Sengaliyev Yerbol
Senior lecturer, candidate of veterinary sciences
Institute of veterinary and agrotechnology


1. The effect of natural zeolite on the morphological parameters of the blood in calf rickets, scientific journal “Search and Results”, Almaty, KazNAU 4b, R.S. Sabirov, F.B. Zakirova, B.O. Ertlueva

2. Location of oestrusovis larvae in animals of different sexes, Science and Education, 2016, N № 1 (42) .¬С.90¬93 (Uralsk) 4b, А. И. Ильясов, Н. J. Sariev.

3. The influence of bcg vaccine to the calves skin after administration, С. Bulletin of Science of Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University (interdisciplinary), 2016, N № 2 (89) .¬S.45¬53 (Astana) 9b R. L. Sitdikov. L. G. Dushayeva, N. K. Lbragimov, G. K. Zhumagalieva.

4. Effectiveness and effect of probiotic veto 1.1 on blood parameters in newborn lambs, Science and Education, 2017, N № 3 (48) .¬С.61¬65 (Uralsk) 5b, M. Ye. Kerevanov, M. Ye. Kerevanov, D. B. Kereeva.

5. The microflora of the udder during lambing, Studenchesky Vestnik. Scientific Journal № 46 (96) Part 7, Moscow. 2b, SB Baidildin, Z.Zh. Kind, A.B. Rakhatov.

6. Mechanism of development of subclinical ketosis in thin sheep, Success of modern science. № 11, Vol.9 S. 81-86., 2016. 3b, V.S. Avdeyenko, А.В. Molchanov, R.N. Bulatov.

7. Metabolic changes in the blood of lean sheep in the last terms of fertility in normal and preclinical ketosis, Sheep, goats, wool. №4, p.44-45., 2017, V.S. Avdeyenko, А.В. Molchanov,, А.Н. Cousin.

8. The use of antioxidant drugs for the prevention of pathological breeds in sheep, patients with gestosis on the background of ketonuria, Agrarian Journal. Natural sciences. №12, pp. 50-52., 2017, V.S. Avdeyenko, А.В. Molchanov,, А.С. Rykhlov, D.V.  Krivenko, AV Egunova.

9. Metabolic stress in ewes in the last years of fertility as a factor in the development of eclampsia, Bulletin of the Ulyanovsk State Academy of Agriculture. № 2 (42). p. 206-209., 2018, V.S. Avdeenko, A.V. Molchanov.

10. “Diagnosis of various forms of gestosis of skeletal sheep on the background of metabolic stress” Sheep, goats, wool. № 3. p. 58-60., 2018.3b, A.V. Molchanov, V.S. Avdeenko. At international scientific and practical conferences.

11. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Veterinary and Animal Husbandry: Theory, Practice and Innovations”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician KS Sabdenov “Results of bacteriological examination of pathological materials obtained in calf pasteurellosis.” Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, October 18, 2012, pp. 156-158. K.E. Murzabaev.

12. International scientific-practical conference “Modern results in combating the most dangerous, rare and zooanthroponotic diseases of animals”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor NG Asanov “Results of testing hyperimmune serum against calf pasteurellosis”, Almaty, 2012, 97-100b, page 3 K.E. Murzabaev.

13. International scientific-practical conference “Modern integration priorities in science: from research to innovation” dedicated to the 50th anniversary of WKTU named after Zhangir Khan “Application of polyvalent vaccine against agricultural pasteurellosis in rabbits in the laboratory” (May 30-June 1, 2013) Part I , Pp. 337-340. 4b. S.A. Alimbekov, AS Ishchanova, Zh.Zh.Zhanekenova.

14. “Selection of effective drugs against P. multocida” Topical issues of modern development of domestic beef cattle. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference, Uralsk 2014, 331-334 p.4b, O.B. Taubayev К.Е. Murzabaev, B.O. Ertleuova, G.K. Zhumagalieva.

