Associate professor, сandidate of agricultural sciences
The effect of planting density on the crop yield, the structure and the quality of middleearly variety of potato 3the west Kazakhstan – Life Science Jornal. № 11(8), 2014. P. 545-548. Yergali Ayupov, A. Apushev, F. Zamalieva, M. Gabdulov
Study of Biological Efficacy of Drugs and Resistance of Acridoidea in SemiArid Areas. – Research Jornal of Pharmaceutical, biological and Chemical Sciences. (ISSN09758585-India-Scopus). # 7 (4). – 2016. – p/ 2382-2390. – Nasiyev B., , Gabdulov M., Zhanatalapov N., Makanova G.
Immune-phytopathological assessment of resistance of wheats to stem rust in conditions of the Southeast of Kazakhstan. – Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 24 (4), pp. 1604-1610, 2018. – Amangeldikyzy, Z., Kochorov, A.S., Karakaya, A., Karbozova R.D., Gabdulov, M.A.
Study of the species composition of locusts and control measures in the semi-desert zone. – Research and results. № 1 (069). – 2016. – Pp. 147-151. Gabdulov M. A., Nasiev B. N.
Studying the harmfulness of locusts and organizing control measures. – Gylym zhane bilim. № 1(42). – 2016. – Pp. 7-11. Gabdulov M. A., Zhanatalapov N. Zh., Makanova G. N.
The effectiveness of various protectants used for etching spring wheat seeds. – Gylym zhane bilim. № 1(42). – 2016. – Pp. 11-16. Gabdulov M. A., Musina M. K., Nigmetov S., Tuleushova A.
Batys Kazakhstan oblysy zhagdayynda kuzdik bidai sorttaryn salystyrmaly synau natizheleri. – Gylym zhane bilim. № 1(46). – 2017. – Pp. 21-24. Gabdulov M. A., Makhsotov G. G., Zhanabay D., Kenzhaliev R.
Monitoring of the prevalence and abundance of the Italian prus in the semi-desert zone. – Gylym zhane bilim. № 1(46). – 2017. – Pp. 24-28. Gabdulov M. A., Nasiev B. N., Zhanatalapov N. Zh., Makanova G. N.
Batys Kazakhstan oblysy zhagdayynda kuzdik biday sorttaryn salystyrmaly zertteu. – – Gylym zhane bilim. 2018. No. 4 (54). 25-29 B. Gabdulov M. A., Makhsotov G. G., Kushenbekova A., Zhylkybaev B. B.
Comparative assessment of productivity of spring soft wheat varieties in the conditions of the West Kazakhstan region. – Gylym zhane bilim. 2018. No. 4 (54). 30-36 b. Makhsotov G. G., Gabdulov M. A., Kushenbekova A. K., Mukhomedyarova A. S.
Study of locusts in the semidesert zone. “A young scientist. No. 4. – 2016. – pp. 211-214. Nasiev B. N., Gabdulov M. A., Makanova G. N.
Results of locust monitoring in the semi-desert zone. – Current problems of the humanities and natural sciences. No. 3-1. – 2016. – pp. 156-158. Nasiyev B. N., Gabdulov M. A., Zhanatalapov N. Zh.
Productivity of various varieties of spring wheat in the conditions of the West Kazakhstan region. – Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of scientific thought in the modern world: A collection of articles of the International Scientific Conference. practical. Conferences. – Ufa: Omega Sciences, 2018. pp. 56-59. Gabdulov M. A., Kushenbekova A. K., Mukhomedyarova A. S.
Characteristics of spring soft wheat lines of competitive variety testing on different growing backgrounds. – “Modern technologies in agricultural science and production” Collection of reports of the International Scientific and Practical Conference.conferences of young scientists and specialists, March 24-25, 2016. dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of A. P. Shekhurdin //Saratov. – 2016. – p. 80-85. Makhsotov G. G., Gabdulov M. A.
Biological effectiveness of drugs for locust control. – Strategic guidelines for the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex in modern economic conditions: Materials of the International scientific and practical conference / Volgograd State University – – Volgograd. – 2016. – p. 221-225. Nasiev B. N., Gabdulov M. A., Zhanatalapov N. Zh., Sariev E. M.
Characteristics of spring samples soft wheat of a collection nursery in the Western Kazakhstan conditions. – Collection of articles of the winners of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference. 17.04.2017 c. Penza. – 2017. – p. 53-56. – Gabdulov M. A., Makhsotov G. G., Esetova G., Tuleushova A.
