Nasiyev Beybit
Professor, doctor of agricultural sciences

Awards and prizes

  • Title: The best university teacher of 2009, 2015.
  • Badge: «For a great personal contribution to the development of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan».
  • Badge: «The best in the field of agriculture».
  • Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «For a great personal contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
  • CASCADE «TOP PROFESSOR 2020» Central Asia and South Caucasus agricultural universities consortium for development

New scientific developments

  • Патент на полезную модель Насиев Б.Н. «Способ возделывания кормовых культур» №7023 от 22.04.2022г
  • Патент на полезную модель Насиев Б.Н.
  • «Способ возделывания сафлора» №7068 от 06.05.2022г.
  • Патент на полезную модель Насиев Б.Н., Беккалиев А.К., Хиясов М.Г.
  • «Способ использования пастбищ» № 8074 от 19.05.2023г.
  • Патент на полезную модель
  • Насиев Б.Н., Жанаталапов Н.Ж., Хиясов М.Г. «Способ восстановления биопродуктивности пастбищ» № 7932 от 07.04.2023г.


Publications in foreign journals Scopus, Clarivate Analytics Web of Science

  • Nasiyev B.N. Study Of The Processes, Degradation Factors And The Selection Of Crops For The Restoration Of Bioresourses Capacity Of The Grassland Of Semi-Desert Zones // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (ISSN09758585-India-Scopus). No.7 (3). – 2016. – p. 2637-2646.
  • Nasiyev B.N., Gabdulov M, Zhanatalapov N, Makanova G. Study of Biological Efficacy of Drugs and Resistance of Acridoidea in SemiArid Areas // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (ISSN09758585-India-Scopus). No. 7 (4). – 2016. – p. 2382-2390.
  • Nasiyev B.N., Tulegenova D, Zhanatalapov N, Bekkaliev A, Bekkalieva A. Specific Features of the Vegetative and Soil Cover Dynamics in the Semiarid Pasture Ecosystems Influenced By Grazing // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (ISSN09758585-India-Scopus). No. 7 (4). – 2016. – p. 2465-2473.
  • Nasiyev B.N., Mussina1 M, Zhanatalapov N, Yeleshev R, Salykova A Formation of Annual Crop Yield When Cultivating for Green Conveyor System in Dry Steppe Area of ​​Western Kazakhstan. // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (ISSN09758585-India-Scopus). No. 7 (4). – 2016. – p. 2505-2515.
  • Nasiyev B.N., A. Tlepov, N. Zhanatalapov, A. Bekkaliev, R. Yeleshev Studing agrophytocenoses of sudan grass in the dry steppe zone of West Kazakhstan // Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc. Vol. 20 (2): 2018: 594-600 © Global Science Publications ISSN-0972-3005. IF 0.07
  • Nasiyev BN, N. Zhanatalapov, A. Bushnev The influence of seeding time on growth development and productivity of sunflower in the dry steppe area // EEC-EM – Ecology, Environment and Conservation (0971765X-India-Scopus), 2018, 24 (4), 703411: 1617-1623 © Global Science Publications ISSN-0971-765X. IF 0.11, Scopus Base
  • Nasiyev B.N., Yessenguzhina A. Adaptive sunflower cultivation technologies in West Kazakhstan // Ecology, Environment and Conservation (0971765X-India-Scopus) – 25 (2): 2019; pp. (198-202) Copyright @ EM International ISSN 0971-765X
  • Nasiyev BN, Zhanatalapov N, Yessenguzhina A, Yeleshev R. The use of sudan grass for the production of green fodder, hay and haylage in Western Kazakhstan // Ecology, Environment and Conservation (0971765X-India-Scopus) 25 (2): 2019; pp. (767-774) Copyright @ EM International ISSN 0971-765X
  • Nasiyev B.N., Bekkaliyev A. The Impact of Pasturing Technology on the Current State of Pastures // AABR-ABRP – Annals of Agri-Bio Research (ISSN09719660-India-Scopus) 24 (2): 246-254, 2019
  • Nasiyev B.N., Manolov I.G., Bekkaliyev A.K. Change of phosphorum and exchange sodium conditions of chestness soils under the influence of grazing // Bulletin of NAS RK. – No. 2. – 2020. – P. 53-61. Clarivate Analytics
  • Nasiyev B.N., Yancheva H.G., Zhanatalapov N.Zh. Pasture mode for use of Sudan grass // Bulletin of NAS RK. – No. 2. – 2020. – P. 76-83. Clarivate Analytics
  • Nasiyev B.N., Zhanatalapov N.Zh., Shibaikin B. Assessment of the Elements of the Sudan Grass Cultivation Technology in the Zone of Dry Steppes // OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences. – 2021. – No.21 (1). – P.172-180. Процентиль 36 по CiteScore Scopus
  • Nasiyev B.N., Bekkaliyeva A.K.,Vassilina T., Zhylkybay A.M. Biologized technologies for cultivation of field crops in the organic farming system of West Kazakhstan // Journal of Ecological Engineering. – 2022. – No.23(8). – P.77-88. Процентиль 52 по CiteScore Scopus
  • Nasiyev B., Bushnev A., Zhanatalapov N., Bekkaliyev N., Zhylkybay A.,Vassilina T., Shibaikin V., Tuktarov R. Initiation of safflower sowings in the organic farming system of Western Kazakhstan // OCL – Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids. – 2022. Vol.29, Article Number 21, 12p. doi. Процентиль 68 по CiteScore Scopus
  • Nasiyev B.N., Shibaikin V., Bekkaliyev A.,Zhanatalapov N., Bekkaliyeva A. Changes in the quality of vegetation cover and soil of pastures in semi-deserts of West Kazakhstan, depending on the grazing methods // Journal of Ecological Engineering. – 2022. – No.23(10). – P.50-60.             Процентиль 52 по CiteScore Scopus
  • Nasiyev B., Karynbayev A., Khiyasov M., Bekkaliyev A., Zhanatalapov N., Begeyeva M., Bekkaliyeva A., Shibaikin V. Influence of Cattle Grazing Methods on Changes in Vegetation Cover and Productivity of Pasture Lands in the Semi-Desert Zone of Western Kazakhstan // International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. – 2023. – Vol.18. – No.4. – Р.767-774. Процентиль 57 по CiteScore Scopus
  • Насиев Б.Н., Беккалиева А.К., Жанаталапов Н.Ж., Беккалиев А.К., Хиясов М.Г. Влияние способов использования на продуктивность и запас кормов пастбищ // Наука и образование. – 2023. – No.1-3(70). – С.92-99. КОКСНВО

