Bekenova Anargul
Senior lecturer, master
Institute of Economics, Information Technologies and Professional Education


1) A.S. Bekenova PYTHON baғdarlamalau tili, study guide, Almanakh, 2019-121 p.
2) G.A. Kamalova, A.S. Bekenova, S.K. Baigubenova Electronic textbook for non-IT students on the subject “IT and digital culture” 2019
3) Bekenova A.S. SMART-university- bilim berudegi innovation damuynyn negizi, Science and education, No. 2 (55) 2019, p. 285

Professional development

1. Certificate №00050 “Fundamentals of methods of pedagogical measurements”, 18.05.2018. Astana, MON NCT.
2. Course “Programming”, “Engineering” STEM Academia, Nursultan, 2019.
3. Certificate №4619 “Methodological bases of distance learning technologies” 11.01.2020, Uralsk.
4. Course of the program of the Council of MSU “Digital Economy” Certificate №021 “Digital Economy”, 23.01.2020. Tson MSU (Uralsk, 2020).

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  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
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