Sergaliev N.H., Tumenov A.N., Gabdullina A.T., Ramazanov Zh. “Comparative description of the growth and development of the Russian Siberian sturgeon”, Zhangir Khan ZKATU, Science and Education, Uralsk, 2016. № 2 (43). 63-65 S.
Shukurov M.Zh., Tumenov A.N., Sultanov E.S., Gabdullina A.T. “The experience of forming a repair – brood stud of thorn (Acipensernudiventris) in the West Kazakhstan region for commercial cultivation in the UZ” Journal Scientific reports and articles prepared for the XI International school – seminar of young scientists “geoecological problems of steppe regions” Orenburg, 2016. pp. 111-113.
Tumenov A.N., Sariev B.T., Gabdullina A.T., Bakiev S.S. “The increase in the live weight of the Russian sturgeon with different uroovne daily rations” // KazATU named after S.Seifullin, Bulletin of Science, Astana, 2017. № 3(94). 48-52 S.
Tumenov A.N., Sariev B.T., Gabdullina A.T., Shadyarov T.M. “The experience of artificial reproduction of native fish using a mobile incubator” // Zhangir Khan ZKATU, Science and Education, Uralsk, 2018. № 3(52). 172-178 S.
Sergaliev N.H., Tumenov A.N., Sariev B.T., Gabdullina A.T. “Morphological parameters of the blood of Russian sturgeon (Acipensergueldenstaedtil) grown in an artificial environment”, // Scientific and practical conference of students and masters at EXPO-2017 “The role of youth in the development of innovation and science of the XXI century”. Zhangir Khan ZKATU, Uralsk, 2016. – 437-442 p.
Sariev B.T., Tumenov A.N., Gabdullina A.T., Zhangaliev A.A. “Preventive therapeutic feed for feeding scoliosis in fish” // Zhangir Khan ZKATU, Science and Education, Uralsk, 2016. № 3(44). 55-58 S.
Tumenov A.N., Sariev B.T., Gabdullina A.T., Sarmanova A.M. The experience of using the combined technology of growing CLARIAS GARIEPINUS (BURCHELL, 1822)) in the UZV and in ponds // Gylym zhane Bilim. – Kazakhstan, Uralsk, 2021. – №4 (65). – Pp. 200-205.
Scientific projects
Grant financing of scientific research of the KN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Development of a recipe for therapeutic and prophylactic feeds for sturgeon fish in conditions of industrial aquaculture” project executor 2015-2017
Grant financing of scientific research of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. AR05134862 “Development of a mobile hatchery and biotechnics of reproduction of native fish species” project executor 2018-2020
RC Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan PCF NIM “Formation and effective use of repair-brood herds of sturgeon fish taking into account their genetic diversity in the conditions of sturgeon fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan” project executor 2021-2022
Professional development
12.02.2022 w. “The current state of the ichthyofauna, reproduction and rational use of fish resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Northern branch of the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP
Apparatus for incubating fish eggs Tumenov A.N., Dzhaparov R.R., Shadyarov T.M., Gabdullina A.T. Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Author’s certificate No. 108471
Tumenov A.N., Dzhaparov R.R., Shadyarov T.M., Gabdullina A.T. Mobile incubator for fish reproduction Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for utility model No. 108466.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51