Gabdullin Dosmukan
Senior lecturer, master


  • S. A., Murzabaev.K. E., Darmenova.A. G., Gabdullin D. E. / / methods of diagnosis of necrobacteriosis of cattle / / materials of the International scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of development of domestic cattle meat direction in modern conditions” of the Zhangir Khan ZKATU.Ural 2014.246-249b.
  • Necrobacteriosis, epizootology and cattle clinic Uralsk, Uralsk, Zhangir Khan ZKATU, Science and Education, No. (38) – 2015, pp. 105-109 Sabyrzhanov. A. S., Darmenova.A. G., Ertleuova.B. O., Gabdullin D. E.
  • L. Zh., Zhumagalieva.G. K., Gabdullin D. E. electronomagram of tissues of organs of cattle in farms disadvantaged by tuberculosis materials of the scientific and practical conference of the XXI century dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan II-2015
  • Sidikhov B. M., PhD, (RF) Gabdullin D. E., Sengaliev E. M., M. V. N., Abdikapparov N. undergraduate results of laboratory studies of pathological material obtained from lambs who underwent pasteurellosis are dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in the XXI century materials of the scientific and practical conference II-2015
  • Murzabaev K. E., Associate Professor, Kereev A. K.,(PhD) A. O., Gabdullin D. E., Sengaliev E. M. V. G. M. Karimova E. K., Master’s student changes in hematological parameters of sheep affected by Psoroptosis materials of the scientific and practical conference of the XXI century dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of the People Kazakhstan II – 2015
  • Soldatov I. S. undergraduate, Gabdullin D. E., KarmalievR. S., Doctor of Veterinary Sciences of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Department “Non-infectious Diseases and Morphology” Age dynamics of dog invasion by toxocars and seasonal dynamics of T. canis products in the conditions of Uralsk and West Kazakhstan region Uralsk, K., Zhangir Khan State Medical University, Science and Technology education, No. 45 Uralsk 2016 ISSN 2305-9397
  • Kereev A. K., Murzabaev K. E., Gabdullin D. E., Satybaev B. G., Kereeva D. B. effectiveness of comparative treatment of cow endometritis Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan State University named after Shakarima G. Semey Scientific Center for Radioecological Research International forum ” New ideas and solutions in the context of food security • materials of the scientific and practical conference
  • Gabdullin D. E.,Zhumagalieva G. K., Karimova E. K. Methods of diagnosis of Psoroptosis of small cattle Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan State University named afterShakarima G. Semey Scientific Center for Radioecological Research materials of the international scientific and practical conference”New ideas and solutions in the context of food security •
  • Gabidenova G. G., Kereev A. K., Gabdullin D. E.,Kereeva D. B. Distribution and measures to combat Wolfarthiosis West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan “the role of youth in innovation and science in the XXI century” for students and students of the second Republican scientific and practical conference materials of the conference.M. Sidikhov, M.M. Sadenov, L.Zh. Dushaeva, B.O. Ertleuova., Gabdullin D.E. Infection of cyprinid fish with opisthorchis metacercariae in reservoirs of West Kazakhstan region MATERIALSof the II International scientific-practical conference “INTEGRATION OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY TO THE GLOBAL CHALLENGES OF OUR TIME” March 7-9, 2017, Osaka, JapanVolume IOsaka, 2017
  • Zakirova F.B.Ertleuova B.O.Dushaeva L.J., Gabdullin D.E., Kayratova F.K. Prevention and treatment of calves dyspepsia Halykaralyk gylym – practicalyk conference “Science and Modernity 2017. LII”, – Novosibirsk, 2017. Bet 16-20.
