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2. С.Сунгаткызы , Гумарова Ж.М. Батыс Қазақстан облысының тыңайған топырақтарының ферментативті белсенділігі // Ғылым және білім. – 2020. – № 4-2 (61). – С. 31-35.
3. А.А.Булекова, С.Сунгаткызы Разработка агроэкологических приемов повышения урожайности сорговых культур // Научный журнал «Наука и образование», 2020. – №2-2(59). – С.25-28.
4. А.А.Булекова, С.Сунгаткызы Значение сорго как кормовой культуры для «зеленого конвейра // Научный журнал «Наука и образование», 2020. – №2-2(59). – С.22-25.
Professional Development, Training
“Modernmethodsinensuring life safetyandenvironmentalprotection”in the amount of 72hours,registrationnumber9001,06/18/2018,Orenburg
“Application of Distance Learning Technologies in the Educational Process” — 72 hours, Registration number 3928, 28.01.2019.
“Ecological Activities Using the ERA Software Complex” — 72 hours, Registration number 4252, 10.06.2019.
“Seed Production of Agricultural and Fruit Crops and Their Market Position” — 72 hours, Registration number 4312, 12.09.2019.
“Property Protection and Capitalization Creation on the Blockchain Platform” — 72 hours, 04-14.09.2019.
“Production Control in Technological Processes” — 72 hours, LLP “Қарашанырақ Пром Сервис”, Registration number 0032, 08-18.01.2020.
“General Algorithm for Working with eLibraryUSA” — 72 hours, 28.05.2020.
“Renewable Energy Sources” — 72 hours, Registration number 2020-27, 3-20.02.2020.
“Forming Digital Skills in Teaching Specialized Disciplines” — 72 hours, Registration number 5076, 06.06.2020.
“Modern Technologies in the Educational Process” — 72 hours, Registration number 575, 07-19.12.2020.
“Designing Ecological Documentation by Sectors” — 72 hours, LLP “Aksai Project”, Registration number 0012, 11-21.01.2021.
“Geoinformation Systems and Software Products in Ecological Design” — 72 hours, Registration number 9719, 22-03.05-06.2023.
“Reducing Methane Emissions in Kazakhstan Through Increasing Awareness and Skills in Agriculture” — 22.12.2023.
“Digital Transformation in Education: Developing Digital Competencies of the Teacher” — 72 hours, Registration number 7867, 03.02.2024
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51