Gaisina M.A. «А.М.К. Строй Сервис» ЖШС үдісінде «Ақша қаражаттар қозғалысының есебі» research work, 3rd degree diploma Ministry of Education and Science, 2016 Scientific adviser-Bazarova B.T.;
Burkhanova A. «БҚОФ Жлаушылар тасымалы» АҚ мысалы негізінде Сандық технологияның кезінде кәсіпорынның есеп және аудитінің қаржылық жағдайы» research work, Diploma of the 1st degree Ministry of Education and Science, 2019. Scientific adviser-Bazarova B.T.
Bazarova B.T. Byudzhetirovanie zatrat v sisteme upravleniya zatratami. // Materials of the XI international scientific and practical conference “Scientific industry of the European continent “-2015”. Prague-2015
Bazarova B. T. Menedzhment v processe poiska i realizacii upravlencheskih reshenij. // Materials of the XI international scientific and practical conference “Scientific industry of the European continent “-2015”. Prague-2015
Bazarova B.T. “Qarjylyq esep 1” 5V050800 “Esep jáne aýdıt” mamandyǵynyń stýdentterine arnalǵan elektrondyq oqý quraly. / Bazarova B.T.// RSE “West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University named after Zhangir Khan” -2015.
Bazarova B. T. Saýdadaǵy býhgalterlik esep páninen 5V050800 “Esep jáne aýdıt” mamandyǵynyń stýdentterine arnalǵan ádistemelik nusqaý. // RSE “West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University named after Zhangir Khan” -2016.
Bazarova B. T. Býhgalterlik esep ekonomıkalyq mamandyqtarynyń stýdentterine arnalǵan oqý quraly. // RSE “West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University named after Zhangir Khan” -2016.
Bazarova B. T. Aqsha-nesıe saıasatynyń ınflásıaǵa áseri. // Materials of the scientific and practical conference “the Role of the national currency in the economy during the globalization of the world economy”, dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Zhangir Khan wkatu and the 25th anniversary of the national currency. RSE “West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University named after Zhangir Khan»-2018
Professional development
Certificate “Teaching Methods in Higher School” (72 hours), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 2018/li>
Certificate, No.101298327 “Electronic Continent Governance” National Open University “INTUIT”, (72 hours), 2020/li>
Certificate “Financial and management accounting in accordance with IFRS” (72 hours), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 2020/li>
Certificate No. №101355166 “Business planning” National Open University “INTUIT”, (72 hours), 2020/li>
“Economics and accounting in business management” (72 hours) FGBOU VO Saratov GAU Saratov, Russia, 2020/li>
“Agritourism” (72 hours), KazNau International Summer School, 2020/li>
“Formation of digital skills in teaching special subjects” (72 hours), Uralsk, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2020
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51