Shalmenov Malik
Professor, doctor of veterinary sciences

Scientific projects

  1. «Assessment of the epizootic situation on opisthorchiasis in the water bodies of the West Kazkhakhstan region and the development of measures for the prevention of opisthorchiasis» 2009-2011 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan – group leader.
  2. «Improvement of the methodology, diagnosis of significant invasive diseases by the use of new biotechnological developments» (state registration No. 0113KR01058) 2013-2015. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan – executor.
  3. «Development of epizootological indicators for monitoring especially dangerous, zooanthroponous and emergent infections (bluetongue, Schmallenberg disease, rabies, leukemia, echinococcosis) and zoning of the West Kazakhstan, Aktobe regions according to the degree of tension and epizootic situation» 2015 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan – executor.
  4. «Epizootological and epidemiological monitoring of natural focal zoonotic helminthiasis in Kazakhstan and the development of comprehensive control measures using new technologies» 2015-2017. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan – executor.
  5. «Veterinary and sanitary examination, diagnosis and prevention of infectious and invasive diseases of farm animals» «Hafiz» , «Satybaldy» 2016-executor.


Has 238 scientific papers.

1. Author’s certificate № 24303 Methods of prevention of echinococcosis in dogs №8381: National Patent Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan 971126.1 dated 29.12.1997. Shalmenov M. Sh.

2. Copyright certificate 1 47150 Method of obtaining an inactivated vaccine № 16785: Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice № 2004/1499. 1 03.11.2004. – Astana, 2004. // Mikhalevsky S. N., Abutalip A., Yntgaibekova M. M., Shalmenov M. V., Ualiev M. G ..- 2005.

3. Author’s certificate № 51022 Ingredients for disinfection of Echinococcus granulosus eggs in the feces and carcasses of carnivores № 18111: Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice № 2005 / 1497.1 28.12.2005. – Astana, 2005. // Shalmenov M. Sh., Abdybekova AM, Tarasovskaya N. Е.

4. Author’s certificate № 51845 Composition for disinfection of carnivores and environmental objects from invasive elements of all types of helminths № 18134: Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice № 2005/1495. 1 28.12.2005 – Astana, 2005. // Shalmenov M.Sh., Abdybekova A. M., Tarasovskaya  N. E., Kereev Ya. М.

5. Author’s certificate № 5229 Ingredients for disinfection of carnivorous feces № 18602; Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice № 2005/1494. 1 28.12.2005 – Astana, 2005. // Shalmenov.Sh., Abdybekova AM, Tarasovskaya N. E., Kereev Ya. М.

6. Author’s certificate № 70507 Method of artificial infection of domestic cats with opisthorchiasis № 24075; Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice № 2010 / 1325.1 26.10.2010 – Astana, 2010. // Kereev Ya. M., Shalmenov M. Sh., Nurzhanova F. H., Sidikhov B. М.

7. Author’s certificate Method of artificial infection of domestic dogs with opisthorchiasis №2010 / 1325.1. 26.10.2010 – Astana, 2010.// Kereev Ya. M., Shalmenov M.Sh., Nurzhanova F.Kh.

8. Author’s certificate Method of artificial infection of housewives with opisthorchiasis № 2011 / 08.60.1 01.08.2011. – Astana, 2011. // Kereev Ya. M., Shalmenov M.Sh., Sidikhov BM, Nurzhanova FH, Lukmanova Zh.G, Sariev BT

9. Application № 19868, 18.10.2016. Methods of diagnosis of opisthorchiasis in dogs./M. Sh. Shalmenov.

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  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
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