Achievements and awards
Honorary diploma of the Department of Education of the West Kazakhstan region, 2019
- The author of the standard training programs “Database Management System”, “Programming”, “Computer Technologies” in the specialty 0111000 “Basic Secondary Education”;
- The author of test tasks in the subject “Fundamentals of Algorithms and Programming” commissioned by the National Testing Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Bekenova A.S., Bekenova S.S. The use of new innovative technologies in education // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Industrial and Innovative Development of the Economy: Problems, State, Prospects”, May 25-26, 2006. ISBN 9965-748-19-5, pp. 190-192
- Bekenova A.S., Bekenova S.S. Information technologies in the work of the group leader, collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference on the topic “Industrial and innovative development of the economy: problems, state, prospects”, May 25-26, 2006. ISBN 9965-748-19-5, pages 190-192
- “Akparatka ie adam alemdi bileydi…” – informational and methodological magazine “Technical and Vocational Education”, No. 4, 2013;
- “Protection of information on a computer” – the magazine “Bilim ainasy”, No. 12, 2018
- Bekenova A.S., Mutalova Zh.S., Bekenova S.S. Comparative analysis of the monolithic and microservice architecture of information systems//Education and science “Actual issues of the development of science and knowledge in modern conditions” Proceedings of the XXII international scientific and practical conference, April 12, 2022 – 2022.- Appendix No. 2 to the journal No. 2 (67 ). – pp. 180-188
- Modern programming languages: textbook / A. S. Bekenova, S. S. Bekenova – Ural: BKATU im. Zhangir Khan, 2021. – 158 p. ISBN 978-601-211-345-7
- National Lego Mindstorms EV3 Big Motor Video Tutorial,, April 27, 2018