Araigul Zhumayeva
Acting docent, PhD


  • Zhumayeva A.K., Z. Zinullin, K.K. Bozymov and B.A. Buralhiev / Research on nutritional properties of mare’s milk. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. Vol. 24 (4) 2018; рр (1965-1969). India. Scopus
  • Nassambaev E., Akhmetalieva A.B., Zhumayeva A.K Pure breeding of the Kazakh white-headed cattle by lines as the main method of improving the hereditary qualities/ 10(12), – 2018. 3254-3256.
  • Nassambaev E., Bozymov K.K.,  Akhmetalieva A.B.,  Zhumayeva A.K. Clinical, physiological and reproductive characteristics of cattle / International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018.
  • Zhumayeva A.K., B. Eleubaevich., B.S. Maksutovna. The content of heavy metals in the grass, in water and milk of Mares according to the season of the year / Тhomson Reuters Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2019, 9(1), 86-88
  • Zhumayeva A.K., Zinullin A.Z., Buralkhiev B.A. Simov Zh. Features mare’s milk and koumiss, depending on their chemical composition / 1 st international food and medicine congress (IFMC 2018) May 24-27, 2018. Ankara, Turkey. Р. 228-232
  • Zhumayeva A.K Analysis of the chemical and quality characteristics of mare’s milk and koumiss / XXI International Scientific-Practical conference «Advances in Science and Technology» 15 June, 2019. Russia. P 22-24
  • Zhumaeva A.K., Zinullin A.Z., Zhkaltaev N. Zhayylym zhane shabyndyk osimdikterinin kuramyndagy auyr metaldardyn molsheri // Mal sharuashylygy, kus sharuashylygy, ara sharuashylygy zhane osimdik sharuashylygyn organikalyk (ekologiyalyk taza) onimderin ondiru zhane ondeudin problemalary” atta halykaralyk gylym-praktikalyk conferenciyanyn makalalar zhinagi. Kazakhstan, Oral, 2017, -12-14b.
  • Zhumaeva A.K., Zinullin A.Z., Buralhiev B.A., Biochemical blood parameters of Kazakh breed mares // Scientific and practical journal of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan “Science and Education” №3(52), 2018. – 64-67 b.
  • Zhumaeva A.K., Zinullin A.Z., Tulebaev B., Zhukaltaev N. Botanical and chemical composition of pasture stands // Scientific and practical journal of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan “Science and Education” №4(53), 2018. -119-123 b.
  • Orazov A., Nadtochiy L., Bozymov K., Muradova M., Zhumaeva A. The role of camel breeding in food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021) Agriculture (Switzerland), 11 (7), pp. 1-16 ISSN 20770472. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture11070614 Percentile 63 according to the Citation Index in the Scopus database (Agronomy and Plant Growing)The URL of the journal in the Scopus database
  • Khui Perry Law Nyuk, Rahman Md Rezaur, Kuok King, Muhammad Khusairy,  Tazeddinova Diana, Kazhmukanbetkyzy, Zhumayeva A., Torebek Baibatyrov Small-size Jatropha Seed Biochar Extracted from Microwave Pyrolysis: Optimization of Its Biocomposites Mechanical Properties by Mixture Design / BIORESOURCES Scopus Q2 Web f Science Q2, Том 16/Выпуск 3, Страница 4716-4730 DOI 15376/biores.16.3.4716-4730
  • Khui Perry Law Nyuk, Rahman Md Rezaur, Kuok King, Muhammad Khusairy,  Tazeddinova Diana, Kazhmukanbetkyzy, Zhumayeva A., Torebek Baibatyrov/ Morphological and Thermal Properties of Composites Prepared with Poly(lactic acid), Poly(ethylene-alt-maleic anhydride), and Biochar from Microwave-pyrolyzed Jatropha Seeds/ BIORESOURCES Scopus Q2 Web of Science Q2/  16, 3171-3185 DOI 15376/biores.16.2.3171-3185, 2021
  • Khalil, Tazeddinova D., MK. Aljoumaa, Zhumayeva Araigul Kazhmukhanbetkyzy, Ayan Orazov, and Abduvali Djabarovich Toshev//Carotenoids: A promising arsenal in the battle against newly emerging diseases, COVID-19: an overview/ Preventive Nutrition and Food Science

Improving qualifications: 

  • “Improvement of Professional English Communication Skills for Teachers (Elementary Level)”, RK, Uralsk., 16.01.2019-25.05.2019, WKAU im. Zhangir Khan, 23 Chapel-certificate
  • “Young entrepreneur”, 05.09.2019, certificate
  • “Assessment of the annual cost of horses (bonitirovka).Loshadey cultivation technology”, Kazakhstan, Kostanay region., 09.09.2019 – 12.09.2019 G, 32 Chapel-certificate
  • “Animal husbandry programs”, RK, Uralsk., 21.10-25.10.2019,
  • On behalf of PhD doctor of Slovak Agricultural University, professor Radovan Kasarda (Slovakia, Nitra) , WKAU named after Zhangir Khan, 36 Chapel-Restoration
  • “Formation of digital skills in teaching special disciplines”, RK, Uralsk., 18.05-06.06.2020 G, zkatu im. “I don’t know,” he said.
  • “Using various tools in creating interactive digital content”, RK, Uralsk. , 18-29.01.2021, WKAU named after Zhangir Khan
  • “Effective leader”, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk., 21.06-02.07.2021, zkatu im. 72 zhangir Khan Chapel-Udostover
  • “Technology of production of sunflower oil and examination of product quality”, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk., 19.08.2022 G, “combine of oil production”, 72 chapels – certificate
  • “Methods for determining rheological indicators of food products and raw materials”, RK, Uralsk., 26.08.2022, 72 chapels – certificate
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
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