Scientific Project
Enhancement of Postgraduate Studies on Sustainable Agriculture and Future Farming Systems cofunded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ Programme Capacity-Building projects in the field of Higher Education (E+CBHE) Project reference number: 610383-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2020-2022).
- Ibyzhanova A. D., Tarshilova L. S. Modelirovanie vliyaniya nauchno-tekhnicheskogo partnerstva na rezul’taty deyatel’nosti universiteta // Fundamental research. – 2015. – No. 4. – Pp. 203-207; URL: (accessed: 25.02.2020).
- Muftigalieva A. A. Kirdasinova K. A., Sabirova R. K., Ibyzhanova A.D., Mizamova K. I. Using modern methods of management in Kazakhstan//International business management 10(10). 2016. C. 1998-2006 IF.1,223 (Scopus)
- Mutterliebe A. A. Kuangaliev Because Abyanova A. D., K. Musagaliev Kaigorodtsev A. Baigabulova K. Sargayeva N. Innovative Approaches in the Development of Kazakhstan Railway Industry //Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics/ Volume VII – Issue 4(18) Summer 2016 ISSN: 2068-696X. P. 851-861 IF.1,0 (Scopus)
- Tarshilova L. S., Ibyzhanova A.D. Faktornyj analiz territorial’noj organizacii sel’skogo hozyajstva Zapadno-Kazahstanskoj oblasti // Fundamental study. – 2016. – No. 9 (part 3) – Pp. 639-643 IF.1,1 (HAC RF)
- Tarshilova L. S., Ibyzhanova A.D., Kazambayeva A.M. Territorial specialization of agricultural production of the region International //Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research. – 2016. – No. 9. Vol. 14. – P. 5935-5950 . – ISSN 0972-7302 (Scopus)
- Tarshilova L. S., Ibyzhanova A.D., yerzhanova Zh., K. Sultanov A. U. Amangalieva Z. K. Differentiating Role of Agro-Climatic Conditions in the Development of Grain Farming in the Region// Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. – 2016. – Issue 5(19). Vol. VII. – P. 1193-1205 . – ISSN 2068-696X (Scopus)
- Tarilova L. S., Ibyzhanova A. D. Territorial’naya organizaciya agrarnogo sektora ekonomiki Zapadno Kazahstanskoj oblasti // Kazakh economic Bulletin, 2016, no. 4 – pp. 61-74
- Ibyzhanova A.D., Tarshilova L. S. Ocenka faktorov razvitiya sel’skogo hozyajstva Kazahstana // KazEU khabarshysy – Bulletin of KazEU.-2016.-No. 6-P. 142-149
- Sultanova Z. Kh., Ibyzhanova A.D. Ocenka faktorov urovnya intellektual’nogo potenciala na predpriyatiyah real’nogo sektora ekonomiki Aktyubinskoj Oblasti // Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series “Economy”. No (88)/2017. Pp. 123-131
- Tarshilova L. S., Ibyzhanova A.D. Reaction of the regional agroindustrial complex to integration processes// Espacios. – 2017. Vol. 38 (62). – P. 1-16 . – ISSN 0798-1015 (Scopus)
Professional Development
1. Researcher Links workshop on Public Service Innovations and Modernization using ICT (Innovation and modernization in the field of ICT), Nazarbayev University in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, 2-4.02.2015.
2. Researcher Links workshop on «Escaping the Exclusion or Sustaining the Privilege? A Complex Reality of Student Mobility from Kazakhstan ». Nazarbayev University together with Oxford University (Great Britain), 2-4.02.2015
3. Researcher Links workshop on “Management of Innovation in the Agricultural Sector”, Narkhoz University in cooperation with Abertay University (UK), 14-18.11.2016.
4. Course “1C: Features of accounting 2.0” National Open University “Intuit”, Moscow, 72 hours, 27.05.-10.06.2016.
5. Advanced training seminar for accountants and economists of NJSC “NASRC”. Astana, 28-29 09.2017