Utegalieva Nurgul
Senior lecturer, master


 1. The relevance of the market value of real estate assessments in modern conditions / Actual problems of land management and cadastre at the modern stage: IV International Scientific-Practical Conference (March 3, 2017) / Penza: PGU9, 2017-1962.

 2. The main problems of the use of cultivated lands in modern conditions / The role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the twentieth century: the third republican scientific-practical conference. students and undergraduates, dedication. The 20th anniversary of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Heart of the Country-Astana” and the 55th anniversary of the University. (March 28-29, 2018) / Uralsk: Zap-Kazakhstan. agrar.-techn. University named after Zhangir Khan, 2018 – 273-278p.

 3. Factors affecting the efficiency of the use of arable lands / Materials for the XV International Scientific-Practical Conference, Novinata for advanced science – 2019, Sofia: “Byal GRAD-BG”, – p. 42-45

4. The effectiveness of the intensity of land use of regular cultivation in the West Kazakhstan region / International scientific-practical conference “Technical and personnel support of innovative technologies in agriculture 24-25, 2019, 2-24, Minsk: 2-24”, Minsk:

5. Evaluation of the efficiency of regular land cultivation in ZKO / Landscape architecture and nature: from the project to the economy: Proceedings of the International scientific-technical conference. Saratov: LLC “CeSAin”, 2019. – P.120-122

6. System analysis of land use of regular cultivation in the West-Kazakhstan region / Uralsk: West-Kazakhstan.agrarian.tech. WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2019

7. Lowland lands ZKO: status and possibilities: Materials of the III International scientific-technical conference. Saratov: BGATU, December 2019. – P.130-135

8. The effectiveness of the use of arable lands in the West Kazakhstan region: Proceedings of the IV International Scientific-Practical Conference “Favorites of Science of the XXI Century”. – Center of scientific thought July 2020. Taganrog, Rostov region.

9. Development of digital technologies in education: Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Internet Conference “Digital Society – Digital Education: Problems, Experiences and Prospects”. – Kyzylorda, KSU named after Korkyt Ata, June 2020.

10. The use of land cultivation in the West Kazakhstan region: Proceedings of the X International Scientific-Practical Conference “Agrarian Science and Education at the Modern Stage of Development: Experiences, Problems and Ways to Solve Them”. – Ulyanovsk. FGBOU IN Ulyanovsk GAU, June 2020.

11. Legal regulation of activity in real estate assessment in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Selected issues of science of the XXI century: Collection of scientific articles. Ch. V / M .: Pero Publishing House, 2020.

12. The use of land cultivation in ZKO / Current trends and innovations in the development of Russian science: Collection of scientific articles. Ch. IX / M .: Pero Publishing House, 2020.


1. Estimation of real estate. Textbook / N.Kh.Utegalieva. – Almaty Almanac, 2019. – 99 p.

2. Basics of land management and cadastre. Textbook / N.Kh.Utegaliyeva, Zh.B.Tasanova – Almaty Almanac, 2019. – 108 p.

090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:zapkazatu@wkau.kz
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