Abdeshova Alberta
Senior lecturer, master
Institute of Economics, Information Technologies and Professional Education


  1. Ayesheva G.A., Rustenova I.A, Guidelines for the implementation of theses for students of the specialty 5B050900- “Finance” / Uralsk.– 2015.-33.
  2. Ayesheva G.A., Rustenova I.A, Guidelines for the implementation of theses for students of the specialty 5B050900- “Finance” / Uralsk.– 2015.-33
  3. Abdeshova A.Sh., Methodological guidelines for the implementation of essays on the discipline”Finance of foreign countries” for students of the specialty 5B050900-“Finance” / wkatu named after Zhangir Khan in Uralsk. -2015.-24 .
  4. Abdeshova A.Sh., Abdulova T.G. Methodical recommendations for the implementation of SRO on the discipline “Financial Analysis in a Commercial Bank” for students of the specialty 5В050900 – “Finance” / RSE “ZKATU them. Zhangir Khan “- Uralsk, 2015. S. 45.
  5. 11 Abdeshova A.Sh., Management and analysis of credit operations textbook for students of specialty 5B050900-“Finance” / wkatu named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk. -2016.-114
  6. Abdeshova A.Sh., Zhangalieva A.B. Consequences of devaluation in Kazakhstan // Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates “the role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the XXI century”, dedicated to EXPO -2017.-5.
  7. Abdeshova A.Sh., Satkanova S.А. Current state of the insurance market in Kazakhstan // Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates “the role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the XXI century”, dedicated to EXPO -2017.-5.
  8. Abdeshova A.Sh. Kazakhstan’s role in the integration process of the economy // Collection of scientific papers of the XI international scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of trade and economic activity and education in modern conditions”, Orenburg, 2016
  9. Abdeshova A.Sh . Ayesheva G.A., 5B050900 – guidelines for the implementation of the thesis for students of the specialty “Finance” / wkatu named after Zhangir Khan of Uralsk. – -2016.-38
  10. Abdeshova A.Sh., Abdulova T.G. А.Ш. 5В050900 – Professional practice program for students of the specialty “Finance” / wkatu named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk. -2016.
  11. Abdeshova A.Sh Lending to agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Collection of International articles scientific and practical conference “New regulators of development of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, Saratov, 2017
  12. Abdeshova A.Sh Digitalization of the banking sector in Kazakhstan // Collection of scientific papers of the V International scientific and practical conference “Modern economy: ensuring food security, Samara, 2018
  13. Abdeshova A.Sh . The importance of being financially literate // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “The role of the national currency in the economy during the globalization of the world economy”, dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical University. Zhangir Khan and the 25th anniversary of the national currency, Uralsk, October 25.2018, 157-161.
  14. Tyumambaevа A.G. , Abdeshova A.Sh Introduction to Finance, study guide West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University them.Zhangir Khan, Uralsk-2019-P. 128. ISBN
  15. Abdeshova A.Sh Management and analysis of credit operations, Almanac publishing house LLP, Almaty., 2019-107. ISBN

Professional development

1. Advanced training course “Marketing research in educational activities” (certificate № 2211, Uralsk, 2016);
2. March 14, 2016 Workshop on Thomson Reuters for research, Uralsk;
3. Advanced training course “Technology of distance learning in the educational process” (certificate № 2683, Uralsk, 2016)
4. Training course “Money, credit, banks” (certificate 101091602, 72 hours, Moscow, 2017);
5. Certificate of professional development “Economics and Accounting in Business Management” (40640400004996, Saratov, 2018);
6. “Alternative methods of financing business and startups”, (WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, certificate №3590, 72 hours, 2018);
7. Training course “Finance” (certificate №101214648, Moscow, 72 hours, 2019);
8. Training course “Insurance” (certificate №101238310, Moscow, 72 hours, 2019);
9. Internship SB VTB Bank JSC (72 hours, Uralsk, 2019);
10. Training course “Financial Management” (certificate №101301530, Moscow, 72 hours, 2020);
11. Internship JSC “Nur Bank” (72 hours, Uralsk, 2020).

090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:[email protected]
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