Zharylgapov S. M., Abdygani A. U. “Oil lamps as energy-saving and modifying components in building ceramics technology” // theory and practice of improving the efficiency of building materials materials XV International Scientific and Technical Conference of young scientists, dedicated to the memory of Professor V. I. Kalashnikova pguas 2020, Penza ISBN 978-5-9282-1682-5 page 33-42.
Zharylgapov S. M., Abdygani A. U. “Influence of firing temperature on changes in physical and mechanical properties of Wall ceramics based on siliceous rock – Opoka” / / “Science and education” No. 1-2 (66) 2022 Uralsk, 2022 ISSN 2305-9397 pp. 177-185
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51