Nagieva Aliya
Acting docent, PhD
Institute of veterinary and agrotechnology

Scientific projects

2024-2026 – Head of the scientific project “Development of technology for improving the ecological and meliorative state of estuaries and increasing their productivity”.


  1. E. V. Pershina, E. A. Ivanova, A.G. Nagieva, T. Zhiengaliev, E. L. Chirak,E. E. Andronov, N. Kh. Sergaliev. A Comparative Analysis of Microbiomes in Natural and Anthropogenically Disturbed Soils of Northwestern Kazakhstan     Journal Eurasian Soil Science, 2016, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 673–684. Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2016. с.673-684
  2. Sergaliev N.Kh.,         Nagieva A.G. Сomparative analysis of microbial communities of different soils in West-Kazakhstan European Science and Technology [Text]: materials of the XV international research and practice conference, Munich, December 14th – 15th, 2016 / publishing office Vela Verlag Waldkraiburg – Munich – Germany, 2016 с. 95-102.
  3. E.A. Ivanova,  E.V. Pershina,  O.V. Kutov, N.Kh. Sergaliyev, A.G. Nagiyevа, A.T. Zhiengaliyev, N.A. Provorov, E.E. Andronov         . Comparative Analysis of Microbial Communities of Contrasting Soil Types in Different Plant Communities Russian Journal of Ecology. Ekaterinburg. – 2018. №1, Т. 49. Р. 34-44     .
  4. Sergaliyev N.Kh., Nagiyevа A.G., Zhiengaliyev    А. Change of CO2 Emission in Dark Chestnut Soil of Transurals. Scopus, «IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science». Юрга. – 2018.  – P. 1-9 . DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/224/1/012025
  5. N.Kh. Sergaliyev, А.G. Nagiyevа, A.S. Tlepov, А. Zhiengaliyev       Emission of Carbon Dioxide from the Dark Chestnut Soil in West Kazakhstan    International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT). – 2019. – Р. 6676-6680. DOI 10.35940/ijeat.A1964.109119
  6. Sergaliyev N.Kh., Nagiyevа А.G., Tlepov A.S. Biological activity and emission of carbon dioxide from dark chestnut soil of Western Kazakhstan       Eco.Env.&Cons.26(3): 2020; pp. (1217-1220) Copyright@ EM International. ISSN 0971–765X Ecology, Environment and Conservation (0971765X-India-Scopus)
  7. Nagiyevа А.G., Sergaliyev N.Kh., Bissembayev A.T. Soil emission of carbon dioxide and behavior of microorganisms in soils of Western Kazakhstan. Journal Of Animal Science. 2021. Том 99. Стр. 345-346. Приложение 3.
  8. Нагиева А.Г. Маркерные таксоны солонцовых почв Западно-Казахстанской области // Наука и образование. – 2023. – №3 (72). – С. 3-12.
  9. Нагиева А.Г., Мусина М.К., Нургалиева Г.К. Идентификация микроорганизмов в почвах различного пользования. // Наука и образование. – 2023. – №4-2 (73). – С. 13-20.
  10. Нагиева А.Г., Алпамысова Г.Б. Адаптации микроорганизмов к высоким значениям рН в почве. Ғылым және Білім.– Уральск. – 2024. ЗКАТУ. №2-2(75). с.24-31
  11. Alpamyssova G.B.,MambetovК.К.,BaibekovЕ.,ShapаlovS. K., Nagiyeva A.G. Cultivation  technology  and  productivity  of  sweet  sorgum  in  the conditions of South Kazakhstan. Ғылым және Білім.– Уральск. – 2024. ЗКАТУ. №2-2(75). с.61-69
  12. Salybekova N.N., Yusupov B.Y., Alpamyssova G.B., Nagiyeva A. G., Serzhanova A.E., Babayeva G.A. Biotechnological features of microclonal reproduction of Tulipa L. species. Ғылым және Білім.– Уральск. – 2024. ЗКАТУ. №3-2(76). с.91-97.

Utility model patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  1. Sergaliyev N.Kh., Nagiyeva A.G., Shadyarov T.M. Method for measuring carbon dioxide emissions from soil. Utility model patent No. 5832
  2. Nagiyeva A.G., Shadyarov T.M., Zhiengaliyev A.T. Device with a block diagram for measuring CO2 emissions. Utility model patent No. 5807
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:[email protected]
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