Ulyanova Tatyana
Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, PhD

Scientific publications:

1. Genetic structure and genome-wide association study of the traditional Kazakh horses / Pozharskiy A., Abdrakhmanova A., Beishova I.,Shamshidin A., Nametov A., Ulyanova T., Bekova G., Kikebayev N., Kovalchuk A., Ulyanov V., Turabayev A., Khusnitdinova M., Zhambakin K., Sapakhova Z., Shamekova M., Gritsenko D. // Animal. – 2023. – V.17(9). – P.100926-1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.animal.2023.100926. Web of Science – Q1. Scopus percentile – 95.

2. Marking of Genetic Resistance to Chlamydia, Brucellosis and Mastitis in Holstein Cows by Using Polymorphic Variants of LTF, MBL1 and TLR9 Genes / Beishova I., Nurgaliyev B., Belaya A., Chuzhebayeva G., Ulyanova T.V., Ulyanov V., Kovalchuk A., Dushayeva L., Murzabayev K., Taipova A., Zholdasbekova A., Isabaev A. // American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. – 2023. – V. 18 (2). – Р. 89-97. https://doi.org/10.3844/ajavsp.2023.89.97. Scopus percentile – 40.

3. Genetic polymorphism of prolactin and nitric oxide synthase in Holstein cattle / Beishova I.S., Belaya A.V., Yuldashbayev Y.A., Chuzhebayeva G.D., Ulyanov V.A., Ulyanova T.V., Kovalchuk A.M., Kuzhebayeva U.Z., Namet A.M. // Veterinary World. – 2023. – V. 16(1). – P. 161-167. www.doi.org/10.14202/vetworld.2023.161-167 Web of Science – Q2. Scopus percentile – 80.

4. The frequency of somatotropic cascade polymorphic genes appearance and the meatiness and health of Auliekol and Kazakh white-headed cattle / Miciński B., Nametov A., Beishova I., Belaya A., Chuzhebaeva G., Poddudinskaya T. (Ulyanova T.), Alikhanov K. // Veterinarski Arhiv. – 2022. – V. 92(5).  P. 549–558. https://doi.org/10.24099/vet.arhiv.1419 Web of Science – Q4. Scopus percentile – 28.

5.    Determination of Diplotypes Associated with Meat Productivity in Cattle Breeds Common in the Territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Nametov A.M., Beishova I.S., Belaya A.V., Ulyanova T.V., Kovalchuk A.M., Nassambayev Y., Abylgazinova A.T., Batyrgaliev Y.A., Murzabayev K.E., Dushayeva L.Zh., Ginayatov N.S. // OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences. – 2022. – V.22(3). – P. 287-298.  https://doi.org/10.3844/ojbsci.2022.287.298. Scopus percentile – 41. 

6. Marking of Meat Productivity Features in Pairs of bGH, bGHR and bIGF-1 Polymorphic Genes in Aberdeen-Angus Cattle / Beishova I.S., Dushayeva L.Zh., Nametov A.M., Belaya A.V., Ulyanova T.V., Kovalchuk A.M., Tagirov Kh.Kh., Yuldashbayev Yu.A. // OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences. – 2021. – V. 21(2). – P. 334-345. https://doi.org/10.3844/ojbsci.2021.334.345 Процентиль Scopus – 41. 

7. Analysis of the Genetic Structure of the Hereford Population Bred in Kazakhstan / Beishova I.S., Nametov A.M., Kovalchuk A.M., Belaya E.V., Poddudinskaya T. (Ulyanova T.) // Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences. – 2019. – V. 7(1). – Р. 71-77. https://doi.org/10.17582/journal.aavs/2019/7.s1.71.77. Scopus percentile – 43.


1. Senior researcher of the project of the GF MSHE RK № AP05131312 «Complex genetic marking of meat productivity in cattle of Hereford and Angus breeds of Kazakhstan selection for genes that regulate growth rates», 2018-2020;

2. Researcher of the project of the GF MSHE RK № АР05135046 «Development and implementation of a comprehensive program to improve productive longevity of high yielding cows of local selection», 2018-2020;

3. Researcher of the scientific and technical program of the PTF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan № BR06249373 «Improving the efficiency of breeding methods in cattle breeding», the task «Conducting a selective analysis of the reliability of the origin of young animals obtained from artificial insemination», 2018-2020;

4. Researcher of the project of the young scientists of the GF MSHE RK № AP08052960 «Specific QTL-marking of meat productivity of cattle from Auliekol and Kazakh white-headed breeds based on genome-wide SNP-chipping», 2020-2022;

5. Senior researcher of the scientific and technical program of the PTF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan № BR10764999 «Development of technologies for effective management of the horse breeding process and genetic conservation», 2021;

6. Researcher of the scientific and technical program of the PTF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan № BR10764981 «Development of technologies for effective management of the selection process of preserving and improving genetic resources in the beef cattle breeding», 2021-2023;

7. Head of the project of the GF MSHE RK № AP19680057 «Study of economically useful traits and characteristics of the gene pool of cattle of the Kazakh white-headed breed by resequencing and transcriptomic analysis», 2023-present;

8. Responsible executor of the project of the GF MSHE RK № АР14870614 «Genetic marking of productive traits of the Kazakh horse of the Dzhabe type based on genome wide coverage SNP genotyping», 2022-present;

9. Leading researcher of the project of the young scientists of the GF MSHE RK № AP19577616 «Study of breed-specific traits in domestic horse breeds by resequencing and transcriptomic analysis», 2023-present;

10. Senior researcher of the project of the young scientists of the GF MSHE RK № AP19577569 «Molecular genetic analysis of the gene pool of Kazakh populations of Saiga tatarica tatarica based on whole genome SNP genotyping», 2023-present;

11. Researcher of the project of the GF MSHE RK № АР14870980 «Study of the specific features of the genetic structure of sturgeon fish and their hybrids grown in closed water supply installations», 2022-present.

Professional development:

  • Scientific internship at the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Breeding of Farm Animals on the topic «Development of genetic markers to identify economically useful traits of farm animals based on molecular genetic studies», St. Petersburg;
  • Internship on the topic «Genetic marking of the productivity of pedigree cattle of beef breeds by genes of the somatotropin cascade», Minsk;
  • Training on teaching to work on devices Genetic analyzer 8 capillary, model 3500, Thermo Fisher Scientific; Amplifier Proflex with thermoblock for 3×32 wells and 96 wells, Thermo Fisher Scientific; QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System 96-well x 0.2 ml, Uralsk;
  • «Laboratory diagnostics COVID-19 by PCR method» Laboratory for molecular genetic research, Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov, Kostanay;
  • «Genetic marking of the productivity of pedigree cattle of beef breeds by genes of the somatotropin cascade», Uralsk;
  • Training on the acceleration of scientific projects, (Almau School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in cooperation with JSC «Science Foundation»);
  • Seminar on the topic «Digital PCR technology from Qiagen»;
  • Seminar on the topic «General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories according to GOST ISO/IEC 17025:2019. Internal audit of the laboratory according to ST RK ISO 19011-2019. Estimation of measurement uncertainty», Uralsk;
  • Seminar on «Advanced solutions in the field of animal diagnostics and agrigenomics from Thermo Fisher Scientific», 07.11.2023;
  • Business incubation program “West startup Incubator” of Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:[email protected]
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