Begaliyeva Raikhan
Senior lecturer, master
Industrial Technology Institute


  • E.Dzhakupova, Zh.K.Zhatkanbayeva, K.S.Meiramkulov, R.S.Begaliyeva / High molecular oil binding to polymers / Search International Science journal- application No.3(1)|2019 Section: Chemistry. Technology. Food safety. Subsoil management. Geology P.167-172
  • N. Kulyasheva, R.S. Begaliyeva, ZH.E.Dzhakupova, A.D.Badykova, A.G. Mustafin, R.A.Fedina / Influence of peroxide initiators of polymerization of dimethyldallamonium chloride on filtration index of drill mud / REATIVE-2019 Materials of the XXXII International Scientific and Technical Conference «Chemical reagents, reagents and processes of low-tonnage chemistry», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan Dilius Lutfullich Rakhmankulov (1939-2008) Ufa, 5-6 September 2019 – P.63-64
  • E.Dzhakupova, S.M.Berdenov, Zh.K. Zhatkanbayeva, K.S. Meiramkulov, R.S. Begaliyeva / Study of the properties of high-viscosity oil and enhancement of oil recovery Mendeleev Science journal Section:  high-molecular compounds No. 3 (3), September, 2019
  • E. Dzhakupova, Zh.K.Zhatkanbayeva, R.S.Begaliyeva, D.K. Salimova / Kokjide Oil Field Research to Increase Oil Recovery with Polymers / Messenger of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev. Series: Chemistry. Geography. Ecology. No.2(127) / 2019 — P.19-25
  • N.Kulyasheva, R.S. Begaliyeva, Zh.E.Dzhakupova, A.D. Badykova, A.G.Mustafina, R.A. Fedina, A.R. Safina / Study of the influence of polymerization process conditions on the efficiency of the reagent for oil and gas production / Bashkir chemical journal. 2020. Volume 27. No. 3 Section Petrochemistry – Ufa- P.62-67
  • E.Dzhakupova, Zh.K.Zhatkanbayeva, R.S.Begaliyeva, M.E. Salikhova / Effects of Oil Bed Salts on Amphyphilic Polymers / “High school of Kazakhstan” 3(2)/ 2020   International scientific and pedagogical publication     Section : Chemistry. Technology. Food safety.  Subsoil use. Geology — Almaty: P.164-169
  • N. Kulyasheva, A.D. Badykova, R.S. Begaliyeva, Zh.E. Dzhakupova, Y.I.Pirgalyn / Research of polyelectrolytic complex on the basis of polydimethyldallamonium chloride and modified sodium lignosulfonate as a reagent for oil and gas production/ REATIVE-2020 Materials of the XXXIII International Scientific and Technical Conference «Chemical Reagents, Reagents and Processes of Low-Tonnage Chemistry» devoted to the memory of academician of the Bashkortostan Academy of Sciences Dilius Lutfullich Rakhmankulov (1939–2008)  Ufa, 24–26 November 2020 P.132-134     
  • S. Begaliyeva, I.N. Kulyasheva, Zh.E. Dzhakupova, A.D.Badykova, A.G.Mustafina / Research of physical and chemical properties of the initial components for the polyelectrolytic complex – reagent for oil and gas production/ Chemistry and technology of fuels and oils 6(622)’2020 — P.22-27
  • E. Dzhakupova, Zh.K. Zhatkanbayeva, K.S. Meiramkulov, R.S. Begaliyeva, L.K. Beisembayeva, M.E. Salikhova/ Research of thickening properties and polymer ability to control the ratio of water mobility and oily phase/ Messenger of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev. Series: Chemistry. Geography. Ecology. No.2(131) / 2020 P.51-57
  • N.Kulyasheva, R.S. Begaliyeva, Zh.E.Dzhakupova, A.D.Badykova, A.G.Mustafina, R.A.Fedina / Study of the influence of particle size of polydimethyldallamonium chloride on filtration rate/ All-Russian scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists «Modern trends in the development of chemical technology, industrial ecology and technospheric safety» (P.1) / HSTE SPSUITD. — SP., 2020. – P.135-137                      
  • N. Kulyasheva, R.S. Begaliyeva, Zh.E. Dzhakupova, A.D. Badykova, R.A. Mustafina, R.A. Fedina, A.R. Safina/ Study of the sustainability of water-soluble polymers under conditions of mineralization / Science and technology in oil and gas business: Abstracts of reports II of the International Scientific and Practical Conference ( 31 January – 01 February 2020 ) /  “Kuban State Technological University”. – Krasnodar: “KSTU”, P.252-253 
  • N. Kulyasheva, A.D. Badykova, R.S. Begaliyeva, Zh.E. Dzhakupova, A.R. Safina, R.A.Fedina / Research of modified lignosulfonate for salt inhibition / Practical aspects of oil chemistry. Abstracts of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Ufa, pub. БашНИПИнефть, 2020 — P.92-94
  • E. Dzhakupova, Zh.K. Zhatkanbayev, K.S. Meiramkulov, R.S. Begaliyeva / Influence of mineral salts of high-viscosity oils on emulsification in the presence of amphicular polymers/ Chemical journal of Kazakhstan 4(72) October-December Almaty: 2020 – P.82-88
  • Begalieva R. S., Kulyashova I. N., Dzhakupova Zh. E., Badikova A. D., Mustafin A. G. Investigation of physicochemical properties of initial components for polyelectrolyte complex – reagent for oiland gas production / Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils, Vol. 56, No.6, January, 2021 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC — Р.889-897

Science project

  • «Physicochemical and technological bases of systems for increasing oil saturation in an oil recovery formation and selection of effective amphiphilic polymers with the best functional characteristics in oil saturation», project ИРН АР05135456 Ministry of Science and Education 2018-2020 year. Involved in the project as a junior researcher
  • Patent //№ RU 2756820 // «Method for producing a modified lignosulfonate reagent for drilling mud treatment» Authors: Kulyashova I.N., Badikova A.D., Fedina R.A., Begaliyeva R.S.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:[email protected]
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