1. Bisengalieva A.M., Nurgalieva K.K., Dyusegalieva K.O. Some active methods of conducting laboratory work on the physics of the credit system of education, Sheffield, 2016.
2. Bisengalieva A.M., Nurgalieva K.K., Dyusegalieva K.O. Physical mechanisms of microwave exposure, Poland, 2019.
3. Magazine of electricity and energy saving “Science and Education” (Magazine, Tambov, includes a database of RSCI, NEL license agreement №467-11 \ 2008ot 25.12.2019)
4. Collection of articles on the materials of international scientific and practical conferences as a basis for the formation of the scientific worldview of fundamental physical and philosophical concepts. General ed. Н. А. Shurova FSBEI HPE in Saratov SUA-Saratov: “CeSain” LLP, .2020-176C. ISBN 978-5-6044617-1-6 UDV 378.4: 37.015.31 BBK 74.484.7 + 74.480