Nasiyev Beybit
Professor, academician of NAS RK, doctor of agricultural sciences
Institute of veterinary and agrotechnology

State awards

He was twice awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For services in the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and the awards “For a great personal contribution to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Excellence in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

Scientific projects

  • 2012-2014 – research supervisor of MES RK grant on the subject: “Studying of restoration methods of bioresource potential of fodder grounds of semidesert zone”;
  • 2012-2014 – research supervisor of MES RK grant on the subject: “Development of innovative methods of high-protein forages production in fodder grounds”;
  • 2012-2014 – research supervisor of MES RK grant on the subject: “Studying of processes and factors of degradation and desertification of fodder grounds of semidesert zone”;
  • 2012-2014 – research supervisor of MES RK grant on the subject: “Agroenvironmental monitoring, studying of processes and factors of degradation of lands of flood irrigation of semidesert zone of West Kazakhstan region”;
  • 2015-2017 – research supervisor of MES RK grant on the subject: “Locust (Orthoptera, Acridoidea): fauna and ecology in connection with climate change, improvement of population forecast, planning of fight measures”;
  • 2015-2017 – research supervisor of MES RK grant on the subject: “Assessment of state and development of adaptive technologies of rational use of semidesert pasturable ecosystems”;
  • 2015-2017 – research supervisor of MES RK grant on the subject: “Development of technology for production of own forages for feeding complexes and industrial type farms”;
  • 2018-2020 – research supervisor of MES RK grant on the subject: “Development of adaptive technologies of forage and oil-bearing crops cultivation in relation to the conditions of West Kazakhstan”;
  • 2018-2020 – co-director of the project of programme-target financing of MA RK on the subject: “Creation of highly productive pasturable grounds in the conditions of North and West Kazakhstan and their rational use”.
  • 2021-2023 – research supervisor of the Scientific and Technical Program of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan BR10764915 “Development of new technologies for restoration and rational use of pastures (use of pasture resources)”;
  • 2023-2025 – research supervisor of the Scientific and Technical Program of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan BR21881871 “Development of technologies and methods of forage harvesting in the forage lands of Kazakhstan in the context of sustainable management”;
  • 2024-2026 – research supervisor of the Scientific and Technical Program of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan BR22883585 “Development of effective technologies to increase productive potential and rational use of pastures”.


1. Nasiyev В., Bekkaliyev A.K., Manolov I.G.,  Shibaikin B. Influence of grazing technologies on the indices of chestnut soils in Western Kazakhstan // Polish Journal of Soil Science. – 2020. VOL. LIII/1 PP.163-180.PL ISSN 0079-2985 DOI: 10.17951/pjss/2020.53.1.163 Scopus Процентиль 33

2. Nasiyev В., Bekkaliyev A.K., Zhanatalapov N.Zh.,  Shibaikin B., Yeleshev R. Changes in the physicochemical parameters of chestnut soils in Western Kazakhstan under the influence of the grazing technologies // Periódico Tchê Química. ISSN 2179-0302. (2020); vol.17 (n35) PP.192-202. Scopus Процентиль 72

3. Nasiev B., Zhanatalapov N., Shibaikin V., Yancheva Hr. Adaptation of elements of Sudan grass cultivation to the conditions of dry-steppe zone // Turkish Journal of Field Crops. – 2020. – 25(1). – PP.57-65. URL DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.743681 Scopus Процентиль 49

4. Nasiyev B.N., Zhanatalapov N.Zh., Shibaikin B. Assessment of the Elements of the Sudan Grass Cultivation Technology in the Zone of Dry Steppes // OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences. – 2021. – No.21 (1). – P.172-180.

Процентиль 36 по CiteScore Scopus

5. Nasiyev B.N., Bekkaliyeva A.K.,Vassilina T., Zhylkybay A.M. Biologized technologies for cultivation of field crops in the organic farming system of West Kazakhstan // Journal of Ecological Engineering.  – 2022. – No.23(8). – P.77-88.

