopus/
Nikolaev S.I. CHekhranova S.V., Batyrgaliyev Y.A, Struk N.V. Ispol’zovanie nuta v kormlenii remontnyh bychkov /. Izvestiya Nizhnevolzhskogo agrarnogo kompleksa: nauka i vysshoe professional’noe obrazovanie //. – № 2. (50)- 2018. – S. 199-207 /Article/
53. Tulebaev B T, Batyrgaliyev Y.A, Gumarov M.H, Nurzhanova F.H GP 1050 gibrid megezhіnderі қanynyң morfologiyalyқ, biohimiyalyқ zhәne gemotologiyalyқ kөrsetkіshterі / «Evrazijskaya integraciya: rol’ nauki i obrazovaniya v realizacii innovacionnyh programm» Mat. Mezhd. nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencij. 1 ch. g. Ural’sk, ZKATU imeni ZHangir hana. – 2012. – S.164-169 /Article/
Professional development
2013-2015 – Participation in the implementation of the 019 budget project for the West Kazakhstan Region and Kyzylorda regions;
November 2013 – Advanced training at the Moscow State Agricultural Academy-RGAU named after K.A. Timiryazev, Moscow, Russian Federation;
June 2014 – Advanced training on the topic “Transplantation of farm animals” in JSC “Head Center for reproduction of farm animals”, Moscow region, Podolsk, Bykovo village, Russian Federation;
July 2014 – certificate in the course “Transplantation of cattle embryos, certificate No. 223-K-14. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. KazAgroFinance JSC. Kostanay Scientific Research Institute. CRH “Kostanay”. Kostanay;
June 2015 – certificate in the course “Organization, assessment of the breeding value of cattle (bonuses)”, certificate No. 171-K-15. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kostanay Scientific Research Institute. CRH “Kostanay”. Kostanay;
May 2018 – Advanced training on the topic “Application of digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex” at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “ATAMEKEN, Uralsk;
April 2019 – Advanced training on the topic “Modern breeding and technological aspects of increasing cattle productivity” at NCE RK “ATAMEKEN, Nur-Sultan;
2019 May – Advanced training on the topic “Breeding work and the use of technology in beef cattle breeding” at NCE RK “ATAMEKEN, Nur Sultan;
February 2019 – Advanced training on the topic “Introduction to the index assessment of the value of dairy cattle using the BLUP method” at the Scientific and Production Center of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine LLP and VEREINIGTE INFORMATIONS SYSTEMS tierhalting W.V (Germany), Uralsk;
March 2019 – Advanced training on the topic “Calculation of indices of breeding value of EPD by BLUP method” in LLP “Scientific and Production Center of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine” and NEOGEN (USA), Nur Sultan;
November 2020 – Advanced training on the topic “Innovative technologies for the production of livestock products. Technique and technology of meat and meat products” at the Almaty Technological University. Almaty city;
December 2020 – Advanced training on the topic “Technology of feeding farm animals and feed composition” at the South Ural State Agrarian University, Troitsk, Russian Federation;
2019 September – General requirements for laboratory competence according to ST RK ISO/IEC 17025-2018. Internal verifications of the laboratory of the ZKF JSC “National Center for Expertise and Certification” of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
February 2020 – General requirements for laboratory competence according to ST RK ISO/IEC 17025-2018. Internal audit of the laboratory of the ZKF JSC “National Center for Expertise and Certification” of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
August 2020 – Training and advanced training of employees in the field of technical regulation, metrology and management systems”, National Standardization Body Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology, Uralsk;
2018-2020 – project of Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the scientific and technical program “Improving the effectiveness of breeding methods in cattle breeding”;
2018-2020 – project of Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the scientific and technical program “Introduction of new highly efficient technologies with the creation of a model farm in beef cattle breeding”;
2018-2020 – the project of Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the scientific and technical program “Development of intensive technologies in livestock industries” concluded with the Kazakh Institute of Feed Production and Animal Husbandry for 2018-2020;
2021-2023 – a project of program-targeted financing for scientific, scientific and technical programs for 2021-2023 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Development of technologies for maintenance, feeding, cultivation and reproduction in dairy cattle breeding based on the use of adapted resource-saving and digital technologies for various natural and climatic zones of Kazakhstan” concluded with the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin on 2021-2023;
2021-2023 – project of program-targeted financing for scientific, scientific and technical programs for 2021-2023 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan BR10764981 “Development of technologies for effective management of the breeding process for the conservation and improvement of genetic resources in beef cattle breeding”.
2023- present – project on grant financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No.AR19579335 “Technological justification for the intensification of production of waterfowl meat in Western-Kazakhstan region” for 2023-2025;
2024- present – the project of program-targeted financing for scientific, scientific and technical programs for 2024-2026 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Management, conservation and rational use of genetic resources of dairy cattle through selection, technological and molecular genetic methods”
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51