Smagulov Darkhan
Acting docent, PhD
Institute of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry


  • Smagulov D.B. Introduction of elements of automation and digitalization of technological processes in sheep breeding.// Mat. interd. Forum of young scientists “Burabay Forum” – Cross-border cooperation of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana. – Burabay, 2018.– pp. 229-232
  • Traisov B.B., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Smagulov D.B., Davletova A.M., Chylbak-ool S.O. Edilbai sheep of different genotypes of Western Kazakhstan.// J. “Sheep, goats, wool business”. – Moscow: RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev, 2018.– No. 1.– pp. 17-19.
  • Uryngaliev S.N., Karazhanov A.Zh., Traisov B.B., Smagulov D.B., Bub’baeva A.U., Esengaliev K.G. Dynamics of variability of weight growth of young Akzhaik meat-wool breed of sheep.// Mat. inter. scientific-practical conf.: “The role of young scientists in solving urgent problems of agro-food sectors”. – St. Petersburg: SPbGAU, 2018. – pp. 142-146.
  • Esengaliev K.G., Smagulov D.B., Zhumabayeva K.K. Comparative characteristics slaughter indicators of different crossbred sheep genotypes.// J. «Science and Education». – Uralsk: WKAU named Zhangir khan, 2018.– №1 (50).– P. 34-37.
  • Traisov B.B., Esengaliev K.G., Smagulov D.B. Feeding and its influence on the slaughter qualities of sheep of Akzhaik meat-wool sheep.// Sb. tr. international scientific and practical conference: “Modern problems of zootechny”, posv. in memory of Professor Muslimov B.M. – Kustanai: A. Baitursynov KSU, 2018. – pp. 291-295.
  • Esengaliev K.G., Smagulov D.B., Zhumabayeva K.K., Sukhankulova L.B. AKEZH x SK zhane AKEZH x KB genotyptegi crossbred kozylaryn soys korsetkishterin salystyrmaly sipattamasy.// Sb. tr. inter. scientific-practical conf.: “Modern problems of zootechny”, posv. in memory of Professor Muslimov B.M. – Kustanai: A. Baitursynov KSU, 2018.– pp. 373-376.
  • Traisov B.B., Smagulov D.B., Karazhanov A.Zh., Uryngaliev S.N. Hereditary conditionality of productivity of Akzhaik meat-wool sheep.// Sb. tr. international scientific and practical conference: “Modern problems of zootechny”, posv. in memory of Professor Muslimov B.M. – Kustanai: A. Baitursynov KSU, 2018.– pp. 477-479.
  • Davletova A.M., Esengaliev K.G., Smagulov D.B. Meat-fat sheep of the West Kazakhstan region.// Zh. “Science and Education”. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2018.– №3 (52).– Pp. 53-57.
  • Smagulov D.B. The significance of the biological characteristics of sheep in the selection of meat and fat sheep breeding.// J. “Science and Education”. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2018.– №4 (53).– P. 143-150.
  • Traisov B.B., Smagulov D.B., Esengaliev K.G. The reproductive ability of queens and the safety of young crossbred sheep.// Sat. tr. inter. scientific. conf. PPS, pos. 175- the anniversary of the birth of K.A. Timiryazev. – Moscow: Agrouniversitet, 2018.
  • Davletova A.M., Traisov B.B., Smagulov D.B., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Kosilov V.I. Growth and development of young sheep of the Edilbai breed.// Zh. “Izvestia OGAU”. – Orenburg, 2018.– №6 (74).– 251-253.
  • Smagulov D.B., Tulebaev B., Atauov A.J. The productive and biological potential of Romanov sheep deserves attention for sheep breeding in Western Kazakhstan.// Sb. tr. international scientific and practical conference: “Breeding and technological aspects of intensification of sheep and goat production”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Erokhin A.I. – Moscow: RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev, 2019.– pp. 61-66.
  • Tulebaev B., Smagulov D.B. Koylardyn kobeyu kabilettiligi men onimdiligin arttyru.// Zh. “Gylym zhane Bilim”. – Oral: Zhangir Khan atyndagy BKATU, 2019.– №1 (54).– B. 166-173.
  • Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Traisov B.B., Yesengaliev K.G., Smagulov D.B., Kurmanaliev E.K., Kertieva N.M., Yesenalieva Zh., Nurgalieva M.A., Kaledin A.P., Abududzyaba Z. Productivity of Akzhaik meat-wool sheep and their crossbreeds obtained from sheep producers of North Caucasian and Kuibyshev breeds.// J. “Agrarian Science”. – Moscow, 2019. – No. 2.– pp. 36-38.
  • Traisov B.B., Smagulov D.B., Kosilov V.I., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Kubatbekov T.S. Productivity of meat-wool sheep of different genotypes in Western Kazakhstan.// Zh. “Izvestia OGAU”. – Orenburg, 2019.– №4 (78).– Pp. 230-232.
