Ussenov Zhangeldi
Senior lecturer, master

Scientific projects

  1. «Comprehensive assessment of the ecological state of natural and natural-anthropogenic systems in the region with varying degrees of anthropogenic impact», researcher 2012-2014.
  2. «Bioecological substantiation and organization of a nursery for breeding saigas (Saiga tatarica (L.)) for the conservation and rational use of the species», researcher, 2012-2014.
  3. «Organization and creation of the Center for Biodiversity Conservation», researcher 2015-2016.
  4. «Development of measures to combat the main helminthiases of cattle in the steppe, semi-desert and desert zones of the West Kazakhstan region, depending on meteorological conditions»,
    executor 2018-2020.


Scientific articles

1. Features of keeping saigas in captivity. Sarsenova B.B., Usenov Zh.T. Shonyraev M.Zh. Materials of the VII International Symposium “Steppes of Northern Eurasia”, Orenburg, 2015 pp. 746-749.

2. Indicators of live weight of saiga calves of the Ural population kept in captivity BM Sarsenova, Usenov Zh.T., BM Sidikhov, M. Zh. Shonyraev Science News of Kazakhstan, Scientific and technical collection, No. 1 (123) , Almaty 2015 S. 99-106.

3. “Aviary keeping of saigas in the conditions of Kazakhstan” BB Sarsenova, N.Kh.Sergaliev, K.Zh.Kushaliev, Usenov Zh.T., M.Zh. Shonyraev Materials of the 11th International Congress “Global Climate Change and Biodiversity” , Almaty 2015, pp. 241-242.

4. “Captive breeding of saigas as an alternative to species conservation” by BM Sarsenova, N.Kh.Sergaliev, Usenov Zh.T., K.Zh. Kushaliev. Ecosystems of Central Asia in modern conditions of socio-economic development, Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar September 8-10, 2015 pp. 349-351.

5. Geobotanical survey of the western part of the lambing of saigas of the Ural population in 2015 Sarsenova BB, Usenov Zh.T., Shonyraev M.Zh., Sagadatova A.Zh., Akhbalina A.A. Collection of scientific articles of the republican scientific-practical conference “Ivanovskie readings – 2016” on the topic “Actual problems of biodiversity of ecosystems in Kazakhstan” dedicated to the memory of E.A.Ageleuov, A.Z. Petrenko. Uralsk, September 28, 2016 pp. 233-236.

6. Helminth fauna of cattle in the West Kazakhstan region Karmaliev R.S., Sidikhov B.M., Usenov Zh.T., Akhmedenov K.M., Aituganov B.E., Ertleuova B.O., Gabdullin D. E., Satybaev B.G. Materials of reports of the international scientific conference “Theory and practice of combating parasitic diseases” Dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of Konstantin Ivanovich Scriabin, Moscow, May 15-16. 2018.p. 196-198.

7. Populations of helminths in the body of cattle in the West Kazakhstan region Karmaliev R.S., Usenov Zh.T., Sidikhov B.M., Ertleuova B.O., Gabdullin D.Ye., 3rd International Conference on Innovations and development patterns in Technical and Natural Sciences. 20 th April, 2018 Berlin. p. 56 – 60.

8. Helminthofauna of the Digestive Tract of Cattle and Saiga in West Kazakhstan Karmaliev R.S., Usenov Zh.T., Sidikhov B.M., Aituganov B.E., Ertleuova B.O., Gabdullin D.E., International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019.

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  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
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