Zhumagalieva Guldari
Senior lecturer, master


Author of more than 30 scientific and educational works.

1. A.R. Mahsotova, F.B. Zakirova. The effectiveness of pulmosan in the treatment of calf bronchopneumonia // Science and youth in the modern world Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference of students and undergraduates dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate and the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War Part I.- Uralsk, 2015.-296-299

2. G. Hanguzhina, S.А. Alimbekov, K.E. Murzabaev. Factors of spread of calf colibacillosis (Escherichia coli) in the economy // Science and education. – 2015.- №1 (38) .- 62-65p.

3. Sadenov MM Identification of stress factors affecting quail // Science and Education. – 2015.- №2 (39) .- 57-60p.

4. Dushaeva L.Zh. Electronogram of tissues in cattle organs unsuccessful for tuberculosis // Kostanay State University named after Akhmet Baitursynov Multidisciplinary scientific journal. – Kostanay. – 2015.- №3 (27) .- 19-22p.

5. Zakirova F.B. Efficacy of pulmosan and tylosin 200 in the treatment of calf bronchopneumonia / Science and education. – 2015.- №2 (39) .- 39-42p.

6. Sadenov M.M. Protection from stress factors affecting quail // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Science and education in the XXI century: experience and future” dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People of Kazakhstan Part II.- Uralsk, 2015.-184-187 (20- November 21)

7. Murzashev T.K. Methods of studying the parasites of fish // International scientific-practical conference “Kazakhstan – the nation of the future”. – Uralsk, 2016.- April 29-30

8. R.I. Disikov, L.Zh. Dushaeva.The influence of BCG vaccine to the calvess’s skin after administration // Bulletin of Science of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University.- 2016.- №2 (89.-P. 45 -52)

9. D.E. Gabdullin, E.K. Karimova. Methods for assessing small horned black psoroptosis // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “NEW IDEAS AND SOLUTIONS IN THE FIELD OF FOOD SECURITY” Scientific Center for Radioecological Research, Shakarim State University, Semey (March 10, 2017. Part 54-54). ).

10. Sadenov MM Etiological factors of nodular dermatitis in cattle and the results of modern drugs // Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2018: CENTRAL ASIA” (Volume II) .- Astana, 2018. – 464-468p.

11. Diagnosis of leukemia in cattle by ELISA and PCR Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2018: CENTRAL ASIA” (Vol. I) .- Astana, 2018. – pp. 425-428.

12. Kereev A.K. Etiology of detention of the placenta in sheep (Etiology of postpartum retention in sheep) // World science: Problems and innovations ХХІХ международной научно-практической конферции.- г.Пенза, 2019 (февраля 28) .- 258-260 с.

13. Eleugalieva N.Zh. Extraction of rhubarb extract and determination of phytotherapeutic properties // Proceedings of the VI International scientific-practical conference “GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019: CENTRAL ASIA” (Volume IV) .- Astana, 2019. – pp. 29-33.

14. Eleugalieva N.Zh. Morphometric characteristics of legumes growing in the western region // Proceedings of the VI International scientific-practical conference “GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019: CENTRAL ASIA” (Volume IV) .- Astana, 2019. – pp. 308-312.

15. Diagnosis of tuberculosis in animals by PCR // Proceedings of the V International scientific-practical conference “SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN WORLD: CHALLENGES OF THE XXI CENTURY”. – Nur-Sultan, 2019. – pp. 131-135.

16. Diagnosis of leukemia in cattle // Proceedings of the VI International scientific-practical conference “IX GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2020: CENTRAL ASIA”. – Astana, 2020. – pp. 22-24.

Teaching aids:

17. Sadenov M.M. Textbook “Physiology of fish, dogs, cats, ornamental birds” for students majoring in 5B120100 – “Veterinary Medicine”, – Uralsk, 2015.

18. Sadenov M.M. Physiology of fish, dogs, cats and deorative birds. Textbook for students of specialization 5B120100 – Veterinary Medicine, -Uralsk, 2015.

19. Eleugalieva N.Zh. Methodical instructions for independent work on the subject of animal physiology. – Uralsk, 2015

20. Sadenov M.M. Methodical instructions on independent work on the subject of physiology of dogs and cats, – Uralsk, 2016.

21. Eleugalieva N.Zh. Methodical instructions on independent work on the subject of animal biochemistry, -Uralsk, 2016. Sadenov M.M., Eleugalieva N.Zh. Electronic textbook on animal physiology, Uralsk, 2016.

22. Sadenov M.M., Eleugalieva N.Zh. Electronic textbook on animal physiology, -Uralsk, 2016.

090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:zapkazatu@wkau.kz
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