Nurgaliyev Gulbaram
Аcting docent, сandidate of agricultural sciences

Scientific Project

  • 2011-2014-Participation in the project “Agroecological assessment of fallow lands and opportunities for their rational use” under the budget program: 055 “Scientific and/or scientific and technical activities”, 101 “Grant funding for research” Specifics: 149 “other services and works”, priority: “life Science”, sub-priority: “research in the field of food security”.


  • Role of long-term herbs in formations of fertility and structure of soils. ISSN 2305-9397. Science and education. 2014 № 2 (35) Uralsk Nurgaliyev A.M., Nurgaliyeva G.K., Kairgalieva Z.K.
  • Vegetable growing: Technology of cultivation in the farms of the Ural region. Textbook. ISBN 978-601-319-023-5. West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan, 2016. Musina M.K.
  • Biological prerequisites for the study of cucumber culture in the agrometeorological aspect: relation to air and soil temperature. Oral, “YYLYM ZHANE BILIM”, No. 1 (42) 2016. Zhugir khan atyndagy Batys Kazakhstan agrarian-technicians universityinin yylym-praktilyk magazines. Koishekenova Zh.
  • The effect of natural phytoregulators on the growth, development and quality of white cabbage seedlings. Oral, “YYLYM ZHANE BILIM”, No. 1 (42) 2016. Zhugir khan atyndagy Batys Kazakhstan agrarian-technicians universityinin yylym-praktilyk magazines. Kydyrbaeva A.
  • Influence of the timing of sowing cucumber seeds on the yield. Materials of the second republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates dedicated to EXPO – 2017 “The role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the XXI century. Uralsk 2017 Koishekenova Zh.
  • Influence of bioorganic nanofertilizer “Nagro” on the yield and quality of white cabbage production in the steppe zone of WKO. Materials of the second republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates dedicated to EXPO – 2017 “The role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the XXI century. Uralsk 2017 Kydyrbaeva A.
  • Features of the functioning of ecosystems in zones of different technogenic load. Semey kalasynyk Shukurim atyndagy Memlekettik universityinin KHABARSHYSY, (ISSN 1607-2774), No. 4 (80) 2017 Dzhubatyrova S.S., Chekalin S.G., Musina M.K.
  • Study of the collection of chickpea on the main economically valuable traits in the West of Kazakhstan. Semey kalasynyk Shukurim atyndagy Memlekettik universityinin KHABARSHYSY, (ISSN 1607-2774), No. 4 (80) 2017 Limanskaya V.B., Shektibaeva G.Kh., Musina M.K.
  • Determining the amount of sowing in the main tillage system of sorghum cultivation technology in the Aktobe region. “EDUCATION AND SCIENCE” Part 2 №4-6 (61) 2020. P. 85-88. Musina M.K.
  • Photosynthetic activity of different varieties of potatoes depending on the ripening period. “EDUCATION AND SCIENCE” Part 2 №4-6 (61) 2020. P. 104-111. Musina M.K.
  • 2022г Japarov, R.Sh., Nurgaliyeva, G.K., Gumarova, Zh.M., Sakhipova, Sh.B., Nurgaliyev, A.M. Cultivation of leguminous crops of chickpeas and ways to increase the yield and quality of grain in the arid steppe of the Urals EESTE-2021 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022, 979(1), 012099  IOP Publishing DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/979/1/012099
  • 2022гNurgaliyev, A., Gumarova, Z., Japarov, R., Nurgaliyeva, G., Mussina, M. // Restoration and use of fallow lands disposed of from agricultural use / EESTE-2021 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022, 979(1), 012169 DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/979/1/0121692
  • 2022г Influence of sowing time on the yield of fodder grasses/ Mussina, M., Sarsengaliyev, R., Ayupov, Y., Nurgaliyeva, G., Amangeldikyzy, Z.// EESTE-2021  IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022, 979(1), 01209 DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/979/1/012091

Professional development

  • Interaction and coordination of the work of institutions of general and additional education, additional education, technical and vocational education and higher education in the scientific and methodological Center” ziat “” innovative technologies in education” LLP NMC “Ziyat “(Astana), 2014.;
  • Passed a 72-hour advanced training course conducted by Elmira Salnikov PhD doctor of Serbia Research Institute of Soil Sciences on the topic” soil biota ” and received a certificate. Certificate No. 3751, Uralsk, November 02, 2018, Registration No. 3751.
  • Completed a 72-hour advanced training course conducted by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences A. I. Popov of St. Petersburg State University on the topic” planning experiments in soil research”. Certificate No. 3822, Uralsk, December 07, 2018, Registration No. 3822.
  • Passed a 72-hour advanced training course conducted by Doctor of historical sciences, professor S. V. Kibalnikov on the topic” creation, protection and capitalization of intellectual property on the blockchain platform”. Certificate No. 0040003, Series A1 of the Russian Federation, Dubna 04 – 14. 10. 2019.
  • “The place of agricultural and fruit crops in the seed production and market”,” Agricultural and horticultural crops seeds production and their market”.hab. Roman Holubowicz completed a 72-hour advanced training course at Poznan University of Life Sciences and received a certificate. Certificate No. 4275, Republic of Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan region, Uralsk, October 12, 2019, registration No. 4275.
  • Received a 72-hour advanced training course conducted by the Saratov state agrarian university named after N. I. Vavilov on the topic” Food Technologies of the future: innovations in production and processing of agricultural products”. Certificate No. 640400016282, Saratov, Russia, March 13, 2020, registration No. 161.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
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