15. “Results of laboratory research of sheep bradzo” Science and education in the XXI century: experience and future: International scientific practice dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Conf. Materials (November 20-21, 2015). Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2015. B. ІІ.-p.94-96, 3p. A. Alimbekov, A. S. Ishanova, A. N. Tapishev.

16. “Results of laboratory studies of pathological materials from lambs infected with pasteurellosis” Science and education in the XXI century: experience and future: International scientific practice dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Conf. Materials (November 20-21, 2015). Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2015. B. II.-S.197-199 (Uralsk) 3b B B.M.Sidikhov, D.E. Gabdullin, N. Abdigapparov.

17. Changes in the hematological parameters of sheep with psoroptosis. Science and education in the XXI century: experience and future: International scientific practice dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Conf. Materials (November 20-21, 2015). ¬ Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2015. B. ІІ.¬p.163¬165 (Uralsk) 3b, K. E. Murzabaev, A. K. Kereev, E. K. Karimova, D. E. Gabdullin.

18. “Methods of studying the parasites of fish” Kazakhstan – the future of a united nation: International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Materials (April 29-30, 2016). -Uralsk: BKITU, 2016. B. І.-p.244-248 (Uralsk) 5b, T. K. Murzashev, G. S. Dauletkaliyeva, R. S. Sabirov, G. K. Zhumagalieva.

19. “Some clinical signs of dyspepsia in simple and toxic forms of lamb” The role of youth in the development of innovation and science in the XXI century: Studio for EXPO-2017. and undergraduates of the republic. Scientific and practical. Conf. Materials (March 31). -Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2016. B. І.-p.449-453 (Uralsk) 5b, K. A. Nurgalieva, N. Zh. Sariev, A. K. Kereev.

20. “The prevalence, frequency and clinical manifestations of eczema in cats” The role of youth in the development of innovation and science in the XXI century: Studio for EXPO-2017. And undergraduates of the republic. Scientific and practical. Conf. Materials (March 31) .- Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2016. B. І.¬p.512¬516 (Uralsk) 5p, P.N. Ikhsanova, M.M.Sadenov, A.K. Kereev.

21. “Epizootological analysis of brucellosis in cattle in Karatobe district” The role of youth in the development of innovation and science in the XXI century: Studio for EXPO-2017. And undergraduates of the republic. Scientific and practical. Conf. Materials (March 31). -Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2016. B. І.-p.526-531 (Uralsk) 6p, A. Zh. Sisenbaeva, M.G. Gusmanov.

22. “The impact of natural zeolite on the morphological and biochemical parameters of the blood in calf rickets” The role of youth in the development of innovation and science in the XXI century: Studio for EXPO-2017. And undergraduates of the republic. Scientific and practical. Conf. Materials (March 31). -Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2016. B. І.-p.459-465. (Uralsk) 7bR. S. Sabirov, А. N. Zhubantayev, F. V. Zakirova.

23. “Changes in the blood of thin sheep in the body with secret ketosis”, “Young researcher: Challenges and prospects” Collection of articles on the materials of the III International Scientific-Practical Conference L43 (143) November 2019. 3b A.A. Istlyaup, A.K. Kairatova, G.B .Baurzhanova.

24. “Etiology and clinical symptoms of OPG Gestosis syndrome in thin sheep on the background of subclinical kestosis” Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Citiezen of Kazakhstan – national of common future”. Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Repablic of Kazakhstan April 29-30, 2016, Uralsk, p. 201-203. 3b. R.G. Bulatov, V.S. Avdeenko, E.U. Baitlesov, A.K. Dnekeshev.

25. “Biochemical processes in the blood of lean sheep during the development of subclinical ketosis” Sciences of Europe. Praha. – 2016. –No 9 (9). – Vol 2. – P. 109-113. 3b, V.S. Avdeyenko, Р.Н. Bulatov.

26. “Disruption of metabolic processes in the body of lean sheep in the development of subclinical ketosis” Scientific Journal “Commonwealth”, №9, 2016. P.5-8. 3b, V.S. Avdeenko, A.V. Molchanov, R.N. Bulatov.