Publications in Kazakh journals recommended by the CCES MES RK

  • Nasiev B.N., Gabdulov M.A. Study of the species composition of locusts and control measures in the semi-desert zone // Research and results. No. 1 (069). – 2016 .- S. 147-151.
  • Nasiev B.N., Bekkaliev A.K. Degradation of vegetation and soil cover of pastures under the influence of grazing // Izvestiya NAS RK. Agrarian Science Series. No. 1 (31). – 2016. – p.57-62.
  • Nasiev B.N., Zhanatalapov N.Zh. Studying the timing of harvesting forage agrophytocenoses in the dry steppe zone // Intellect, idea, innovation. # 1. – 2016. – Part 1. – S. 158-163.
  • Nasiev B.N., Tulegenova D.K. The current state of the vegetation cover of pasture ecosystems depending on grazing regimes // Bulletin of SSU named after Shakarim. No. 1 (77). – 2017. – P.244-249.
  • Nasiev B.N., Gabdulov M.A. Species composition and locust control measures in semi-desert zone // Research and results. No. 1 (2). – 2017 .– S. 167-171.
  • Nasiev B.N., Makanova G.N. Monitoring the prevalence of locusts in the semi-desert zone // Intellect, idea, innovation. # 1. – 2017. – Part 1. – S. 181-186.
  • Nasiev B.N. Formation of highly productive agrophytocenoses for the production of feed in the dry steppe zone // Izvestiya NAS RK. Agrarian Science Series. No. 1 (37). – 2017 .– p. 98-102.
  • Nasiev B.N., Eleshev R.E., Zhanatalapov N.Zh. Nutritional regimes of mixed agrophytocenoses in the dry steppe zone // Research and results. No. 1 (77). – 2018 .– S. 173-176.
  • Nasiyev B.N., Zhanatalapov N.Zh. The role of intercropping in the production of balanced feed // Gylym zhune bilim. No. 1 (50). – 2018. – P.3-7.
  • Nasiev B.N., Esenguzhina A.N. Bulletin of SSU named after Shakarim. – No. 2. – 2019 .– S. 235-240. // Monitoring the vegetation cover of pastures in a semi-desert zone
  • Nasiev B.N., Esenguzhina A.N. Assessment of the state of the vegetation cover of pastures in the semidesert zone of the West Kazakhstan region // Research and results. – 2019. – No. 2. – S. 219-225.
  • Nasiyev B.N., Yancheva H.G., Zhanatalapov N.Zh. Cultivation of Sudan grass in different ways of economic use of West Kazakhstan // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Agrarian Science Series. – 2019. – No. 6 (53). – S. 38 – 44.
  • Nasiyev B.N., Yesenguzhina A.N. Study of Sunflower crop care technology // Intelligence, idea, innovation. # 1. – 2020 .– S. 79-84.
  • Nasiev B.N. The state of pasture vegetation depending on the degree of load // Bulletin of SSU named after Shakarim. No. 2 (90). – 2020. – P.274-278.
  • Nasiev B.N. Promising mixed crops of Sudanese grass with fodder crops // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2020. – 6. – P.73-81.
  • Nasiev B.N. Using the biopotential of forage crops for the development of technology to provide feeding complexes and industrial-type farms with high-protein feed Monograph // Uralsk, WKATU. – 2017.
  • Nasiev B.N. Pasture ecosystems of semi-deserts and their rational use in Western Kazakhstan // Uralsk, WKATU. – 2017.
  • Biology, fauna and ecology of locusts in connection with climate change // Uralsk, WKATU. – 2017.
  • Nasiev B.N., Zhanatalapov N.Zh. Esenguzhina A.N. Improving the elements of adaptive technology for the cultivation of forage and oilseeds in Western Kazakhstan: monograph // Uralsk: Zap. – Kazakhst. agrarian-technical un.-t them. Zhangir Khan, 2020 .– 113 p.
  • Nasiev B.N., Bekkaliev A.K. Pasture ecosystems of Western Kazakhstan: current state and technologies of rational use: monograph // Uralsk: Zap. – Kazakhst. agrarian-technical un.- named after Zhangir Khan, 2020 .– 109 p.

