Tulegenova Diamara
Docent, candidate of agricultural sciences


  • Sukhanberdina L.Kh., Tulegenova D.K. The starting material for breeding winter triticale in terms of yield and grain quality. Kazakhstan news. Scientific and technical collection for the 50th anniversary of WKATU named after Zhangir Khan. Number 3. 2013 Almaty
  • K. M. Akhmedenov, V.S. Kucherov, T.A. Turganbaev, L.Kh. Sukhanberdin. Comprehensive environmental assessment of the territory of the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field in the West Kazakhstan region.
  • Eduard Eduardovich Brown, Diamara Kabdenovna Tulegenova, Altynai Burkhatovna Abuova, Mendigul Kairgalievna Kuanalieva The role of fertilizers in increasing soil fertility, productivity and quality of potatoes Biology and medicine. Brown et al., Biol Med (Aligarh) 2015, 7: 5
  • Nasiev BN, Tulegenova D., Zhanatalapov N., Shamsutdinov Z. Studying the impact of cattle grazing on the current state of pastures in the semi-desert zone // Biotechnological studies of Asia. – 2015. – Volume 12 (2). – S. 1735-1742. (Scopus)
  • Nasiev B.N., Tulegenova D.K., Bekkaliev A.K., Zhanatalapov N.Zh. Change in vegetation and soil cover under the influence of loosening // Izvestiya NAS RK. Agrarian Science Series. – 2015. – No. 3. – S. 60-64.
  • Nasiev B., Tulegenova D., Zhanatalapov N., Bekkaliev A., Bekkalieva A. Features of the dynamics of vegetation and soil cover in semi-arid regions.
    Pasture ecosystems affected by grazing // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (ISSN09758585-India-Scopus). – 2016. – No. 7 (4). – R.2465-2473. (English)
  • Tulegenova D.K., Kalieva L.T., Ermukhanova N.B. The effectiveness of the use of biological products in the protection of potatoes from pests / Science and Education. No. 4 (49) 2017. 33-37 p. WKATU. Uralsk.
  • Sukhanberdina L.Kh., Tulegenova D.K. Characteristics of winter triticale seeds. Scientific journal Research and Results. No. 3 (079), Almaty 2018. – 155-159 p.
  • Nasiev B.N., Tulegenova D.K. Agroecological assessment of pasture technologies // Research and results. – 2020. – No. 1. – S. 340-344.
  • L.Kh. Sukhanberdina, S. Denizbaev, Turbaev A. Zh., Zhylkybaev B.B., Filipova A.V. Technological properties of varieties of winter triticale // Izvestia_83 3 (83) 2020, OGAU-S-66-71.
  • L.Kh. Sukhanberdina, Tulegenova D.K., Sh.S. Denizbaev, A. Zh. Turbaev, Zh.M. Gumarova. The technology of optimal cultivation of varieties of winter triticale in the arid steppes of Kazakhstan // Research, results, No. 2 (86), 2020. KazNAU, Almaty.
  • L.Kh. Sukhanberdina, Tulegenova D.K., S.E. Denizbaev, A. Zh. Turbaev, T. Zh. Turbaev, “Technological properties of varieties of winter triticale.” Science Bulletin of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University. S. Seifullina, 2020, No. 2 (105).
  • Nasiev B.N., Tulegenova D.K. Growth and condition of pasture vegetation – 2020. – №1 (58). T2. – S. 59-64.
  • L.Kh. Sukhanberdina, S.E. Denizbaev, Turbaev A. Zh., Zhylkybaev B.B., Filipova A.V. Technological properties of winter triticale cultivars. // Izvestia_83 3 (83) 2020, OGAU –S-66-71.
  • L.Kh. Sukhanberdina, D.K. Tulegenova, A. Zh. Turbaev, Zh.M. Gumarova, A.V. Filippova, S.E. Denizbaev. Elements of the optimal technology for cultivating winter triticale varieties in the dry steppes of Kazakhstan. // Izvestia_83 4 (84) 2020, OGAU –S-53-57.

(Наиболее важные, за последние пять лет, не более пяти публикации по профилю образовательных программ и преподаваемых дисциплин) – название, соавторы (если имеются), место, дата издания/презентации:

  • Суханбердина Л.Х., Тулегенова Д.К., Денизбаев С.Е., Турбаев А.Ж., Турбаев Т.Ж.Күздік тритикале сорт үлгілерінің технологиялық қасиеттері. // Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им. С.Сейфуллина. – 2020. – № 2 (105). – С. 152-161.
  • Д.К. Тулегенова, А.Ж. Турбаев, Б.Б. Жылкыбаев, А.В. Филиппова, С.Е. Денизбаев. Технологические свойства сортообразцов озимой тритикале. Известия Оренбургского гос. Аграрного ун-та. – 2020. – № 3 (83). – С. 66-70.
  • Д.К. Тулегенова, А.Ж. Турбаев, Ж.М. Гумарова, А.В. Филиппова, С.Е. Денизбаев. Элементы оптимальной технологии возделывания сортов озимой тритикале в условиях сухих степей Казахстана. Известия Оренбургского гос. Аграрного ун-та. – 2020. – 4(84).2020 .юс.53-56 Известия Оренбургского гос. Аграрного ун-та. – 2020. – 4(84).2020 .юс.53-56
  • Суханбердина, Л. Х.. Тулегенова, А.Ж. Турбаев, Ж.М. Денизбаев,Турбаев Т.Ж. Күздік тритикале сорт үлгілерінің технологиялық қасиеттері. Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им. С. Сейфуллина № 2( 105).Нур-Султан,2020 с.151-164
  • L Kh Sukhanberdina, D K Tulegenova, L T Kaliyeva, Zh Turbayev and M K Mussina Influence of elements of cultivation technology on yield and grain quality of winter triticale in the conditions of the Urals IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022, 979(1), 012099
  • L T Kaliyeva, A K Kushenbekova, D K Tulegenova and M K Kuanaliyeva Influence of insecticides on the harvest and quality of potato stubs in the conditions of West Kazakhstan region. IOP Conference Series: Earth and nvironmental Science, 2022, 979(1), 012099
  • Суханбердина Л.Х. Аминокислотный состав белка зерна озимого тритикале в условиях Западно – Казахстанской области. // Сборник материалов ХХІІІ междунар. науч. практ. конф. посвящ.60 летию университета, Уральск: ЗКАТУ им. Жангир хана, 2023
  • Суханбердина Л.Х. Мониторинг сорных растений на посевах яровой пшеницы в условиях Западно-Казахстанской области. // Сборник материалов ХХІІІ междунар. науч. практ. конф. посвящ.60 летию университета, Уральск: ЗКАТУ им. Жангир хана, 2023

Scientific projects

  • 2009-2011 – Senior Researcher of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic “Research, formation and production of the triticale gene pool”;
  • 2011-2012 – Senior Researcher of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic “Development of source material for breeding winter wheat in the arid steppe zone of Western Kazakhstan”;
  • 2017-2020 – Senior Researcher of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Creation of source material for breeding winter triticale in the arid steppe zone of Kazakhstan.”
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:zapkazatu@wkau.kz
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