Процентиль 52 по CiteScore Scopus

6. Nasiyev B., Bushnev A., Zhanatalapov N., Bekkaliyev N., Zhylkybay A.,Vassilina T., Shibaikin V., Tuktarov R. Initiation of safflower sowings in the organic farming system of Western Kazakhstan // OCL – Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids. – 2022. Vol.29, Article Number 21, 12p. doi.    Процентиль 68 по CiteScore Scopus

7. Nasiyev B.N., Shibaikin V., Bekkaliyev A., Zhanatalapov N., Bekkaliyeva A. Changes in the quality of vegetation cover and soil of pastures in semi-deserts of West Kazakhstan, depending on the grazing methods // Journal of Ecological Engineering. – 2022. – No.23(10). – P.50-60.             Процентиль 52 по CiteScore Scopus

8. Nasiyev B., Karynbayev A., Khiyasov M., Bekkaliyev A., Zhanatalapov N., Begeyeva M., Bekkaliyeva A., Shibaikin V. Influence of Cattle Grazing Methods on Changes in Vegetation Cover and Productivity of Pasture Lands in the Semi-Desert Zone of Western Kazakhstan // International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. – 2023. – Vol.18. – No.4. – Р.767-774. Процентиль 57 по CiteScore Scopus

9. Насиев Б.Н., Беккалиева А.К., Жанаталапов Н.Ж., Беккалиев А.К., Хиясов М.Г. Влияние способов использования на продуктивность и запас кормов пастбищ // Наука и образование.  – 2023. – No.1-3(70). – С.92-99. КОКСНВО

10. Насиев Б.Н., Жанаталапов Н.Ж., Беккалиев А.К., Хиясов М.Г. Изучение ротационных пастбищ в условиях полупустынной зоны Западного Казахстана // ВЕСТНИК Кызылординского университета имени Коркыт Ата. – 2024. – №1(68). – С. 26–34.

11. Жанаталапов Н. Ж., Беккалиев А.К., Насиев Б.Н., Хиясов М.Г., Попов Д.В., Өкшебаев А.Е., Турегалиева А.А. Изучение влияния органо-минеральных удобрений на растительность и почву пастбищ // Ғылым және білім. – 2024. -№1-2. Вып 74. – С. 54-64.

12. Насиев Б.Н., Беккалиев А.К., Жанаталапов Н.Ж., Салықова А.С., Хиясов М.Г., Yang Peizhi, Латенова А.М. Айналмалы пайдалану кезінде жайылымдардың топырақ жамылғысын зерттеу // Ғылым және білім. – 2024. – №1-2(74). – С. 64–73.

13. Beybit Nasiyev, Madiyar Khiyasov, Askhat Bekkaliyev, Nurbolat Zhanatalapov, Aidyn Bekkaliyeva, Vladimir Shibaikin, Amanbay Karynbayev, Rashit Nurgaziev,  Akmarzhan Salykova, Tursunay Vassilina, Peizhi Yang. Assessing Variability of Soil Quality in Western Kazakhstan: Dynamic Effects of Grazing Practices // International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. – 2024. – 19(3). – P.875-885.

Journal homepage:                   DOI: Ссылки Оглавление: Статья:
 URL журнала в базе Scopus Процентиль 54

Utility model patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Nasiyev B.N. Patent for utility model “Method of cultivating forage crops” No. 2703 dated March 19, 2018

Nasiyev B.N. Patent for utility model “Method of rational use of natural pasture ecosystems” No. 2807 dated April 28, 2018

Nasiyev B.N., Zhanatalapov N.Zh. Patent for utility model “Method of cultivation of Sudan grass” No. 4498 dated April 15, 2019

Nasiyev B.N., Bekkaliyev A.K. Patent for utility model “Method of agricultural grazing. animals.” No. 5162. 17.07.2020

Nasiyev B.N. Utility model patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan. “Method of cultivation of forage crops” No. 7068 dated 06.05.2022

Nasiyev B.N., Bekkaliyev A.K., Khiyasov M.G. Patent for utility model “Method of using pastures”. No. 8074. 19.05.2023

Nasiyev B.N., Zhanatalapov N.Zh., Khiyasov M.G. Patent for a utility model “Method for restoring bioproductivity of pastures.” No. 7932. 07.04.2023

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