Member of research project on grant financing of scientific research in 2018-2020 “investigation of the potential of current and possible markets of agricultural production, logistics and marketing of agricultural products with the definition of cost-effective types of products taking into account climate change and natural climatic conditions and production in the regions in recent years”, the participant of the scientific project “investigation of the potential of agricultural production, logistics and marketing of agricultural products”.
Participant of the research project for grant funding of research for 2018-2020 “development of a pilot plant and technology for processing petrochemical waste using Polyoxychloride and hexahydrate chloride, aluminum hydroxide/oxide and polymer composites”
Yerzhanova G. K., Nasipkali S. G. ways of development and improvement of small businesses. Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates” the role of youth in the development of innovation and science of the XXI century”, dedicated to” EXPO-2017″, Part II, March 31, Uralsk 17-22 p.
Marketing research in the field of small business. Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates” the role of youth in the development of innovation and science of the XXI century”, dedicated to” EXPO-2017″, Part II, March 31, Uralsk 2016, 120-126 p.
Priorities of small business organization. Materials of the G-Global communication platform. 2016
Organization and measures of regional support for small business development. Materials of the second Republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates” the role of youth in the development of innovations and science of the XXI century”, dedicated to” EXPO-2017″, March 31, 2017, Uralsk, 298-302 p .
Yerzhanova ZH. K., Utemisova D. T. tourist business of the West Kazakhstan region and ways to improve it. Materials of the second Republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates” the role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the XXI century”, dedicated to” EXPO-2017″, March 31, Uralsk, 337-343 p.
Yerzhanova ZH. K., Syrymsky S. G. improvement of the organization of breeding sheep breeding in the West Kazakhstan region. Materials of the second Republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates” the role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the XXI century”, dedicated to” EXPO-2017″, March 31, Uralsk, 347-352 p.
Yerzhanova ZH. K., Traisova T. N., Craiova S. D. Economy of the labour market. Almaty, LLP “Bastau” in 2016.
Issues of territorial and sectoral division of labor in agriculture of the West Kazakhstan region. Problems of the agricultural market No. 2, 2016
The differentiating role of agro-climatic conditions in the development of grain farming in the region. Journal of advanced research in law and Economics. Articles about. VII (2016) Issue 5 (19) pages: 1193-1207
Ways to improve human resource management in order to optimize migration processes within the CES member States. International journal of applied business and economic research: articles Volume 14 (2016) issue no.: 9 (2016) pages: 5737-5754
Yerzhanova ZH. K. state of development of small business in the West Kazakhstan region Science and education No. 1 (42), Uralsk, 2016.
Yerzhanova Zh.K., Akhmetzhanova N. A. Organization of state support for export of agricultural products in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Materials of the XI International scientific and practical conference “Safety and quality of goods”, Saratov, 2017. P. 45-56.
Development of small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of the Kyrgyz economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov” journal, No. 1(35), Bishkek-2016
Yerzhanova Zh. K. Sultanov A. U. National models of the labor market-training manuals / RSE “Zhangir Khan wkatu”. Uralsk, 2018. P. 145.
Yerzhanova Zh. K. Tutorial public-private partnerships / RSE “West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University named after Zhangir Khan”. Uralsk, 2018. p. 145.
Paint and varnish industry of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of the National engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. No. 1, 2018
Yerzhanova Zh. K., Amangalieva Z. K. Development of cooperation in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects. I international scientific and practical conference “Digitalization of the agro-industrial complex”, TSTU publishing center, 2018, pp. 175-178.
Yerzhanova Zh. K., Traisova T. N. Human capital of the rural population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. I international scientific and practical conference “Digitalization of the agro-industrial complex”, publishing center of TSTU, 2018. pp. 181-184.
Yerzhanova Zh. K., Zhaitleuova A. A. Problems and development of the agro-industrial complex in Kazakhstan. I international scientific and practical conference “Digitalization of the agro-industrial complex”, TSTU publishing center, 2018, pp. 184-187.
2016 – course “technology of distance learning in the educational process” Uralsk 2016.
The course “English language Level: Pre-Intermediate” NKAO “West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University named after Zhangir Khan”, Uralsk 2016.
The course “Marketing researches in the sphere of educational services” NKAO “West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University named after Zhangir Khan”, Uralsk 2016.
2017 – “Central Asian forum on quality assurance” organized by the independent accreditation and rating Agency AND NARKHOZ University, Almaty 2017.
International school – seminar “Institutional Economics and its practical application in the EAEU” L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian national University, Astana 2017.
The course “Modern management methods” NKAO “West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University named after Zhangir Khan”, Uralsk 2017.
The course “English language for special purposes: Elementary” NKAO “West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University named after 12. Zhangir Khan”, Uralsk 2017.
A course on “Active and interactive technologies in higher educational institutions in conditions of multilingualism” NKAO “West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University named after Zhangir Khan”, Uralsk 2017.
The course “Labour legislation, Safety and labour protection” NKAO “West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University named after Zhangir Khan”, Uralsk 2017.
2018 – advanced training course “Alternative methods of business financing and startups” of Zhangir Khan wkatu, 2018.
2018. advanced training course “methods of teaching in Higher education” al-Farabi Kazakh national University, Almaty 2018.
Training seminar “preparation of a self-assessment report by a University within the framework of specialized accreditation” in 2018.
Independent Agency for quality assurance of education. Uralsk 4.12.2018 Reg no. A-1468
2019. advanced training course “methods of teaching students entrepreneurship” Turan University, Almaty 2019.
2019. advanced training course “Business planning of innovative projects” Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics, Almaty 2019.
2020. Certificate 002 course of study under the program of the Council of the MSU PSC “Digital economy” Scientific Council “center of social Sciences of MSU” Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov Federal state budgetary EDUCATIONAL institution of the Russian Federation, January 23, 2020. Reg number 01pk07. 2020.
“Winter school of Digital economy” professional development program. West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical University named after Zhangir Khan certificate No. 4564. January 18, 2020
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51