Akhmetzhanova Nazym
Senior lecturer, master
Institute of Economics, Information Technologies and Professional Education


Educational and methodical publications:

1. Electronic textbook on the subject “Enterprise Economics” for students of economic specialties of distance learning. WKATU, 2006

2. Guidelines for economic assessment of the production potential of the enterprise for full-time and part-time students of economic, technical and agricultural specialties (E 40 65.291), RSE “WKATU named after Zhangir Khan” – Uralsk. – 2012

3. Formation of the integrated structure of the agro-industrial complex and its economic problems. Monograph. RSE “WKATU” – Uralsk. – 2017

4. “Real Estate Economics”: textbook for students majoring in 5B050600 – “Economics” / ISBN-13 p / p.

In peer-reviewed scientific journals (RINC):

1. A look at the problem of the development of entrepreneurial activity in Kazakhstan, – The peer-reviewed electronic scientific journal “Social sciences: social-economicsciences” is included in the index of scientific citations of Russia (RSCI), №3 (18) – 2017, Saratov.

2. Development of small and medium business in the agricultural sector of the Russian economy on the basis of state support. Scientific and practical journal “Global Scientific Potential”. Impact factor 0.510. № 4 (97) 2019.

Magazines included in the list of HAC:

1. “Directions of business development in the West Kazakhstan region”. Search. – 2012 – № 4 (3).

2. Development of integration processes of Russia and Kazakhstan in the conditions of the Eurasian Economic Union, scientific journal “Bulletin of the Eurasian Economic Union”, № 3 (67) 2017, Saratov

3. Trends in the development of small and medium-sized agribusiness in Russia, “Management of economic systems: electronic scientific journal”, (117) UEKS, 11/2018, Kislovodsk.

4. Development of small and medium business in the agricultural sector of the Russian economy on the basis of state support Global scientific potential №4 (97), 2019. St. Petersburg.

Published abroad in Web of Science publications:

1. Agribusiness development based on improved material and technical resources and cooperation, n. 3 (2020): Free: Caderno Supplementary, N. 3, JUNHO, 2020.

Professional development

  • Improving the quality management of agricultural products. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Eurasian integration: the role of science and education in the implementation of innovative programs.” Uralsk, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan-2012.
  • “The essence and specificity of competition in entrepreneurial activity.” Scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 21st anniversary of Komrat State University “Science, Culture, Education” Komrat – February 10, 2012.
  • “Agriculture – as the main system of organizing the agro-industrial complex of the territory.” Scientific and information journal “Economics and Statistics”. №2 2015.
  • Development of the region’s agrarian sector in conditions of integration processes strengthening. II Science, Technology and Higher Education [text]: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, Westwood, Canada, April 2-3, 2015. / -С. Westwood, Canada, 2015 141-145r.
  • Legal basis of the organization of individual entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan, – Problems and prospects of innovative development of world agriculture, Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference 2016, Saratov.
  • The development of agriculture in the region as a factor of import substitution in the food market, – “Directions of import substitution in the food market”, a collection of scientific papers on the results of the scientific-practical conference in 2017 / Saratov June.- Saratov, 2017.- ISBN 978-5- 99007727-7-9
  • The role of small and medium agribusiness in the implementation of import substitution strategies in the food market. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference “Structural changes in the Russian economy in the context of trade and economic sanctions and import substitution policy”, 2017. – Saratov, 2017 ISBN 978-5-4345-0440-9.
  • The level and structure of state support of small and medium-sized agribusiness in Russia – “Contribution of scientists to improving the efficiency of the Russian agro-industrial complex”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Association of Agricultural Education and Science, a collection of scientific papers on the results of 2018 June.- Saratov, 2018.
  • Development of agribusiness: real and future. “Contribution of scientists to improving the efficiency of the Russian agro-industrial complex”, “Dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Association of Agricultural Education and Science”, a collection of scientific papers on the results of the scientific-practical conference in 2018 / Saratov, June.- Saratov, 2018.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
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