Results of comparative testing of winter wheat varieties in the conditions of the West Kazakhstan region. – Collection of articles of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference. Penza. – 2017. pp. 130-133. Gabdulov M. A., Makhsotov G. G., Zhanabay D., Kenzhaliev R.
Locust semi-desert zones: Biology and ecology. – “The role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the twenty-first century” Mater.repub.scientific-practical.confer. Uralsk. – 2016. – p. 258-262. Gabdulov M. A., Orazakaev N.
Study of the sowing rate of winter wheat varieties in the conditions of the West Kazakhstan region. -The role of youth in the development of innovation and science in the XXI century: a collection of materials of the II Republican scientific and Practical Conference of students and undergraduates dedicated to EXPO-2017 // Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir Khan. 2017. 88-94 P. Gabdulov M. A., Makhsotov G. G., Zhanabay D., Kenzhaliyev R.
Features of the formation of yield and grain quality of various varieties of winter wheat in the conditions of the West Kazakhstan region. – Uralsk: Materials of the II republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates, dedicated to EXPO-2017 “The role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the XXI century.” – 2017 .– S. 127-133. Gabdulov M.A., Makhsotov G.G., Zhagabay D., Kenzhaliev R.
Comparative testing of winter wheat varieties as a starting breeding material in the West Kazakhstan region. – Uralsk: Materials of the II Republican scientific-practical conference of students and undergraduates, dedicated to EXPO-2017 “The role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the XXI century.” – 2017. – С. 145-150. Gabdulov MA, Makhsotov GG, Umashev DM
Comparative study of the elements of the structure of the productivity of spring soft wheat samples in the West Kazakhstan region. – In the framework of the program “Spiritual Revival” “The role of youth in the development of innovation and science in the XXI century”, “Heart of the country – Astana” dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Astana and the 55th anniversary of West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference // Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir Khan. 2018. pp. 230-234. Makhsotov GG, Gabdulov MA, Zhylkybaev BB, Tursyngaliev EE
Study of the effectiveness of seed disinfectants. – // “The role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the XXI century” within the framework of the “Rukhani zhagyru” program, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the city of Astana, “El zhyregi-Astana” and the 55th anniversary of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir khan: materials of the third Republican scientific-practical conference of students and undergraduates // Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir khan. 2018. pp. 237-241. Fedorov A., Mukhomedyarova A.S., Gabudov M.
Amangeldikyzy Z., Galymbek., Gabdulov, M.A., Amangeldi, N., Irkitbay, A., Suleimanova, G., Sapakhova, Z. Identification of new sources of wheat stem rust resistance genes. – Research on Crops, 24 (1), pp. 15-27, 2023.
Амангелдіқызы З., Габдулов М.А., Ғалымбек Қ., Амангелді Н., Абдукерим Р.Ж. Қазақстанның әртүрлі экологиялық аймақтарында сабақ тат (Puccinia graminis f. sp tritici) ауруының таралуы мен дамуының мониторингі. – С.Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық университетінің ғылым жаршысы №2(105). – 2020. – 141-151 беттер
Амангелдіқызы З., Габдулов М.А., Амангелді Н., Махсотов Г.Г. Батыс Қазақстан облысы егіс алқаптарында сабақ татының табиғи және жасанды індет аясында жаздық бидай генотиптерінің ауруға төзімділігін зерттеу. – Ғылым және білім. – 2020. – № 4-2 (61). – 3-8 бет
Амангелдіқызы З., Габдулов М.А., Амангелді Н., Абсатарова Д.А. Бидайдың сабақтат ауруына фитосанитарлық бақылаулар жүргізу. – Ғылым және білім. – 2020. – № 4-2 (61). – 8-13 бет
Tursynkulov A.M., Amangeldikyzy Z., Gabdulov M. А., Temreshev I.I., Makezhanov A.M., Kozhabaeva G.E. Laboratory evaluation of the effectiveness of the biological drug entolek k planteco® on different species of pest insects of fodder crops. – Қорқыт Ата атындағы Қызылорда университетiнiң Хабаршысы. – 2022. – № 3 (62). – 283-291 б..
Irkitbay A., Sapakhova Z., Gabdulov M. А. Impact of salicylic acid and oxalic acid of physiological parameters of wheat plant. – Қорқыт Ата атындағы Қызылорда университетiнiң Хабаршысы. – 2022. – № 4 (63). – 315-323 б.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51