Nursapina Kanbibi
Master, senior teacher
Institute of Economics, Information Technologies and Professional Education


1. Development of agriculture in the region as a factor of import substitution in the food market, – International scientific-practical conference “Directions of import substitution in the food market”, – ISBN 978-5-9907727-7-9, Saratov, 2016;

2. Legal basis of the organization of individual entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan, – Problems and prospects of innovative development of world agriculture, Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference 2016, – ISBN 978-5-9907728-9-2, Saratov, 2016;

3. Development of material and technical base of grain production as a condition of import substitution, – All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Structural changes in the Russian economy in the context of trade and economic sanctions and import substitution policy”, – ISBN: 978-5-4345-0440-9, Saratov, 2017 ;

4. Formation of material and technical base of agricultural production in Kazakhstan, – Collection “Development of human resources in the coordination of the XXI century” Scientific and practical conference of students and graduate students, Saratov: IC (science), 2017,

5. Formation of material and technical base of grain production, – XXXIII international conference “Development of science in the XXI century”, “Knowledge”, – ISBN 5672-2605, Kharkov, 2018;

6. Development and modernization of material and technical base of grain production, – International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Association “Agricultural Education and Science”, the contribution of scientists to improving the efficiency of the Russian agro-industrial complex, – UDC 338.436.33 SAT 65.3 2018;

7. Improvement of the system of material and technical support in grain production, – “Achievements and problems of modern science”, a collection of publications of the scientific journal “Globus” on the results of the XXXXI International Scientific and Practical Conference in 2019, – UDC 082, BBK 94.3, St. Petersburg 2019;

8. The process of development of the material and technical base of grain production in the Eurasian Economic Union, – Scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates “YOUTH AND SCIENCE IN THE MODERN WORLD”, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi, – UDC 001 BBK 72, Uralsk, 2020;

In peer-reviewed scientific journals (RINC):

1. Improving the quality management of agricultural products, – Science and education, – № 4. – ISSN 2305-9397, 2012, Uralsk;

2. A look at the problem of the development of entrepreneurial activity in Kazakhstan, – peer-reviewed electronic scientific journal “Social sciences: social-economicsciences” included in the Russian scientific citation index (RSCI), №3 (18), ISSN 2408-9575, -2017, Saratov;

Magazines included in the list of HAC:

1. Grain production in Russia: state and material and technical base, scientific journal “Bulletin of SSSEU”, № 3 (67) 2017, Saratov;

2. Development of material and technical base of grain production in the conditions of the EAEU scientific journal “Bulletin of SSSEU”, № 5 (67) 2018, Saratov;

3. Problems and prospects of effective use of material and technical base of grain production in Russia, “Management of economic systems: electronic scientific journal”, (117) UEx, 11/2018, Kislovodsk;

4. The role of state support in the development of material and technical base of grain production in Russia, Global scientific potential, – №4 (97), 2019, St. Petersburg;

5. Econometric assessment of grain production in the Russian Federation, Economics, labor, management in agriculture, №7 (64), 2020, Moscow.

Published abroad in Web of Science publications:

1. Agribusiness development based on improved material and technical resources and cooperation, n. 3 (2020): Free: Caderno Supplementar, N. 3, JUNHO, 2020, Brazil.

Professional development 1. Course of the program of the Council of MSU “Digital Economy” (Uralsk, 2020).

Professional development

1. Course of the program of the Council of MSU “Digital Economy” (Uralsk, 2020).
2. Advanced training course “Marketing research in the field of educational services” (Professor of Riga Technical University), 2016, Uralsk.
3. Advanced training course on “Production of meat and dairy products”, 2015, Istanbul, Republic of Turkey.

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