1. Lygina T.Z. Yermukhanova S. The world market of barite raw materials and promising processing technologies// Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Science: problems, ideas, trends (Modern science: problems, ideas, trends)”, Prague, Czech Republic , February 11-2019
2. S.Yermukhanova Main methods of extraction and applications of barite compounds in industry»// International Scientific Practical Conference VI Global science and Innovations 2019: Central Asia- Nur-Sultan May-9-13th (Astana) -365-367
3. S.T. Yermukhanova Barium sulfate of synthetic origin – blankfix// Materials of the International scientific and practical conference “SCIENCE AND EDUCATION: PROBLEMS AND INNOVATIONS” Penza, February 12, 2020 -71-75 p.
5. S.T. Yermukhanova EXTRACTION OF BARIUM SULFATE FROM COMPLEX BARITE ORES// IX International scientific conference “Priority directions of innovation in industry: collection of scientific articles of the ninth International Conference. Part 1.- Kazan: Envelope LLC,-2020.-47-49.
6. Khatsrinov A. Yermukhanova S.T. METHODS OF SYNTHESIS OF NANO – AND MICROMETRIC ZINC OXIDE //Innovative approaches in modern science. collection of articles based on the materials of the CXLVI International Scientific and Practical conference – No. 14 (146). – M., Publishing house “Internauka”, 2023. – 142 p.
7. Khatsrinov A. Yermukhanova S.T. Modern methods of obtaining zinc sulfate// Collection of scientific papers on the results of the XXXVIII international scientific and practical conference “Science of Russia: Goals and objectives” August 5, 2023 – Ed. Scientific Center “LJournal”, Samara, 2023 – 84 p.
8. Khatsrinov A. Yermukhanova S.T. COMPLEX PROCESSING OF SECONDARY POLYMETALLIC RAW MATERIALS // Modern scientific research: technical and natural sciences: collection of materials of the XXXIXTH international full-time scientific and practical conference, in 2 volumes, volume 1, November 10, 2023 – Moscow: Publishing House of SIC “Empire”, 2023. – 205c.
9. Khatsrinov A. Yermukhanova S.T. FUNDAMENTALS OF HYDROMETALLURGICAL TECHNOLOGY FOR PROCESSING METAL-CONTAINING RAW MATERIALS //Technical sciences: problems and solutions. collection of articles based on the materials of the LXXVIII International scientific and practical conference – No. 11 (72). – M., Publishing house “Internauka”, 2023. – 110 p.
10. Khatsrinov A. Yermukhanova S.T. Research of methods for obtaining non-ferrous metals from secondary raw materials/ Collection of articles of the LVII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Advances in Science and Technology”/Moscow: “Scientific Publishing Center “Relevance.RF”,2023. -376 p.
11. Yermukhanova S.T. The technology of recycling zinc production waste/ Young scientist: collection of articles of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Penza: ICNS “Science and Education”. – 2024. – 332 p.
12. Khatsrinov A. Yermukhanova S.T. TECHNOLOGY OF PROCESSING COPPER-ZINC WASTE OF BRASS AND BRONZE/ Innovative approaches in modern science. collection of articles based on the materials of the CLXXI International scientific and practical conference – No. 15 (171). – M., Publishing house “Internauka”, 2024. – 54 p.
13. Khatsrinov A. Yermukhanova S.T. Investigation of methods of decomposition of scrap metal of brass. International scientific journal “SCIENCE AND EDUCATION: NEW TIME” (ISSUE 8, SEPTEMBER 2024).
14. Yermukhanova S.T., Khatsrinov A.I., Suleymanova A.Z., Vodopyanova S.V. Technology for obtaining zinc sulfate monohydrate. /Bulletin of the Technological University. 2024. vol. 27, No.5