Educational-methodical edition (for the last 3 years)

  • Nasiev B.N., Gabdulov M.A. Auyl sharuashylyғy daқyldarynyң aurular workshops. Textbook // Uralsk, WKATU. – 2017.
  • Inventive activity
  • Nasiev B.N. Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object No. 1056 dated 05/31/2016 “Maps of degradation and desertification of forage lands of the semi-desert zone of the WKO”
  • Nasiev B.N. Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object No. 1183 dated 05/30/2017 “Map of the distribution of pastures with different stages of digression”
  • Nasiev B.N. Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object No. 1133 dated 05/29/2017 “Locust distribution map”
  • Nasiev B.N. Utility model patent “Method of locust control” No. 2715 dated March 19, 2018
  • Nasiev B.N. Utility model patent “Method for the cultivation of forage crops” No. 2703 dated March 19, 2018
  • Nasiev B.N. Utility model patent “Method for the rational use of natural pasture ecosystems” No. 2807 dated April 28, 2018
  • Nasiev B.N., Zhanatalapov N.Zh. Utility Model Patent “Method for Cultivation of Sudanese Grass”. Registration No. 2019 / 0336.2 from 15.04.2019.
  • Nasiev B.N. Utility model patent “Method of sunflower cultivation”. Reg. No. 2019 / 0337.2 dated 04/15/2019.
  • Nasiev B.N., Bekkaliev A.K. Utility model patent “Method of grazing agricultural products. animals “. No. 5162 dated July 17, 2020

Scientific projects

  • 2012-2014 – research supervisor of MESRK grant on the subject: “Studying of restoration methods of bioresource potential of fodder grounds of semidesert zone”;
  • 2012-2014 – research supervisor of MESRK grant on the subject: “Development of innovative methods of high-protein forages production in fodder grounds”;
  • 2012-2014 – research supervisor of MESRK grant on the subject: “Studying of processes and factors of degradation and desertification of fodder grounds of semidesert zone”;
  • 2012-2014 – research supervisor of MESRK grant on the subject: “Agroenvironmental monitoring, studying of processes and factors of degradation of lands of flood irrigation of semidesert zone of West Kazakhstan region”;
  • 2015-2017 – research supervisor of MESRK grant on the subject: “Locust (Orthoptera, Acridoidea): fauna and ecology in connection with climate change, improvement of population forecast, planning of fight measures”;
  • 2015-2017 – research supervisor of MESRK grant on the subject: “Assessment of state and development of adaptive technologies of rational use of semidesertpasturable ecosystems”;
  • 2015-2017 – research supervisor of MESRK grant on the subject: “Development of technology for production of own forages for feeding complexes and industrial type farms”;
  • 2018-2020 – research supervisor of MESRK grant on the subject: “Development of adaptive technologies of forage and oil-bearing crops cultivation in relation to the conditions of West Kazakhstan”;
  • 2018-2020 – co-director of the project of programme-target financing of MA RK on the subject: “Creation of highly productive pasturable grounds in the conditions of North and West Kazakhstan and their rational use”.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
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