Ulbolsyn Kuzhebayeva
Senoir lecturer.master


  • Kuzhebaeva, U.Zh. The effectiveness of the use of the drug alvet-suspension in strongylatosis of the digestive tract of sheep in the conditions of the West Kazakhstan region / U.Zh. Kuzhebaeva, R.S. Karmaliev // Russian Parasitological journal. – Moscow, 2016. – Vol.35. – Issue 1. pp. 102-106.
  • Kuzhebayeva, U.Zh. Invasion of sheep by strongylates of the digestive tract in the conditions of the West Kazakhstan region / U.Zh. Kuzhebayeva, R.S. Karmaliev // Journal of Veterinary Medicine. – Moscow, 2016. No. 2. pp. 34-35.
  • Kuzhebaeva, U.Zh. Baitlesov E.U., Kenzhegalieva M.B. Efficacy of the drug alvet-suspension in helminthiasis of the digestive tract of cattle // Bulletin of Shakarim State University. – Families, 2017. – №3(79). Pp.287-290.
  • Kuzhebayeva, U.Zh. Determination of the time of appearance of the first eggs of strongylates of the digestive tract in sheep feces after de-filmintization / U.Zh. Kuzhebayeva, E.U. Baitlesov, B.T. Abdibekov, M.B. Kenzhegalieva // Bulletin of Shakarim State University. – Families, 2019. – №4(79). Pp.287-290.
  • Kuzhebayeva U.Zh., Donnik I.M., Petropavlovskiy M.V., Kanatbayev S.G., Nurgaliyev B.E. Nutric oxide as an indicator for assessing the resistance and susceptibility of cattle to leukemia // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. – 2021. – No 10 (213). – P. 48-54.
  • Vlasenko V.S., Kuzhebayeva U.Zh., Koshemetov Zh.K., Borisov E.S. Prognosis of the development of epizootics of the bovine leukemia virus in the West Kazakhstan region // Veterinary medicine and feeding – Moscow, 2021. No. 4. pp.19-22.
  • Kushaliev K.Zh., Usenov Zh.T., Kuzhebayeva U.Zh., Kozhaeva A.R Batys Kazakhstan oblysyndagy Oral populatiyas kiikterinin gelminttermen zalaldany// Scientific and practical journal of the Zhangir Khan WKAU “Gylym zhane Bilim”, -2022.- № 1 (66) – Pp. 70-77. DOI 10.52578/2305-9397-2022-1-1-70-78
  • Kuzhebayeva, U.Zh. Invasion of sheep by strongylatoses of the digestive tract in the West Kazakhstan region / U.Zh. Kuzhebayeva, R.S. Karmaliev // Modern science: theoretical and practical view: collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference in 2 hours 2. – Ufa: Aeterna, 2014. – pp. 242-245.
  • Kuzhebayeva, U.Zh. Education of Kazakhstani patriotism of student youth in modern conditions / U.Zh. Kuzhebayeva, V.A. Esengalieva // Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates “Youth and science in the modern world, dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate and the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War” – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan WKAU, 2015. – pp. 11-16.
  • Kuzhebayeva, U.Zh. The effectiveness of anthelmintics in strongylatoses of the digestive tract of sheep / U.Zh. Kuzhebayeva, R.S. Karmaliev // Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates “Youth and science in the modern world, dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate and the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War” – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan WKAU, 2015. – pp. 292-296.
  • Kuzhebayeva, U.Zh. Seasonal dynamics of invasion of sheep by strongylatoses of the digestive tract in the West Kazakhstan region / U.Zh. Kuzhebayeva, R.S. Karmaliev // Materials of reports of the scientific conference. “Theory and practice of combating parasitic diseases” Issue 16. – Moscow, 2015. – pp.191-195.
  • Kuzhebayeva, U.Zh. Age dynamics of invasion of sheep by strongylatoses of the digestive tract in the conditions of the subsidiary farm of Adiet LLP / U.Zh. Kuzhebayeva, R.S. Karmaliev // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Kazakhstanis – a nation of a single future” dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Uralsk: WKITU, 2016. – Pp. 236-239.
  • Kuzhebaeva, U.Zh. Egg productivity of quails / U.Zh. Kuzhebaeva, E.U. Baytlesov, M.S. Seitov // Materials of International Scientific practical conf. “Improving the competitiveness of the national economy within the framework of the EAEU” – Uralsk: WKITU, 2017. – pp. 3-5.
  • Kuzhebaeva, U.Zh. Biotechnological methods of reproduction management of the breeding herd of cattle / U.Zh. Kuzhebaeva, E.U. Baitlesov, A.K. Bozymova, U.M. Zhanabekov // Mater. International Scientific and Practical conference. “Modern scientific and practical solutions in the field of animal husbandry”. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan WKAU, 2019. – pp. 160-163.
  • Kuzhebayeva, U.Zh. Epizootological situation of helminthiasis in Kazak tulpari LLP / U.Zh. Kuzhebayeva, B.M. Mustafin, A.T. Zharmagambetov, E.S. Nysanov // Mater. International Scientific and Practical conference. “Scientific foundations of increasing productivity and health of farm animals”.- Krasnodar: FGBNU KNTSZV, 2019. – pp. 119-124.
  • Kuzhebayeva, U.Zh. Increasing the reproductive ability of cows using hormonal drugs in KazAkbas LLP of the West Kazakhstan region / U.Zh. Kuzhebayeva, E.U. Baitlesov, M.E. Kuspanov // Mater. National Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation dedicated to the memory of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of V.N., Professor, Meshkov V. M. – Orenburg: OGAU, 2019.- pp. 92-93.
  • Kuzhebayeva U.Zh., Vlasenko V.S., Koshemetov Zh.K., Borisov E.S. Epizootic zoning of the West Kazakhstan region by infection with bovine leukemia // International Conference “Fundamental and applied aspects of veterinary medicine at the border of centuries”, dedicated to 100th anniversary of SibNIVI-VNIIBTZH, Omsk, November 30-December 04, 2021, FGBNU “Omsk ANC”, pp. 230-237.
  • Kuzhebayeva U.Zh., Koshemetov Zh.K. Selection and synthesis of specific primers for the performance of PCR in bovine leukemia // Proceedings of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” Part 1: Participants’ reports in English. January 27, 2021. Beijing, PRC. P. 162-168.
  • Koshemetov Zh.K., Nametov A.M., Kuzhebaeva U.Zh., etc. Methodological recommendations for laboratory diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus using polymerase chain reaction: recommendation / Zh.K. Koshemetov, A.M. Nametov, U.Zh. Kuzhebaeva, G.D. Nakhanova, N.K. Orazymbetova, M.S. Seysenbayeva. – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan WKAU, 2021 – 35 p. (ISBN 978-601-319-280-2).
  • Kuzhebayeva U.Zh., Kakishev M.G., Koshemetov Zh.K. Epizootic situation of bovine leukemia in the West Kazakhstan region // Mater. International Scientific and Practical conference. “Modern challenges for biotechnology, veterinary medicine and medicine.” P. Gvardeysky: NIIPBB, 2020, pp. 79-84.
  • Kuzhebaeva U.Zh., Kakishev M.G., Koshemetov Zh.K. Modern achievements in the diagnosis of bovine leukemia // Mater. National Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation dedicated to the memory of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of V.N., Professor, Meshkov Viktor Mikhailovich. R.F., Orenburg, 2019. pp. 63-65.
  • Kuzhebayeva U.Zh., Kanatbayev S. G., Kailenova A.T. Determination of leukemia virus in cattle by serological method // Mater. XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific foundations of productivity improvement, animal health and food safety”. RF., Krasnodar, June 15-17, 2022 (accepted for publication)
  • Abdybekova A.M. The study of epizootological indicators of helminth fauna in the region of Western Kazakhstan / A.M. Abdybekova, K.Zh. Kushaliev, M.M. Sadenov, Zh.T. Usenov, U.Zh. Kuzhebaeva, A.R. Kozhaeva // Mater. 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ways of science development in modern crisis conditions”. – Ukraine: Dnipro, 2021. – pp. 123-125.
  • Kushaliev K.Zh. Diagnostics and carrying out preventive measures in saigas in nursery conditions / K.Zh. Kushaliev, Zh.T. Usenov, U.Zh. Kuzhebaeva, A.R. Kozhaeva // Collection of articles of the International Scientific and practical Conference “Innovative way of development as challenges of the new time”. – Russia: Magnitogorsk, 2021. – pp. 188-191.

