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2.Gumarova A. K., Abylgazinova A. T., Koishieva Zh. Zh. / / Development of recipes and research of safety parameters of fresh milk curd dessert of therapeutic and functional orientation / / bulletin of Dulaty University-2021, Taraz No. 1, – pp. 34-40
3.Koishieva Zh. Zh. //Limiting critical control points in the process of the 9% cottage cheese HACCP system in the production of «Bereke» LLP / / Zhangir Khan WKATU-2021 y., – 136-142 pp.
4.Orazov A. Zh., Abylgazinova A. T., Koishieva Zh. Zh., Zhalgasbayeva M. T. //Development and research of quality indicators of nachos technology from unconventional raw materials // Bulletin of Almaty Technological University. – 2023 y. Almaty- 1. – pp. 144-151
5.Abylgazinova A. T., Orazov A. Zh., Zhumagalieva A. S., Koishieva Zh. Zh. / / Development of a planfor primary processingand meat in the agro-industrial complex “Shamshyrak” // Bulletin of Shakarim University. Semey-2024, No. 2 (14) – pp. 113-121