“Renewable energy sources – our future in the present” publication of an article in the collection of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference “GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2021: CENTRAL ASIA” as part of the publication of the International Scientific Journal “GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2021: CENTRAL ASIA”, ISSN 2664-2271, UDC 621.31(076), 2021
“Renewable energy sources, or “green” energy” publication of an article in the collection SCIENCE. space. heroic deed. Proceedings of the International 55th Scientific Student Conference. “I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University” ISBN 978-5-7677-3299-9, UDC 378.4(470,344), 2021
“Implementation of the Green Bridge Partnership program” publication of an article in the collection Actual problems of agro-industrial energy: Materials of the XII National Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, ISBN 978-5-00140-794-2, UDC 621.31(076), 2021
“Renewable energy sources as one of the ways of energy saving” publication of an article in the “International Scientific Journal ACADEMICIAN” No. 1 (163), 2022, KZ12VPY00034539, 2022.
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