Professional development


  • IELTS (Academic) Certificate No. 19KZ004329KUZU001A dated 06.07.2019 level B1. 2019
  • Within the framework of academic mobility, she completed a scientific internship at the RSE “Scientific Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems” of the village of Gvardeysky, Zhambyl region, 2020
  • Completed a foreign scientific internship on the basis of the Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia on the topic: “Molecular genetic diagnostics and modern practice: PCR and sequencing methods in veterinary medicine” (certificate PC No. 0548615, registration number 1248-U) 2021
  • As part of the SAGRIS project to improve postgraduate education in the field of sustainable agriculture and agricultural systems of the future of the Erasmus + program, she took advanced training courses in module 1 in Almaty, Novosibirsk and module 2 in Kostanay, Ulan-Ude, 2022
  • As part of the SAGRIS project to improve postgraduate education in the field of sustainable agriculture and agricultural systems of the future of the Erasmus+ program, she completed a refresher course at Nuertingen-Geislingen University “SMART agriculture and Digitalization”, located in Nurteng, the Federal Republic of Germany, 2022
  • Executor of the project of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on grant financing of scientific research AP09260294 “Complex methods of diagnosis of helminthiasis (cenurosis, moniesiosis and echinococcosis) of saiga in the Ural population, development of an algorithm of preventive measures”, 2021-2023
  • Scientific Director of the project of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on grant financing of scientific research AP13268821 “Genetic mechanisms of resistance to mastitis by PRL and BLG genes in Holstein cattle”, 2022-2024
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:zapkazatu@wkau.kz
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