Kurmasheva Gulshat
Master of engineering science
Polytechnical Institute


1. Kurmasheva G.R. “GLASS-SERVICE”companysynyn aynek ondeitin tsekhtaryndagi zhasandy zharyktandyrudy yesepteu” [Text] Kurmasheva G.R., Khamieva N.S., Zhumagaliev I.K. // Bulletin of the D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2019, No. 3., pp. 122-126

2. Kurmasheva G.R. Analysis of occupational injuries in STEKLOSERVICE LLP [Text] Kurmasheva G.R. // International Journal of Scientific Publications Colloquium journal: Warsaw, Poland, No. 12 (64), 2020, pp. 29-33

3. Kurmasheva G.R. Environmental problems of the West Kazakhstan region [Text] Khon V.N., Kurmasheva G.R., Zhivov I.A., Arzamassev S.V. / Collection of articles of the I International Scientific and Technical Conference: Topical issues of modern science, technology and education: Engels, 2020, pp. 301-305

4. Kurmasheva G.R. Calculation of the evacuation time of the State Enterprise “Oral Su Arnasy” [Text] Kurmasheva G.R. / Actual scientific research in the modern world: Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine, Issue 3 (71) Part 1, 2021, pp. 84-89

5. Kurmasheva G.R. Calculation of the evacuation time of the building of the Oral shopping and entertainment complex [Text] Kurmasheva G.R. / Agrarian science and education at the present stage of development: experience, problems and ways to solve them: Materials of the XII International Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of P.A. Stolypin / Ulyanovsk, 2022.,pp. 424-430

6. Kurmasheva G.R. Hydrochemical composition of water bodies of the Zhaiyk river basin in the territory of the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan [Text] Atamanova O.V., Simonova Z.A., Kurmasheva G.R., Davilin D.D. // Environmental monitoring of hazardous industrial facilities: modern achievements, prospects and ensuring environmental safety of the population / Collection of scientific papers IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference within the framework of the IV All-Russian scientific and public forum “Ecological foresight” // Saratov: LLC “Amirit”, 2022, pp. 21-24.

7. Kurmasheva G.R. Monitoring of hydrochemical indicators of natural reservoirs of the Zhaiyk river basin [Text] Kurmasheva G.R., Baitlesova L.I., Atamanova O.V. / IX International scientific and practical conference “Specially protected natural territories: past, present, future” // Scientific works of the National Park “Khvalynsky”: Collection of scientific articles: Saratov-Khvalynsk: Amirit LLC, 2022, Issue 14, pp. 136-143.

8. Kurmasheva G.R. Calculation of the evacuation time of the swimming pool of the city of Uralsk [Text] Kurmasheva G.R. / Materials of the XIII International scientific and practical conference “Agrarian science and education at the present stage of development: experience, problems and solutions” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin // Ulyanovsk, 2023, pp. 559-566.

9. Kurmasheva G.R. Ecological and chemical assessment of the Derkul river in the West Kazakhstan region [Text] Kurmasheva G.R. / Materials of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Environmental problems of industrial cities” / Gagarin State Technical Technical University Yu.A. // Saratov: Amirit LLC, 2023, pp. 227-229.

10. Kurmasheva G.R. Assessment of the state of the waters of the Ural River basin in West Kazakhstan region [Text] Atamanova O.V., Tikhomirova E.I., Kurmasheva G.R. / Environmental monitoring of hazardous industrial facilities: modern achievements, prospects and ensuring environmental safety of the population / Collection of scientific papers of the V All-Russian scientific and practical conference within the framework of the V All-Russian scientific and public Forum “Ecological Foresight”. – Saratov: Amirit LLC, 2023, pp. 185-189.

11. Kurmasheva G.R. Ecological monitoring of the Ural River in the territory of the West Kazakhstan region [Text] Atamanova O.V., Tikhomirova E.I., Simonova Z.A., Kurmasheva G.R. / Safety, protection and environmental protection: fundamental and applied research / Collection of reports of the All-Russian scientific conference / Belgorod: Publishing House of BSTU, 2023, pp. 10-15.

