Duimbayev Dulat
Senior lecturer, master


  • Nasambaev E.G., Bozymov K.K., Akhmetalieva A.B., Nugmanova A.E., Duimbaev D.A., Zhumaeva A.K. //Clinical-physiological and reproductive features of cattle of Hereford, Aberdeen-Angus breeds of foreign breeding and domestic Kazakh white-headed breed //Animal husbandry and feed production.- Theoretical and scientific-practical, Orenburg, No. 4 (101), 2018, With: 64-71.
  • Bozymov K.K., Nasambayev E., Duimbayev D.A., Duimbayev D.A., Zinullina G. //Hair cover of young animals of different genotypes of cattle by seasons of the year //Science and Education “Scientific and Practical Journal of Zhangir Khan ZKATU”,. Uralsk.   No. 4 (53). – pp. 103-107
  • Nasambaev E.G., Akhmetalieva A.B., Nugmanova A.E., Zhumaeva A.K., Duimbaev D.A.,//Exterior-constitutional and productive signs of animals of the Kazakh white-headed, Hereford and Aberdeen-Angus breeds. // Proceedings of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. // Theoretical and scientific-practical journal. Orenburg, No.6 (74), 2018 – pp.214-218
  • Nasambayev E.G., Bozimov K.K., Akhmetalieva A.B., Nugmanova A.E, Zhumayeva A.K., Duimbayev D.A.//Clinical, physiological and reproductive characteristics of cattle// International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018, pp. 1992-1996.
  • Nasambaev E., Akhmetalieva A.B., Nugmanova A.E., Zhumaeva A.K. //Breeding and productive indicators of young animals of different genotypes //”Agrarian science”–Moscow, 2019 – No. 9- pp. 36-40
  • Lukyanov A.A., Duimbaev D.A., Tyulebaev S.D.//On the question of the adaptive qualities of imported beef cattle in the conditions of Kazakhstan.// COLLECTION OF ARTICLES OF the X International scientific and practical Conference dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the birth of N.V. Vereshchagin.- Tver, 2019 – pp. 117-121
  • Nasambaev E., Bozymov K.K., Duimbaev D.A., Tyulebaev C.D. //Physico – clinical and biological features of bulls of different genotypes // Science and education “Scientific and practical journal of the Zhangir Khan ZKATU”,. Uralsk.   No. 1 (58) 2020. – pp. 97-102

Professional development

  • Certificate of advanced training in the course “Current state and innovative approaches to conducting breeding work in beef cattle breeding”, 2019
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:zapkazatu@wkau.kz
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