  • Master’s student A.Bogetbay.,v.G.M., Karimova E.K., Gabdullin D.E., Muizdi iri karanyn nodularly dermatitinin klinikalyk belgileri men pathogenesis Mal sharuashylygy, kus sharuashylygy, ara sharuashylygy zhane osimdik sharuashylygyn organikalyk (ekologiyalyk taza) onimderin ondiru zhane ondeudin problemalary
  • Karmaliev R.S.Sidikhov B.M.Akhmedenov K.M., Aituganov B.E., Usenov Zh.T., Ertleuova B.O., Gabdullin D.E.,Satybaev B.G. Helminthofauna of cattle in the West Kazakhstan region Federal Agency of Scientific Organizationscommunity of Helminthologists named after K.I.Scriabin Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants – branch of the Federal Research Center – All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I.Scriabina and Y.R.Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences”Materials of the report of the International Scientific Conference Theory and Practice of Combating Parasitic Diseases Dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of Konstantin Ivanovich Scriabin Issue 19 Moscow May 15 – 16 Moscow – 2018
  • Karmaliev R.S.,Sidikhov B.M.,Usenov J.T., Ertleuova B.O., Gabdullin D.E. Populations of helminths in the organization of Cattle and wild ruminants in the conditions of The west Kazakhstan region 3rd International Conference on Innovations and development patterns in Technical and Natural Sciences20thApril, 2018
  • Karmaliev R.S., Akhmedenov K.M., Sidikhov B.M., Aituganov B.E., Usenov Zh.T., Ertleuova B.O., Gabdullin D.E., Aliyev E.M. Seasonal dynamics of strong digestive tract of cattle in the West Kazakhstan region Veterinary and animal husbandry agriculture, agrochemistry, feed production, Agroecology, forestry mechanization and Electrification of agriculture Pedagogiceconomicalmata, 2018
  • Karmaliev R.S., Akhmedenov K.M., Sidikhov B.M., Aituganov B.E., Usenov Zh.T., Ertleuova B.O., Gabdullin D.E., Aliyev E.M. Batys kazakhstan oblysyndagy iri kara malynin askazan– ishek zholdary strongilyattaryn mousymdyk dynamics International scientific and practical conference “uly dala astanasy” June 20-22, semey
  • Kakishev M.G., Ph.D. doctors, associate professor mindetin atkarusha, Darmenova A.G., Master, aga Okytushysyertleuova B.O., Ph.D. doctoral students,Gabdullin D.E., Ph.D. doctoral students Siyrlardyn buazdygyn zhane bedeuligin erte anyktau Gylym zhane bilim No. 4 (53) 2018
  • Karmaliev R.S., Akhmedenov K.M., Sidikhov B.M., Aituganov B.E., Usenov Zh.T., Ertleuova B.O., Gabdullin D.E., Aliyev E.M. Fertility of monies in cattle in natural zones of West Kazakhstan region depending on meteorological conditions Astrakhan Bulletin of Environmental Education No. 2 (50) Vak Astrakhan 2019
  • Taubaev U.B., Kakishev M.G., Darmenova A.G., Ertleuova B.O., Gabdullin D.E., Shushakov S.N. Results of gynecological examination of infertile cows “modernization of economic systems: a look into the future” (meslf-2018)Collection of scientific works by vydavatelské centrum “sociosféra-cz”Praha 2018
  • Karmaliev R.S., Akhmedenov K.M., Sidikhov B.M., Aituganov B.E., Usenov Zh.T., Ertleuova B.O., Gabdullin D.E., Aliyev E.M. The infestation of helminths of large cattle depending on natural and climatic conditions IN the West Kazakhstan region of RUSSIANPARASITOLOGICAL JOURNAL All-Russian Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “FNC All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary named after K. I. Scriabin and Ya. R. Kovalenko RANTO m 13 Issue 1’2019
  • Gabdullin D.E., Studying the causes of low fertilization of cows Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus Educational Institution”Grodno State Agrarian University” Modern technologies of Agricultural Production Collection of scientific articles based on the materials of the Xxii International Scientific and Practical Conference (Grodno, May 16, June 13, 2019)Veterinary Zootechny Grodno Ggau 2019
  • Kakishev M. G., Ginayatov N. S., Gabdullin D.E.,Zholdasbekov A.K.,Muldagaliev M. H., Zhubantaeva A. N. Determination of the microbial etiology of Purulent-catarrhal endometritis in agrofirma akas LLP using the PCR method Collection of scientific papers of kntsv Volume 8 No. 1 Krasnodar 2019 Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Institution of Productivity and health of agricultural conferences “scientific foundations of improving the Jubilee international scientific and practical
  • Rashid Sagitovich Karmaliyev, Zhangeldi Tarihovich Ussenov, Bekzhassar Mustakhapovich Sidikhov, Bulat Ermekovich Aituganov, Balaussa Otargalievna Yertleuova, Dosmukan Ermukhanovich Gabdullin Helminthofauna of the Digestive Tract of Cattle And Saiga in West Kazakhstan // International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) – 2019 – V. 9, Issue 1. October. – P.2600-2604. – percentile by Cite Score in the Scopus – 5 database.
