Kasymova Akmaral
Acting professor, candidate of dedagogical sciences
Institute of Economics, Information Technologies and Professional Education

Scientific Project

1) Планирование задач в распределенных вычислительных системах на основе метаданных: отчет о НИР (заключительный) / ЗКАТУ им. Жангир хана: рук. Насс О. В.; исполн.: Камалова Г. А., Касымова А. Х., Муталова Ж. С., Нургалиева А. Ә., Есенғали Қ. Қ. – Уральск, 2017. – 53 с. – № ГР 0115РК00068. – Инв. № 0218РКИ0011


More than 100 educational and methodological and scientific works

1. Didactic Potential of Multimedia-Technology in the Development of Students ’Informational Culture / H. A. Kasymova, A. H. Dabletova // Web of Science, Scopus. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Pp.12, Vol 9 (12), DOI: 10.17485 / ijst / 2016 / v9i12 / 89517, March 2016 ISSN (Print): 0974-6846 ISSN (Online): 0974-5645 March 2016. India. Hirsha2.

2. The Introduction of Elements of Dual Education System: Experience. Problems Prospects / H. A. Kasymova., S.Kh.Muhambetaliev // Web of Science, Scopus. Indian Journal of Scitnct and Nechnolody, Vol 9 (47), DOI: 10.17485 / ijst / 2016 / v9i47 / 99711. 2016 .ISSN (print): 0974-6846, ISSN (Online): 0974-5645.12s. December 2016. Indian.

3. Digital Educational Resources as Part of a Digital Educational Space for a P) rospective Teacher of Comhuter Skills / H. A. Kasymova A. H .. Dabletova.M. .B. Rakhimzhanova..F. Kusainov..N. N. Orazovna. E. Karymsakova // Journal of Science and Technology, Scopus Vol 10 (2), DOI: 10.17485 / ijst / 2017 / v10i2 / 110400.Jannuary. 2017 .ISSN (print): 0974-6846, ISSN (Online): 0974-5645.16s. Indian. Jannuary. 2017. Hirsha1

4. Methodological system of educational robotics training: Systematic literature review / H. A. Kasymova., Z.K.NURBEKOVA., K.M.MUKHAMDIYEVA., A.H.DAVLETOVA // Scopus, Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 07981015.Index.Espacios 39 (15) .Vol. 39 (# 15) Year 2018. Page 28 Hirsha1.

5. Digital Educational Resources As Part of A DigitalEducational Space For A Future Computer Teacher / H. A. Kasymova., A.Davletova., A.Mukanova., G.Bisenova. // TomsonMAGNT Research Report (ISSN. 1444-8939) Vol.5 (2). PP. 306-324, 2018 (doi: 1444-8939.2018 / 5-5 / MRR.34) www.brisjast.com Published by BRIS Journal of Advances in Science and Technology. Apr 2018 Australia.

6. Designing Electronic lab Sessions for Computer Science Class: Elementary / H. A. Kasymova., A.H. Davletova, Z.S. Kazhiakparova, A.A. Kussainov, K.M. Mukhamediyeva, Z.Z. Zhanuzakova, S.A. Nariman // Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204 Vol. 8, Issue 7, July 2018.-p.-128-150 Hirsha1.

7. Computer modeling of physical processes. / A.H. Kasymova. AM Bisengalieva, IM Bapiev // ISSN 0142-0843 BULLETIN of Karaganda University. PHYSICS series № 1 (73) /2014. January – February – March 29 March 2014, -p.-102-111.

8. Model of pedagogical structure of integration of students’ knowledge through new information technologies / A.Kh. Kasymova. // М. ISSN 1609-1817 №1-2013.-Almaty.2013, -p.-96-101.

9. Means of information technology in the field of education / A.Kh. Kasymova. // Researcher. Republican Scientific and Educational Center, Scientific Journal. №1-7 (105-108) January-April, 2015, Astana, 2015, -p.-119-126.

10. The use of the virtual world in connection with the development of technology / A.Kh. Kasymova. A.N. Kushekkaliev., A.B. Medeshova // Scientific journal. Shakarim State University of Semey № 3 (75) -2016. BULLETIN. Semey -2016.-p.-67-77.

11. Development of competitiveness of graduates through results-oriented training / A.Kh. Kasymova. Medeshova A.B., Muratova Zh.M., Aimecheva G.I. // Scientific journal. WKSU named after M.Utemisov № 3 (63) -2016. BULLETIN. Uralsk -2016. -p.-79-85.

12. Introduction of dual elements of innovative teaching / A.Kh. Kasymova. AN Kushekkaliev., AB Medeshova // Scientific journal. S. Toragyrov State University of Pavlodar № 3-2016. CORRESPONDENT Pavlodar -2016.-B.-67-78.-p.-78-88.

13. Features of the use of innovative learning technologies in the educational process / A.Kh. Kasymova. Medeshova AB // Scientific journal. WKSU named after M. Utemisov № 4 (64) -2016. BULLETIN. Ural-2016. -p.-116-123.

14. Features of creating an intranet server / A.Kh. Kasymova. Zh.G. Sarsengalieva // “Science and Education”, №4 (45) 2016. ISSN2305-9397.Scientific-practical magazine of the West-Kazakhstan agrarian-technical university named after Zhangir khan.Oral-2016.-B.-26-32.

15. Filtering content on the Internet / A.Kh. Kasymova. Kushekkaliev AN // Bulletin of PSU Physico-Mathematical Series Published since 1997 № 4 (2017) Pavlodar-2017.-p.-10-18.

