The inverse problem of the tuberculosis epidemic in the West Kazakhstan region. “Theory and numerical methods for solving inverse and ill-posed problems” of the X International Youth Scientific School-Conference. Novosibirsk -2018.
Using methods and basic algorithms in Data Mining technology. IV-International Scientific Conference “Research of young scientists” Kazan -2019
Fundamentals of data mining X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Global science and innovations 2020: Central Asia”
Volume 2. Nur-Sultan -2020
Architecture, basic methods and tasks of Data Mining technologies. Collection of materials of the international scientific conference “Models and methods of improving the effectiveness of innovative research” Karaganda- 2020.
The fundamental points of cluster analysis. Bulletin of Science. “Innovative ideas of young researchers” Collection of scientific articles based on the materials of the IV-International Scientific and Practical Conference Ufa, 2021
Aspects of application of methods of intellectual analysis and Data Mining in medicine. Bulletin of Toraighyrov University, Scientific Journal No. 1. – 2021. (energy series)
Data mining and mining in Data Mining technology. “Modern innovations in technology and production” Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical ConferencePskov 2021.
Kubegenova A.D., Zhaksybaev D.O., Mizamova G.N. WEB programming in PHP/ educational and methodical manual.Uralsk:Zhangir Khan State Technical University, 2022 – 152s.
Kubegenova A.D., Bekenova A.S. Algorithmization and programming of mechotronic systems / educational and methodical manual.Uralsk: Zhangir Khan ZKATU, 2022 – 150c.
Scientific projects
“ACeSYRI: Advanced Centre for PhD Students and Young Researchers in Informatics” under the European ERASMUS+ Program (2020-2023).
Professional development
Scientific internship on the topic of a doctoral dissertation. (Novosibirsk State University. Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2019)
Course “University 4.0. Digital Transformation” (Online educational platform SKLAD 2021)
English course for the Advanced Centre project team for graduate students and young researchers in the field of computer science (Ancestry) Beginner. 2022
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51