Dosov Karzhaubai
Senior lecturer, master
Industrial Technology Institute

Educational and methodological manuals:

  • Methodological guidelines for the implementation of a course project on the discipline “Technology of concrete 2” for students of the specialty 5B073000-“Production of building materials, products and structures”. Oral kalasy, Zhangir khan atyndagy BKATU, 2016 zh., Sauir. 42 bet.
  • 5B073000- “Kurylys materialdary, buyymdary men constructiyalaryn ondiru” mamandygyn studentterine “Concrete technologiyasi” paninen zerthanalyk zhumystardy oryndauga arnalgan adistemelik nuskau, Oral kalasy, Zhangir khan atyndagi BKATU, 2015 w., 52 bet.
  • Professional practice program for students of specialty 5B072900 -“Construction” – Electronic textbook. December 2016
  • Professional practice program for students of specialty
  • 5B073000- “Production of building materials, products and structures” Electronic textbook. December 2016
  • Kurastyrmaly temirbeton onerkasipterin zhobalau. U 68 Oku kuraly/,-Yelled: Zhangir khan atyn. Batys Kazakhstan. Agrar.-tech. un-ti, 2018.-124 b. ISBN 978-601-319-083-9

Scientific publications:

  • “Dependence of the strength of fine-grained concrete on the parameters of its pore structure” of Zhangir Khan ZKATU.  Scientific and practical journal “Gylym zhane bilim” 2014 December. No.4 (37)2014, pp. 145-149. Uralsk.
  • “Study of the strength of the reinforced cement from the parameters of its pore structure”
  • International scientific and practical conference “Kazakhstanis are a nation of a single future”. The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the West Kazakhstan Region.KSU “Kogamdyk kelisim” of the WKO apparatus. West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology Center. 28.04.2016 w.
  • Development of compositions of ceramic composition for obtaining ceramdor Science news of Kazakhstan, scientific and technical journal. ISSN 1560-5655, No. 3, 2019 – Almaty. – pp.161-165
  • Prospects for the use of loess-like loams of Western Kazakhstan in the technology of keramdor production. Traditions and innovations in construction and architecture “Construction technologies” 17.09.2019. – pp.158 – 163. Samara
  • The use of granulated blast furnace slag as part of a ceramic mass to obtain a ceramic aggregate printed International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research No. 3. 2019. – pp. 62-65.
  • On the use of organic fibers as fiber in cement–sand mixtures printed // Traditions and innovations in construction and architecture “Construction technologies” 17.09.2019. – Samara.  – Pp.91-96
  • Ryskaliyev Possibility of producing sintered fine porous granulated ceramic filler using ash of thermal power stations in combination with clay rocks. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001 Vol. 9, Issue 4, Aug 2019, 1087-1096
  • Study of raw materials with the aim of acquiring ceramic filler and heat-insulating and structural wall ceramics printed International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249–8001Vol. 9, Issue 5, Oct 2019, 1057-1064 © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. Scopus
  • Study of drying properties of ceramic mass in the system “Loess–like loam – ash of Ekibastuz GRES Bulletin of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 3 (77), 2020”. – Almaty. -Pp.146-153.
  • Patent No. 5168 Republic of Kazakhstan, Method of obtaining ceramic filler/ applicant and patent holder Zap.-Kaz. Agrar.-tech. un-T. Byul. No.3 – 6 p. Author’s certificate No. 108756 of the National Institute of Intellectual Property
  • The influence of the dispersion of blast furnace granulated slag of JSC “alselor mitall temirtau” on the physical and mechanical properties of ceramic road material printed MRNTI 67.15 Science News of Kazakhstan. № 4 (147). 2020
  • “Raw mix for the production of ceramic paving stones by vibropressing method”International Educational Corporation. Scientific journal “Bulletin of KAZGAS”.No.2,2021.-16 July
  • “Fractionation of fine sand in the manufacture of concrete” Online Conference Program international conference on civil, Architectural and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (CAEST) Thematic session 5″modern materials, technologies and engineering systems in construction” Moderator:Natalia Genrikhovna CHUMACHENKO – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Production of Building Materials, Products and Structures, Samara State Technical University. May 14. twothousandtwentyone
  • 14.”Research of raw materials compositions for ceramic aggregate and thermal insulation and structural wall ceramics” (“NTZH Regional architecture and construction” gylym magazines PGUAS magazine No. 4. 2021

New scientific developments:

Patent No. 5168 Republic of Kazakhstan, Method of obtaining ceramic filler/ applicant and patent holder Zap.-Kaz. Agrar.-tech. un-T. Bul. No.3 – 6 p.Author’s Certificate No. 108756 of the National Institute of Intellectual Property, 2020  

Advanced training

  • 2012 advanced training course on the topic “Designing innovative models and technologies for implementing a competence-based approach in modular education for a modern university” Certificate No. 1135 0t 29.09.12
  • 2014 advanced training course on the topic “Methodology of using electronic textbooks and interactive whiteboards in the educational process” No. 44 dated 18.01 14
  • 2014 advanced training course on the topic “Nanotechnologies in construction” No. 907
  • dated 02.11 14
  • 2016 advanced training course on the topic “Modern architectural buildings and structures” Certificate No. 2384 dated 22.04.16.
  • 2016. Seminar on Thomson Reuters resources for scientific research- 14.03.2016-BKATU.
  • twothousandfifteen Online seminar on Thomson Reuters resources for scientific research –
  • 1 to 04.12.2015 w.-Online seminar
  • twothousandsixteen “Modern information technologies in the field of education. The use of electronic publications in the educational process”LLC “IP Er Media”-17.01.2016-BKATU
  • 2017 advanced training course. Certificate No.151 “Zhasandy toltyrgyshtar negizindegi concrete technologiyasyn zhetildiru” 72 hours.  Kasibi maman LLP KR Bilim zhane gylym ministerligi
  • 2020 Seminar from 5 to 7 August 2020.. On the topic “Training and advanced training of employees in the field of technical regulation, metrology and management systems”. National Standardization Body. Certificate No. 121.
  • 2021 Scientific internship. From 16 to 22.05.2021 On the topic “Technology and physics-mechanical properties of ceramic road material (keramdor) based on the processing of clays of the Western region of Kazakhstan” Certificate No. 210 dated 05/24/2021. M.Auezov SKSU.
  • 2021 Foreign internship. From 12 to 27.06.2021 “Technology and physics-mechanical properties of ceramic material based on processing of clays of the western region”2021 J. Mousym. JSC “Niikeramsite”. Samara Certificate.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:[email protected]
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