Zholdasbekov Adilbek
Teacher, master's degree


  • Kakishev MG, Determination of the microbial etiology of purulent-catarrhal endometritis at Agrofirm Akas LLP using the PCR method / M.G. Kakishev, N.S. Ginayatov, D.E. Gabdullin, A.K. Zholdasbekov, M.Kh. Muldagaliev, A.N. Zhubantayev // Materials of the international. scientific-practical conf. “Scientific basis for increasing the productivity and health of farm animals”, Krasnodar, 2019. – T. 8, – No. 1, – P.108-113.
  • Nametov AM, The effectiveness of methods for determining the pregnancy of cows in the early stages of development in beef cattle / A.M. Nametov. E.U. Baytlesov. N.S. Ginayatov. A.K. Zholdasbekov // Science and Education, – Uralsk: RIO ZKATU im. Zhangir Khan, 2019 .– No. 4 (57). – S. 147-152.
  • Dzhulanov MN, Comparative evaluation of treatment regimens for purulent – catarrhal endometritis in cows of black-motley breeds on the farm of WKO. Dzhulanov M.N., Kakishev M.G., Gabdullin D.E., Zholdasbekov A.K.
  • Determination of effective methods of treatment of gynecological pathology in cows of Agrofirm Akas LLP and farm Shkanov Kushaliev K.Zh., Kakishev M.G., Zholdasbekov A.K., Gabdullin D.E.
  • Development of scientific and methodological foundations for the use of latches and splits for veterinary events (recommendation).
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:zapkazatu@wkau.kz
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