Abekeshev Nurzhan
Docent, candidate of veterinary sciences

Scientific Project

In the category “development of breeding methods in the field of breeding meat cattle breeding” 2018-2020: “research of breeding problems in the selection of breeding herds and application of modern methods to increase the productivity of calves in the Western region”.


Author of more than 50 scientific and educational works, including the results of research received two certificates of invention (innovation patent for an invention)

1. Innovation patent for the invention № 25002. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 17.11.2011.

2. Innovation patent for the invention № 27830. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 18.12.2013

3. Kaimusheva A.A. Influence of gastrointestinal strongylatoses on sheep wool productivity / Kaimusheva A.A., Abekeshev N.T. // “Science and knowledge”, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk 2015, pp. 81-85.

4. Gubaidullina M.B. Strongylatosis of the gastrointestinal tract add licorice extract to anthelmintics and increase its effectiveness. / Gubaidullina M.B Abekeshev N.T.// “Science and Education”, №1, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk 2017, pages 76-80.

5. Abekeshev N.T. UNT – in a new format / “Ural Voice” Uralsk weekly socio-political newspaper. April 6, 2017 № 13 (1359).

6. Abekeshev N.T., Bisenova M.K. Designed for laboratory work on the subject “Parasitology and Invasive Diseases” for students majoring in 5B120100 “Veterinary Medicine”. Methodical instructions. Uralsk 2013. – p. 71.

7. Abekeshev N.T., Shalmenov M.Sh., Sarsekenova T.A. Methodical instructions for laboratory classes on the subject “Parasitology and invasive diseases” for students majoring in 1513000 “Veterinary” Uralsk 2018. – P.107.

8. Abekeshev N.T., Methods of synchronization of sexual hunting of beef cattle in the farm of LLP “KazAkbas” in the West Kazakhstan region / Aituganov BE, Baitlesov E.U., Abekeshev N.T., Dzhulanov M.N. / / “Science and Education”, №4 (53), WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk 2018, pp. 198-203.

9. The results of the effectiveness of express – methods of diagnostics of fecundity in cows and heifers. / Baitlesov E.U., Abekeshev N.T., Kakishev M.G., Darmenova A.G. // Science and education. – 2019. №2. p. 141-145.

10. Distribution of zoonoses in the Urals and suburbs. / Abekeshev NT, Shalmenov M.Sh. // Science and education. – 2019. №2. p. 156-160.

11. Epizootology of helminthiasis sheep in the West Kazakhstan region /M.Sh. Shalmenov, N.T. Abekeshev // “Achievements and prospects of development of biological and veterinary sciences” Materials of the National scientific-practical conference with the international participation of the memory of the honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Dr. Mikhailov. Orenburg, 2019. P.36-38.

12. Opisthorchius of animals and man: monogr. /M.Sh. Shalmenov, N.T. Abekeshev. -Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir Khana, 2020. -80 p.

090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:zapkazatu@wkau.kz
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