Ulyanov Vadim
Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, PhD

Scientific publications:

In total, more than 60 scientific papers have been published: 3 monographs, 1 teaching guide, 1 article in the Web of Science database, 7 articles in the Scopus database, 11 articles in scientific periodicals of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 11 articles in publications included in the RSCI database, 5 articles of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, 17 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility models. The Hirsch index according to the Scopus database is 1, according to the RSCI database – 1.

1. Studying aborigine strains of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms from northern and western Kazakhstan for biodestructor preparation / S. Kokanov, I. Beyshova, G. Yunussova, V. Ulyanov, A. Kalbayeva // Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper. – 2017. – V.23. – № 2. – P.1134-1140 процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus 24

2. “Features of Holstein Cattle Bred in Kazakhstan by the Polymorphic Genes of the Somatotropin Cascade”/ Beishova I.S., Ulyanov V. A., Shaikamal G., Papusha N., Belaya E.V. // Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences. – Volume 7, Special Issue 1. – Page 60-65, October 15, 2019. DOI 10.17582/journal.aavs/2019/7.s1.60.65 процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus 31

3. “Productive longevity of cows depending on the genotype of the growth Hormone Gene” / Shaikamal G., Papusha N., Musaeva G., Kazhiyakbarova A., Beishova I., Belaya A., Ulyanov V., Ulyanova T. // Eco. Env. & Cons.- 2020. – V. 26 (4) – P.447-451. процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus 11

4. “Assessment of the state of gene pools of the North Kazakhstan populations of Adonis wolgensis Stev. based on polymorphism of ISSR markers” / Beyshova I.S., Sultangazina G., Ulyanov V.A., Beyshov R.S. // Annals of Agri Bio Research – 2019 – Vol.2(24) – P. 160-164 процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus 14

5. “Молекулярно-генетический анализ редкого вида растений Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. Cеверного Казахстана” / Пинаева Ю.Ю., Бельтюкова Н.Н., Пришнивская Я.В., Султангазина Г., Бейшова И.С., Ульянов В.А., Бейшов Р.С. // Бюллетень науки и практики – 2020 – № 5 (54) – с. 29-37. Импакт-фактор РИНЦ 0,291

6. Genetic State of Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. coenopopulations based on dna labeling / Beyshov R.S., Sultangazina G., Beyshova I.S., Ulyanov V.A., Beltyukova N.N. // OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences – 2021 – V.21 (1) – P.161-171. процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus 43, DOI: 10.3844/ojbsci.2021.161.171

7. Preferred and undesirable genotypes of bGH and bIGF-1 genes for the milk yield and quality of black-and-white breed / Ulyanov, V.A., Kubekova, B.Z., Beishova, I.S., Belaya, A.V., Papusha, N.V. // Veterinary World, 2021, 14(5), стр. 1202–1209 процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus 79 DOI 10.14202/vetworld.2021.1202-1209

8. Identification of phytopathogenic bacteria of genus pseudomonas using the real-time PCR method Beishova, I.S., Kovalchuk, A.M., Poddudinskaya, T.V., Ulyanov, V.A., Alikhanov, K.D. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2019, 25(4), стр. 175–180, 24 процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus 11

Participation in scientific projects:

In 2015-2017 participated in six research projects of Grant financing for 2015-2017 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1. Responsible performer of the project “Development of highly specific and sensitive express tests based on DNA markers for diagnostics of economically significant fungi-pathogens of cereal crops” (No. 0115RK01589);

2. Researcher of the project “Screening for the carriage of mutations that determine the development of hereditary diseases and the development of genetic markers to identify the meat productivity of domestic breeding cattle” (No. 0115RK01596);

3. Senior researcher of the project “Development of highly specific and sensitive rapid tests based on DNA markers for the diagnosis of fusarium disease in cereals” (No. 0115RK01591);

4. Senior researcher of the project “Development of a domestic test system based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in real time for identification of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains” (No. 0115PK01588);

5. Senior Researcher of the project “Creation of a domestic test system based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) for express diagnostics of clostridiosis in animals and identification of Clostridium septicum strains in animal products and in environmental objects” (No. 0115RK01594);

6. Senior Researcher of the project “Study of a consortium of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms in the Northern region of Kazakhstan with the determination of genetic characteristics and the creation of a biodestructor drug on their basis” (No. 0115RK01597);

7. Junior researcher of the project “Systems for the reduction of pollution by mycotoxins and pesticides as part of an integrated method of protecting grain crops in the agricultural zone of Northern Kazakhstan” (No. 0115RK01590).

In 2018-2020 participated in two scientific projects of Grant financing for 2018-2020 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1. Responsible performer of the project “Molecular genetic analysis of gene pools of populations of rare plant species in Northern Kazakhstan” (No. 0118RK00404);

2. Researcher of the project “Development and implementation of a comprehensive program for increasing the productive longevity of high-yielding domestic breeding cows” (No. 0118RK00398);

The executor of the project for the implementation of the targeted financing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020 in the specialized scientific direction “Development of intensive animal husbandry”:

1. Researcher of the scientific and technical program No. BR06249373 “Increasing the efficiency of breeding methods in cattle breeding”, the task “Conducting a selective analysis of the reliability of the origin of young animals obtained from artificial insemination”.

2020 – present

Researcher of the grant financing project for young scientists for 2020-2022 “MES RK:” Development of a system for assessing resistance / susceptibility to bacterial infections by polymorphisms of innate immunity genes in Holstein cattle “(No. 0120RK00042).

2021 – present:

1. Researcher of the scientific and technical program of the targeted financing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023. “Development of technologies for effective management of the breeding process and conservation of the gene pool in horse breeding” (No. 0121RK00789);

2. Researcher of the scientific and technical program of the targeted financing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023. “Development of technologies for effective management of the breeding process of conservation and improvement of genetic resources in beef cattle breeding” (No. 0121RK00759);

3. Senior researcher of the scientific and technical program of the targeted financing Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023. No. BR10264236 “Scientific and technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new fish farming facilities”

2022 present:

1. Responsible executor of the project of grant funding for scientific research of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan AR14870980 “Studying the specific features of the genetic structure of sturgeons and their hybrids grown in recirculating water supply installations”;

2. Senior researcher of the project of grant funding for scientific research of the Science Committee of the Ministry of National Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP14870614 “Genetic marking of the productive qualities of the Kazakh horse of the Jabe type based on SNP genotyping with a wide genome coverage”

Advanced training:

  • The institute of bioorganic chemistry named after academicians M.M.Shemyakin and Y.A.Ovchinnikov RAS (Moscow),
  • Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences (Minsk),
  • JSC «Sintol» (Moscow),
  • Varminsk-Mazury University (Olsztyn, Poland),
  • National Centre for Biotechnology (Nur-Sultan),
  • Perm State National Research University (Perm),
  • ODO «Primtekh» (Minsk).
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:zapkazatu@wkau.kz
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