12. Kurmasheva G.R. Oral kalasyn agyndy sularyn kuramyn khimiyalyk taldau [Text] Kurmasheva G.R. / Materials of the International scientific and practical conference “Industrial development: technologies for people and services in the era of innovation”, dedicated to the memory of the founder of the University, Academician Zulkharnai Aldamzhar / Kostanay: KSTU, 2023, pp. 217-220.

 13. Kurmasheva G.R. Zhaiyk ozeni basin sularyn lastanuyn bagalau [Text] Kurmasheva G.R. / Collection of abstracts of the International scientific and practical conference “Education and science – the key to successful industrial and innovative development in modern conditions // Uralsk: Bulletin of the ZKITU, No. 1 (1) 2023, pp. 60-62.

 14. Kurmasheva G.R. Ecological monitoring of surface waters of the Ural River basin in the territory of the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan [Text] Atamanova O.V., Tikhomirova E.I., Kurmasheva G.R. / Ecology of river basins: Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference // Vladimir State University. named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletov, Vladimir, 2023, pp. 582-591.

 15. Kurmasheva G.R. Zhaiyk ozeni basin sularyn lastanuyn bagalau [Text] Kurmasheva G.R. / Uralsk: Bulletin of the ZKITU, No. 4 (28), 2023, pp. 86-89.

 16. Kurmasheva G.R. Oral kalasyn agyndy sularyn tazartu [Text] Kurmasheva G.R. / Uralsk: Bulletin of ZKITU, No. 1 (1) 2024, pp. 335-339.

17. Kurmasheva G.R. Calculation of the evacuation time of secondary school No.28 of the city of Uralsk [Text] Kurmasheva G.R. / Collection of reports of the National scientific and practical conference with International participation “Topical issues of ensuring integrated security” // Orenburg, 2024, pp. 120-124.

18. Kurmasheva G.R. Carrying out the calculation of the evacuation time of secondary school No. 28 of the city of Uralsk [Text] Kurmasheva G.R. / Materials of the XIV International scientific and practical conference “Agrarian science and education at the present stage of development: experience, problems and ways to solve them” // “Ulyanovsk: GAU, 2024, pp. 481-448.

19. Kurmasheva G.R. Ecology of the Ural River in the territory of the West Kazakhstan region [Text] Atamanova O.V., Tikhomirova E.I., Kurmasheva G.R. / Collection of reports of the International scientific and practical conference “Modern scientific technologies and innovations: contribution to the sustainable development of education and a multipolar world order” dedicated to the 125th anniversary of his birth the first president of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, academician, founder of the Institute of Geological Sciences Kanysh Satpayev and Cosmonautics Day / News of engineering science and education in Western Kazakhstan // Uralsk, 2024, pp. 270-274.

20. Kurmasheva G.R. Hydrochemical indicators of water quality in the Ural river and its tributaries in the territory of the West Kazakhstan region [Text] Atamanova O.V., Tikhomirova E.I., Kurmasheva G.R., Prokazov N.D. / XXI century: results of the past and problems of the present plus: Penza, No. 2 (66) vol. 13, 2024, pp. 169-174.

Professional development

  • 2018 – advanced training course “Introductory safety training”, Uralsk
  • 2019 – advanced training course “Safety and Labor Protection”, Aksai
  • 2019 – advanced training course “Fundamentals of fire safety. Fundamentals of forecasting natural and man-made emergencies. Organization and conduct of emergency rescue operations”, Uralsk
  • 2020 – advanced training course “Fundamentals of environmental and industrial safety”, Aksai
  • 2020 – advanced training course “Utilization and neutralization of industrial waste. Sustainability of economic facilities in emergency situations. Technical regulation of industrial safety”, Uralsk    
  • 2020 – advanced training course “Safety and labor protection”, Uralsk   
  • 2021 – advanced training course “Industrial safety at hazardous production facilities”, Aksai
  • 2021 – advanced training course “Fundamentals of industrial safety”, Uralsk
  • 2022 – advanced training course “Labor Protection”, Uralsk
  • 2023 – advanced training course “Fundamentals of radiation safety and production processes”, Uralsk
  • 2023 – advanced training course “Fundamentals of industrial and technical safety”, Uralsk
  • 2024 – advanced training course “Fundamentals of industrial, fire safety and emergency rescue, emergency work”, Uralsk
  • 2024 – advanced training course “First aid”, Uralsk
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
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