The main directions of increasing the competitiveness of grain and grain products in the conditions of market relations are Higher school of Kazakhstan.- International scientific and pedagogical publication.-2/2011
The methodology for assessing the level of competitiveness of grain production on the example of enterprises in the West Kazakhstan region is Search.- Almaty.- №1(1)./2011
Features of the formation of the competitiveness of livestock products in the border regions of Russia. – Almaty –№3-2012
Factors affecting the competitiveness of livestock products in the West Kazakhstan region and in the border regions Higher school of Kazakhstan.-International scientific and pedagogical publication. — №3 -2012
Entry of Kazakhstan into the All-Russian Trade Organization and competitiveness of rural economy into the Highest school №1 (2), 2012, Almaty
Export potential production of living products of Kazakhstan material III International scientific and practical conference./ Pod Ed. I. L. Vorotnikova. Publishing «KUBiK», 2012.
Materials of the III International scientific and practical conference of the Republic of Kazakhstan./ Pod Ed. I. L. Vorotnikova. Publishing «KUBiK»,2012.
Economic mechanism for ensuring competitiveness of living products in rural areas of the West Kazakhstan region ISBN 978-601-7392-29-5 RGP West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical university named after Zhangir khan, 2013
Economic mechanism for ensuring competitiveness of agricultural products in primary regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan ISBN978-601-7352-77-3, RGP ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk, 2014 . — 102 s.
Collection of materials of the 1st International scientific and practical conference sustainable development of regional economy within the framework of the general strategy of national economy «Problems and prospects of cooperation and integration in modern economy». Engels. 2018. pp. 66-68
Collection of materials of the 1st International scientific and practical conference «Problems and prospects of development of cooperation and integration in modern economy». Engels. 2018.pp. 68-72.
Styles of pedagogical society and their technological characteristics.
Collection of materials of the 1st International Scientific and practical conference «Problems and prospects of development of cooperation and integration in modern economy». Engels. 2018. pp. 73-77.
Features of the functioning of the market of sports schools «Problems and prospects of cooperation and integration in modern economy», collection of materials of the 1st International scientific and practical conference. Engels. 2018. P. 78-79.Collection of materials of the 1st International Scientific and practical conference «Problems and prospects of cooperation and integration in modern economy». Engels. 2018. pp. 78-79.
The housing and construction sector is an important priority bulletin of the ZKITU, ensuring the socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.№1(7), 2019. Б. 19-24.
Competitiveness and professional strategy bulletin of ZKITU. № 7, 2019. Б. 44-48.
Foreign experience in investing in innovative activities Bulletin of the Samara institute of municipal management.Samara. 2019, №4. Б.16-22
Scientific and practical journal of analytical statistics, accounting and auditing of youth unemployment problems and ways to solve it. Almaty. №3(48) 2020. Б.146-150.
Innovation management in the oil and gas sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and solutions bulletin of the Samara municipal institute of management. №1, Самара, 2021. Б.35-42.
2012-2014year Development of an organizational and economic mechanism for the territorial development of the national economy in the context of interregional interaction and cross-border cooperation under the budget program 055 «Scientific and/or scientific and technical activities», subprogram 101 «Grant financing of scientific research» according to priority: Intellectual potential of the country of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2012-2014 State registration No. 0112RK00520
2008year awarded the badge «For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan».
2011year winner of the grant «Best University teacher of 2010»
2011year awarded the medal «20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan» and diplomas of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2016 April. Personnel management in the modern educational management system. 72 hours №01.
2016 May. Personnel management and its development, in the amount of 36 hours.
2017.7-11.06. Project management, in the amount of 72 hours
2018.29.05-19.06. Management company fund and basic principles of marketing.
2019, October 17-November 5, improving the competence of teachers in distance learning, №108
2020.17-26.08, Business management, 2020006
2021, April. Fundamentals of economics in English.
2022, 4.09-21.05, Management in education. Team management. Leadership. Different communication styles, 144 hours, №. 1769.
2022, 5.09-14.05. Academic teaching of English.