Montaev Sarsenbek
Professor, doctor of technical sciences
Industrial Technology Institute


1. Montaev S.A., Malikova S.M., Ryskaliev M.Zh. Collagen foam and foam concrete on its basis Scientific and technical journal “News of Science of Kazakhstan”, №3 (129), ISSN 1560 – 5655. October 5, 2016. – Almaty. – P.152-158.

2. Montaev S.A., Malikova S.M., Ryskaliev M.Zh. Purpose of use of cement-slag binder in the production of foam concrete. Scientific and technical journal “News of Science of Kazakhstan”, №2 (128), ISSN 1560 – 5655. June 15, 2016. – Almaty. – P.164-174.

3. Montaev S.A., Shakeshev B.T., Adilova N.B., Ryskaliev M.Zh. Features of foam concrete technology on the basis of collagen foam maker Scientific journal “Bulletin of the Eurasian National University named after LN Gumilyov Gumileva », May 14, 2017. Astana, ENU. – P.247-254.

4. Montaev S.A., Mizyuryaev S.A., Izgaliev E.D., Ryskaliev M.Zh. Investigation of the impact of foam concrete with chemical additions Scientific journal “Bulletin of Zhezkazgan University named after OA Baikonurova”, №1 (31), ISSN 1680-9262. April 25, 2016 – Zhezkazgan. – P.402-408.

5. Ryskaliyev M.Zh. Montayev S.A., Shakeshev B.T., Adilova N.B., Malikova S.M. Technology of getting of collagen blowing agent for foam industry III International conference «Industrial technologies and engineering» (ICITE 2016) will be heid at the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University. October 28-29, 2016. – Shymkent. PageNo.82-84.

6. Author’s certificate №103200 Useful model 20.10.2018 Ryskaliev M.Zh.

7. Author’s certificate № 87004 “Complex addition for foam concrete mix” 03.12.2018. author Ryskaliev M.Zh. and others.

Educational and methodical publications

1. Montaev, S.A. Rational technology of ceramics based on the processing of thermal insulation concrete structures and clay rocks for road construction [Text]: recommendation, scientific publication / S. А. Montaev, M. Zh. Ryskaliev. – Uralsk: WKATU.

2. Montaev S.A. Rational technology of ceramics based on the processing of thermal insulation concrete structures and clay rocks for road construction [Text]: recommendation, scientific publication /S.А. Montaev, M. Zh. Ryskaliev. – Uralsk: WKATU.

3. V.I. Loganina, A.D. Ryzhov, S.А. Amantayev, N.Б. Adilova. Structural formation of lime composites in the presence of impurities based on synthesized aluminosilicates.

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