  • Traisov B.B., Smagulov D.B., Davletova A.M., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Kubatbekov T.S. Meat productivity of sheep of the Edilbai breed. // Zh. “Izvestia OGAU”. – Orenburg, 2019.– №5 (79).– Pp. 249-252.
  • Ayesheva G.A., Smagulov D.B. Cluster approach of modernization of economic reserves for the development of sheep breeding.// Sb. tr. international scientific and practical conference: “Modern trends in the development of sheep breeding” within the framework of the II Congress of sheep breeders of Kazakhstan. – Almaty: K.U. Medeubekov Sheep Breeding Research Institute, 2019.– pp. 58-68.
  • Smagulov D.B. The level and quality of wool productivity of sheep of the Saryarka breed and their crossbreeds.// Collection of tr. international scientific and practical conference: “Modern trends in the development of sheep breeding” within the framework of the II Congress of sheep breeders of Kazakhstan. – Almaty: K.U. Medeubekov Sheep Breeding Research Institute, 2019.– pp. 292-299.
  • Smagulov D.B., Davletova A.M., Arystanova A.K. The Edilbai breed is a trend of sheep breeding in Western Kazakhstan.// Mat. XXVIII International scientific and practical conference: “Technical sciences: problems and solutions”. – Moscow: Internauka, 2019.– №10 (26).– Pp. 29-32.
  • Smagulov D., Barahov B.B., Alpysbai E. Epizootic situation in the experimental farm «Atameken» Taskala district of the West Kazakhstan region.// XIX International Congress of ISAH. – Poland, Wroclaw: Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, 2019.– P. 67-69.
  • Traisov B.B., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Selionova M.I., Taubaev U.B., Smagulov D.B. Sheep breeding technology. Recommendations for peasant, farm and personal-subsidiary farms. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2019.
  • Traisov B.B., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Davletova A.M., Smagulov D.B. Age-related changes in the body weight of young Edilbai sheep of different genotypes.// Sb. tr. international scientific and practical conference: “Agriculture and food security: technologies, innovations, markets, personnel”, posv. The 100th anniversary of agrarian science, education and enlightenment in the Middle Volga region. – Samara-Kazan, 2019.
  • Smagulov D.B., Tulebayev B., Arystanova A.K., Makhimova J.N. Ultrasound sonography fetal development in during fetogenesis of edilbay ewes different multiplicity gestation.// J. «Science and Education». – Uralsk: WKAU named Zhangir khan, 2020.– №1 (58).– Pp. 19-23.
  • Davletova A.M., Smagulov D.B., Traisov B.B., Tulebaev B., Kubatbekov T.S. Productive qualities of fat-tailed sheep of the West Kazakhstan region.// Zh. “Izvestia OGAU”. – Orenburg, 2020.– №2 (82).– 267-270.
  • Smagulov D.B., Davletova A.M., Shamirbek D.E. Exterior measurements and physique indices of fat-tailed sheep.// Mat. V. International scientific and practical conference: “Resource-saving technologies and technical means for the production of crop and livestock products”. – Penza: MNITS, 2020. – pp. 146-150.
  • Traisov B.B., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Musabaev B.I., Taubaev U.B., Esengaliev K.G., Begembekov K.N., Smagulov D.B. Koi osiru technologiyasi. Sharua kozhalyktary, farmer zhane kosalky sharuashylyktaryna arnalgan usynystar. – Oral: BKATU, 2020.
  • Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Trukhachev V.I., Traisov B.B., Esengaliev K.G., Smagulov D.B., Beishova I.S., Chylbak-ool S.O., Akhmetova A.K. Practical Quide Sheep Breeding. – Saint-Petersburg: Lan, 2020 (textbook for university: special literature).
  • Davletova A.M., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Traisov B.B., Smagulov D.B. Meat productivity of sheep of the Edilbai breed of different factory types.// Zh. “Izvestiya TSKHA”. – Moscow: RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev, 2020.– No. 1.– pp. 122-129.
  • Traisov B.B., Esengaliev K.G., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Traisova T.N., Smagulov D.B., Davletova A.M. Techniques and methods for increasing sheep productivity. Recommendations for peasant, farm and personal-subsidiary farms. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2020.
  • Traisov B.B., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Esengaliev K.G., Smagulov D.B., Kulmakova N.I. Inheritance and relationship of productivity traits in meat-wool sheep of different genotypes.// J. “Chief Zootechnik”. – Moscow: Panorama, 2020.– No. 7.– pp. 9-17.
  • Davletova A.M., Traisov B.B., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Smagulov D.B., Salkhai M. The relationship of some biochemical blood parameters with the productivity of Edilbai sheep of different genotypes.// Mat. LXVIII International scientific and practical conference: “Innovative approaches in modern science”. – Moscow: Internauka, 2020.– №8 (68).– Pp. 49-54.
