Umirzakova Gulzhanat
Acting docent, PhD


  • Umirzakova G.A., Iskakova G.K.,  Chernykh V. Y., Bayisbayeva M.P., Muldabekova B.Zh. Improvement of macaroni products technology on the basis of flour from plant raw materials // Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. – 2017.- Vol.12, № 5- P. 1120-1125. (Scopus)
  • Iskakova G.K., Umirzakova G.A. Pasta ondіrіsіnde koldanylғan yntaқtalғan қospalardyң tagamdyқ yndylygyn zhane қauіpsіzdigіn bagalau, – KazYTZU Khabarshysy, No. 1 (125), 2018.- C.155-162
  • Iskakova G.K., Umirzakova G.A. Yntaқtalgan қospalar қoldanylғan pasta onіmderіninің tagamdyқ қundylygy zhane қаuіpsіzdіgі.- KazYTZU Khabarshysy, №1 (125), 2018.- C.93-99
  • Iztaev B.A., Iskakova G.K., Umirzakova G.A. Expansion of the range of pasta through the use of combined systems of raw materials, – VSUIT Bulletin, No. 1, Vol. 80, 2018, Voronezh. – P. 173-180
  • 2. Umirzakova G.A., Chinarova E.R. Research of rape seed cake in the production technology of flour confectionery products, “Bulletin of KazNITU”, No. 3, 2019
  • Iztaev B.A., Iskakova G.K., Umirzakova G.A. Rationale for the use of enriching additives from vegetable raw materials in the production of pasta Vestnik VGUIT, No. 3, Vol. 81, 2019, Voronezh.
  • Umirzakova G.A., Asangalieva Zh.R., Ryskalieva B.Zh. The effect of legume crops on the quality of pasta made of soft wheat flour // International scientific and practical conference “Sustainable development in agriculture, environmental safety and energy efficiency» IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 979 (2022) 012032 IOP Publishing

Publication of monographs, textbook, teaching aid:

  • Electronic textbook: ұнды Confeectionier өnіmderіnің Technologies: 5b072700- «Azқ-Tүlіk өНімдирініңңңңң тлека» әна 5B072800 – “қөңtu өndірістрінің тетоловыса” Mamandyktaryna ARNALғAN ENERLY ОқуU ұұLAY, – Zata named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk, 2019. ISBN 978-601-319 -170-6
  • Monograph: Dastүrli emes shikіzattardy koldanyp macaroni onimderі technology son zhasau. – Monograph – WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk, 2019. – 220 p. ISBN 978-601-319-159-1

         Professional development

  • “Business planning”, January 12, 2022, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk.
  • “The formation of digital skills in the teaching of special disciplines”, June 06, 2020, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk.
  • “Creation, protection and capitalization of intellectual property on the Blockchain platform”, 04.10-14.10, 2019 Dubna, International Scientific School of Sustainable Development.
  • “Auylsharuashylyk zhane zhemis dakyldarynyn tұқym ondirіsi men naryқtagy orny”, October 12, 2019, Uralsk.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
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