27. “Change of metabolic processes in the body of lean sheep in ketenuria” Proceedings of the National Conference with the international participation “Innovative technologies in the production of food products of animal origin.” – Саратов, 2016. – p. 125-129. 3b, R3.G. Bulatov, V.S. Avdeenko.

28. Application of ecologically safe antioxidant drugs of the new generation in ketonuria of sheep. In the collection: Ecological and reclamation aspects of rational use of materials Materials of the International scientific-practical conference. 2017. С. 171-175. 3b. V.S. Avdeenko, I. S. Fedorenko, R. N. Bulatov.

29. “Fundamentals of the diagnosis and prevention of eclampsia in sheep” Actual problems of veterinary medicine, dietary and biotechnology: Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference. – Саратов, 2018. – p. 119-122. 3b, V.S. Avdeenko.

30. “Changes in the blood of thin sheep in the development of eclampsia on the background of subclinical ketosis” Actual problems of veterinary medicine, dietary and biotechnology: Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference. Saratov, 2018. p. 114-119. 3b, V.S. Avdeenko, V.D. Kocharyan, G.S. Chizhova.

31. «Metabolic parameters in pregnant sheep with subclinical ketosis» Young scientist, International scientific journal. №10 (196), P. 46-48, 2018.3p, V.S.Avdeenko, A.K. Kereyev.

32. «Biochemical parameters in the blood of pregnant sheep against the background of ketonuria» Science and education. Scientific-practical journal of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. №1 (50) 2018. P.74-78. 3b, V.S. Avdeenko, A.K. Kereyev.

33. “Protection of reproductive health of ewes” Materials of international scientific-practical decisions in the field of animal husbandry March 29, 2019, Uralsk, p.157-160. 3b, V.S. Avdeenko, R.N. Bulatov,  A.K. Kereev.

34. Determination of the prophylactic dose of vitamin-mineral preparation (l-aspartate Se, Cu, Co, Va, Ve), Actual problems of veterinary medicine, food and biotechnology: Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference. – Saratov: Saratov SAU, 2019. – P.125-129. 3b, V.S. Avdeenko, Р.Н. Bulatov, V.D. Kocharyachn.

35. Prophylactic efficacy of pregnancy complications of mineral-vitamin supplement “l-asparginate Se, Cu, Co, Va, Ve” in bone marrow “Actual problems of veterinary conventional medicine, food and nutrition. – Saratov: Saratov SAU, 2019. – P.129-136 3b V.S. Avdeenko, Р.Н. Bulatov, V.D. Kocharyachn.

36. Economic efficiency of the use of mineral-vitamin ppapatom “l-asparginate Se, Cu, Co, Va, Ve” in bone marrow for the prevention of complications of pregnancy, Actual problems of veterinary medicine: – Saratov: Saratov SAU, 2019. – P.136-141, 3b, V.S. Avdeenko, Р.Н. Bulatov, V.D. Kocharyachn.

37. Changes in the blood in the body of thin sheep under cover of ketosis. Publishing house CXLIII International scientific-practical conference Young researcher: challenges and prospects / In the journals recommended by KKSON MON RK, RINC RF November 2019. Moscow 2p.

38. “Sheep microflora in sheep’s udder” Student’s Bulletin / In the journals recommended by KKSON MON RK, RINC RF, December 2019. Moscow 2b, Dissertation and abstracts.

39. “Epizootological significance of pasteurellosis in mixed respiratory infections of cattle” Abstract of the dissertation for the academic degree of Master of Veterinary Sciences, 26b, Textbooks.

40. Electronic textbook on the subject “Pharmacology” for 3rd year students majoring in 5B120100-Veterinary Medicine Electronic textbook. Electronic textbook. Murzabaev. A.G. Darmenova.

41. Textbook on the subject “Veterinary Toxicology” for the specialty 6B09100-Veterinary, 06.2020. Publishing house Almanakht 17.7 p.l.v., R.S. Karmaliev, N.Zh. Sariev.

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