  • Traisov B.B., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Esengaliev K.G., Smagulov D.B., Traisova T.N., Chylbak-ool S.O., Savchuk S.V. Economic and productive features of meat-wool sheep of Kazakhstan.// Sb. tr. international scientific and practical conference: “Agrarian education and science is in the development of animal husbandry”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Lyubimov A.I. – Izhevsk: GSHA, 2020.– pp. 192-199.
  • Traisov B.B., Esengaliev K.G., Smagulov D.B., Ayesheva G.A., Kurmanaliev E.K. Akzhayyk tukymynyn kozy eti men biyazylau zhunin ondiru technologiyasy. Koi osirumen ainalysatyn sharua kozhalyktaryn mamandary, agrarlyk ZHOO gylym kyzmetkerleri, studentteri, master’s student zhane doctoranttaryna arnalgan usynystar. – Oral: Postman PR, 2020.
  • Davletova A.M., Smagulov D.B., Shamirbek D.E. Intensive feeding of fat-tailed sheep of the model farm “Edilbay” with the use of premixes.// Mat. LXVIII International scientific and practical conference: “Innovative approaches in modern science”. – Moscow: Internauka, 2020.– №16 (76).– Pp. 37-43.
  • Smagulov D.B., Davletova A.M., Alpysbay E., Aitpaeva Z.S. Features of natural and climatic conditions in model sheep farms of the Western region of Kazakhstan.// J. “Science and Education”. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2020.– №3-1 (60).– Pp. 123-128.
  • Smagulov D.B., Okumbekova M.B. Ways to increase the economic efficiency of the sheep industry in the West of Kazakhstan.// Zh. “Science and Education”. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2020.– №3-1 (60).– Pp. 128-133.
  • Aitpaeva Z.S., Tagaev O.O., Smagulov D.B., Davletova A.M. Pasture prevention of intestinal infestations of sheep in the Caspian lowland.// J. “Effective animal husbandry”. – Krasnodar: Institute of Agricultural Development, 2021.– No. 2.– pp. 83-86.
  • Smagulov D.B., Irzhanova D.B. Wool productivity of linear sheep of the Akzhaik breed.// Mat. international scientific and practical conference: “We are the future of Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2021.– pp. 19-22.
  • Smagulov D.B., Davletova A.M., Seitbay M.J. Improvement of meat productivity of fine-wooled sheep of the Volgograd breed by the type of introductory crossing with crossbred sheep producers.// Mat. international scientific and practical conference: “Youth science – a look at the future”. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2021. – pp. 28-31.
  • Smagulov D.B., Davletova A.M., Tazhiev B.M. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the introduction of new technological equipment into sheep production.// Mat. international scientific and practical conference: “Youth science – a look at the future”. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2021. – pp. 31-36.
  • Smagulov D.B., Esengaliev K.G., Davletova A.M., Shamirbek D.E. Intensive feeding of sheep with the use of various preparations and feed additives. Recommendation for sheep farming farms, farms and private farms. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2021.
  • Smagulov D.B., Esengaliev K.G., Aitpaeva Z.S., Davletova A.M. Scientific techniques for improving pastures for organizing seasonal rotation of sheep grazing. Recommendation for sheep farming farms, farms and private farms. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2021.
  • Smagulov D.B., Tagaev O.O., Usenov Zh.T., Esengaliev K.G., Alpysbay E. Effective methods of veterinary treatment of sheep on the basis of model farms. Recommendation for sheep farming farms, farms and private farms. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2021.
  • Smagulov D., Davletova A., Traisov B., Yuldashbaev Y. Allele fund characterization of edilbay sheep by DNA-markers polymorphism.// J. «Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils». – Turkey: Badebio Biotechnololgy, 2021.– Vol. 8 (4).– P. 7723-7732.
  • Aitpayeva Z., Tagayev O., Smagulov D., Sidikhov B., Barakhov B. Veterinary sanitary assessment of mutton after application of antihelminth feed additive with albendazole.// J. «Brazilian Journal of Biology». – Brasil, Saint Charles: International Institute of Ecology, 2022.– Vol. 84 (2024).

Professional development

  • In 2011, he completed a foreign scientific internship at Wageningen University (Holland, the Netherlands) under the program “Modern sheep production technologies” as part of the implementation of the components of the master’s thesis;
  • In 2013, he completed a foreign scientific internship at the University of Lleida (Catalonia, Spain) under the program “The study of phenotypic and genotypic variability breeding traits sheep different directions productivity” as part of the components of his doctoral dissertation;
  • In 2016, he completed a refresher course at the All-Russian Sheep Breeding Research Institute (Stavropol, Russia) under the additional professional program “Breeder-sheep breeder (boniter-classifier of sheep)”;
  • In 2018, he completed a refresher course at the K.U. Medeubekov Sheep Breeding Research Institute (Almaty, RK) on the topic “Methods for determining the quality of homogeneous semitone crossbred sheep wool”;
  • In 2019, he completed a refresher course at the All–Russian State Agrarian University – K.A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Moscow, Russia) on the topic “Innovative development of animal husbandry”.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
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