16. Filtering of Internet traffic on the basis of web content mining / A.Kh. Kasymova. Kushekkaliev AN // «VESTNIK VKGTU», № 1, 2018.-B.-69-78.

17. Scope, stages and classification of the Shingle algorithm. / A.H. Kasymova. Sabyrgalieva A.// Pavlodar. PSU Bulletin, ISSN 1811-1807.Physical and mathematical series. №4. 2018.-B.-36-4.

18. Distance learning – modern pedagogical technology / A.Kh. Kasymova. Gabdrakhmanova Sh.T., Sagyzova .GG // Bulletin of WKSU named after M.Utemisov №1. 2019.

19. The importance of creating an information retrieval system for additional education courses. . / A.H. Kasymova. Gusmanova A // Bulletin of KazNRTU scientific and practical journal.№1. (131), January 2019 Almaty, -p.-331-338.

20. Didactic potential of multimedia technologies in the development of information culture of students / A.Kh. Kasymova. Davletova AH // Kyrgyz National University named after Jusipa Balasagyn “Vestnik” ISBN9967-21533Х. Bishkek 2016.-p.-81-85.

21. Information technologies in education / A.Kh. Kasymova. // Magazine. Prof. Образования.г. Moscow.2015.-p.-84-86.

22. Informational model of the information technologies application in education / А.Х. Kasymova // The USA Lournal of Applied Sciences. ISSN 2376-1342.CIBUNET. №1 2016 Passed in press in February 2016. Germany.2016. -p.-92-99.

23. Creation of a web-site for the car dealership “Lux” / A.Kh. Kasymova. B.Berdigul // Information and communication technologies: modern trends and development prospects. Collection of scientific works. ISBN978-9965-859-67-0 Karaganda.2017.-p.-76-79.

24. The use of the algorithm of shingles for the analysis of responses to open-ended questions in the system of knowledge control / А.Х. Kasymova. Kamalova G.A., Sabyrgalieva A // Internship. Scientific Journal 29 (33) Moscow.2017.-p.-51-63.

25. Development and implementation of automated information systems / A.Kh. Kasymova. Bekeeva M.Zh // Innovative aspects of the use of ITC in education. Collection of scientific works “Pero” Publishing House Nizhny Novgorod.2015.-P-26-29.

26. Monograph. Computer modeling of physical processes for students of technical specialties of the university. / A.H. Kasymova. Bisengalieva A.M. Bapiev I.M. // Editorial publishing department of West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. ISBN-978-601-7258-44-3978-601-7352-61-5.-Uralsk, – 2014..-p.-85.

27. Basic logic elements and combinational circuits of computers. Textbook / A.Kh. Kasymova. Mannapova TM // Editorial publishing department of West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan.-Uralsk, – 2015. ISBN 978-601-7543-79-2.

28. Java Scrip-object-oriented scripting language. Textbook / A.Kh. Kasymova. Mannapova TM // Editorial publishing department of West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. ISBN 978-601-319-05-6. Uralsk-2016-p.-110.

29. Distance training of teachers for the use of multimedia and technology. Textbook / A.Kh. Kasymova. Davletova A.Kh.Sharipov B.Zh // LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing isba trademark of Intermation Book Market Service Ltd. ISBN -978-620-2-07284-7.2017.S.-94.Germane.

30. Computer graphics / Textbook. / A.H. Kasymova. Davletova A., Rakhimzhanova M., Adyrbekova A. // LAMBERT academic. ISBN 978-613-9-92558-2 Copyright © 2018A.ll rights reserved. Beau Bassin ISBN-978-613-9-92-558-2 2018. p.-108.

31. Textbook. / Computer graphics / A.Kh. Kasymova. Davletova A., Adyrbekova A. // Editorial publishing department of West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. ISBN 978-601-319-115-7. Uralsk-2018.-p.- 148.

32. Monograph. / Integration of knowledge of future professionals through information technology: theory and practice. / A.H. Kasymova. Editorial publishing department of West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. ISBN -978-601-735-32-5-Uralsk, – 2013.p.-137.

33. Kamalova G.A., Kasymova A.H. Management of software projects / Almaty, Almanac, 2019. 132 p.

34. Kamalova G.A., Sabyrgalieva A.K., Kasymova A.H. Application of the Shingle algorithm in software analysis of free answers in the knowledge assessment system / III International scientific-practical conference “Quality Management: Search and Solutions”, Malaysia, 2017.

Professional Development

  1. 2015-«Мұғалімдердің кәсіби арекеттерін технологияландыру жағдайы ретінде электрондық оқулықтар негізінде АКТ-ды пайдалануы» Ұлттық ақпараттандыру орталығы. Алматы қ.; 2015-«Электрондық оқулықтар негізінде оқу үрдісін технологияландыру» Ұлттық ақпараттандыру орталығы. Алматы қ.;
  2. 2015- 7-19.12 аралығы – «Применение иннавационных технологии в пространстве образовательных учреждении» біліктілікті артыру курсы. «ZIAT»Ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығы.Астана қ.;
  3. 2017-«Білім берудегі инновациялық технологиялар» «ZIAT»Ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығы.Астана қ.;
  4. 2019-Инженерия будущего.Томский Политехнический университет.Лекториум.Томск қ. «Цифрлық экономика» ММУ-ң кеңесі бағдарламасының курсы (Орал, 2020).
  5. 2019 -Білімді жоғарлату.IT CENTER STEM 01.08-08.10.2019ж «Язык программирования» Нур-Султан.2019ж.
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