Kadraliyeva Bakytkanym
C.a.s (RF)


  1. Results of veterinary and sanitary examination of imported poultry meat Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of development of otechesvenny meat cattle breeding in modern conditions” 2014, Uralsk.
  2. Chicken meat-a product with antibiotics / / Youth and science in the modern world: Mat. REP. nauch. – prakt. konf. studentov and undergraduates: proc. 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate and 70th anniversary of the victory In the great Patriotic war (March 26-27, 2015). – Uralsk: Zhangir Khan zkatu. – 2015. CH. I. – P. 354-356 (Uralsk).
  3. Study of biological safety of poultry meat in laboratory mice. Science and education, Uralsk, No. 2 2015.
  4. Biological safety of poultry products international scientific and practical Internet conference Actual scientific research in the modern world. June 13-14, 2015, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky.
  5. Application of ultrasound diagnostics of diseases of the reproductive organs of Holstein cows in the conditions of the West Kazakhstan region Science yesterday, today, tomorrow Sat.St.based on the materials of the XXXI international scientific and practical conference No. 2(24) Part II. Novosibirsk: sibak publishing house, 2016, pp. 6-13.
  6. Influence of various factors on the level of somatic cells in cow’s milk Scientific journal No. 7(8), July 2016, Moscow.
  7. Characteristics of milk productivity of Holstein cows in the WKR. The Science yesterday, today, tomorrow Collection of the international scientific and practical conference, July 2016 Novosibirsk.
  8. The use of HACCP elements in the production of sturgeon caviar bred in closed water supply installations Gylym Zhane Bilim. Page.127-131. №3 (52), Uralsk.
  9. Fish parasitoses in closed water supply installations (USV) Collection of scientific papers of the International educational,methodological and scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of academician K. I. Scriabin 15-16 November 2018, pp. 28-33.Moscow.
  10. Comparative evaluation of instrumental determination of milk quality by a Young scientist. — 2019. — № 12 (250). — Pp. 65-70. — URL:
  11. Veterinary and sanitary examination of fish from retail outlets. Science and education 2019, No. 1.
  12. Study of the etiological factor and treatment of purulent mastitis in the West Kazakhstan region. Materials of the National scientific and practical conference with international participation “Achievements and prospects for the development of biological and veterinary science” dedicated to the memory of honored scientist of the Russian Federation, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Meshkov V. M. December 6, 2019.
  13. The impact of bacterial pathology on the quality of sturgeon caviar Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper Vol 25, Issue 3 2019; Page No.(1324-1326).
  14. Slaughter qualities of crossbred castrated bulls of the red steppe breed with Holsteins of different generations / / Science and education-2019. – Vol. I, no. 4-1 (57). – p. 45-49 (Uralsk).
    15.The effect of feeding hydrocarbon complex felucian bull-calves Kazakh white-headed breed on protein composition of blood serum. Science and education # 2-1 (59) 2020.
  15. Indicators of live weight of first-calf cows of black-and-white, Holstein breeds and their crossbreeds “International scientific conference of teaching staff dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the Russian state agrarian University-Moscow Timiryazev agricultural Academy”. December 2-4, 2020 Moscow.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
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  • Email:zapkazatu@wkau.kz
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