  • Kushaliev K.Zh., Kakishev M.G., Zholdasbekov A.K., Gabdullin D.E. Determination of effective methods of treatment of gynecological pathology in cows of LLP “Agrofirma Akas” and k/h “Shkanov” Zhaiyk veterinarians No. 12 (20) Sauir 2019 zhyl
  • Gabdullin D.E., Ungarbai Zharas Zhanbolatovich.,Mukambetrakym Askerbek Ruslanovich., Koylardyn estrozy kezindegi preparattardyn salystyrmaly tiimdiligi”student bulletin”Scientific Journal No. 44(94) November 2019 Part 5 Has been published since March 2017 Moscow 2019
  • Dzhulanov M.N., Kakishev M.G., Gabdullin D.E., Zholdasbekov A.K. Comparative evaluation of treatment regimens for purulent–catarrhal endometritis in cows of black–and-white breeds on the Wko farm. Zhangir khan atyndagy batys kazakhstan agrarlyk-technikalyk Universitetinin gylym-praktikalyk journals The scientific and practical journal of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan has been published quarterly since 2005 Science and Education II volume No. 4 (57) 2019
  • Suleimenov Sh.K., Dyusembayev S.T., Zabolotnykh M.V., Gabdullin D.E. Ssyap aimagyndagy zhylky paraskaridozynyn veterinarialyk -sanitarialyk korsetkishteri Zhangir khan atyndagy batys kazakhstan agrarlyk-technikalyk universitetinin gylym-praktikalyk journal Scientific and practical journal of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir khan Science and Education II volume No. 4 (57) 2019

Professional development

  • Improvement of professional ENGLISH communication skills for teachers 2018 – Centre of education, animation and innovation technologies – TURANMicro Region, Astana 8/2, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment of nez. Bol. Live Certificate No. 3697. Uralsk2018 18 November 72 hours
  • Fundamentals of therapeutic methods and prevention of pathology of the reproductive system in cows.Certificate of Lviv, Ukraine.04.12.2019 year. 72 hours
  • Biotechnological techniques for improving the reproductive function of cattle. Certificate. No. 208. Uralsk. Zkitu.2019 year 10 October.
  • Fundamentals of Veterinary Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Certificate.Almaty city.kaznau. From 02.03.-13.03.2020
  • Abdominal surgery. Surgery of the genitourinary system. Certificate.Almaty city.kaznau. From 02.03.-13.03.2020
  • Operations on the genitourinary organs (vasoectomy, castration, sterilization) certificate. Almaty city.kaznau. From 02.11.-05.11.2020
  • Diagnostics and methods of prevention of infectious diseases of farm animals.Innovative biotechnology based on the GNU of the Saratov Research Institute of the Russian Agricultural Academy, 30.06.-08.07.2014
  • Eurodaktyn veterinary salasyndagy zannamalary No. 2577 72 hours 2013 year of the Zhangir Khan Veterinary School. city of Uralsk
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
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