Murzabayev Kenzhebek
Acting docent, candidate of veterinary sciences


Author of 7 articles, including: 1 article on the basis of Web of Science, 5 articles in the CSES, 2 articles in international scientific-practical conferences

1. Application of Antiplacentent Blood in the Treatment of Cows with Postpartum Endometeritis. The Indian veterinary journal. Vol 95 № 10 October. 2018. P.22-26.

2. Determination of sheep species and the species composition of microflora during mating, Uralsk, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, Science and Education, № 1 (42) – 2016. Pp. 81-84.

3. Isolation and typification of the pathogen in infectious enterotoxemia of sheep “Science and Education”, Uralsk, 2019, pp. 277-284.

4. Results of soil microbiological studies in infectious enterotoxemia of sheep Science and education. 2020. № 4-1 (61), pp. 159-166.

5. Pathoanatomical changes in infectious enterotoxemia in sheep and the detection of bacterial carriers in healthy sheep. Science and education. 2020. № 4-1 (61), pp. 166-173.

6. The effectiveness of comparative treatment of endometritis in cows. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference “NEW IDEAS AND SOLUTIONS FOR FOOD SECURITY”. VOLUME 2, Semey 2017. 10 March. 396-399p.

7. The prevalence of salmonellosis of large horned cattle in the West Kazakhstan region. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “PROMOTED SECURITY IN THE CONTEXT OF NEW IDEAS AND DECISIONS”, VOLUME 2, Semey 2017. March 10. 521-523p.

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