Onayev Marat
Docent, candidate of technical sciences
Institute of agrotechnology


  1. M. Ongayev, S. Denizbayev, N. Umbetkaliyev, B. Yesmagulova, T. Shadyarov, G. Ozhanov. The Zonality of Underground Water Supply Sources for Pastures in the West Kazakhstan Region / Journal of Ecological Engineering. 23 (8), 2022, P. 56-65.
  2. M. Ongayev, S. Denizbayev, G. Ozhanov, B. Yesmagulova, N. Umbetkaliyev, T. Shadyarov. Analysis of hydrochemical parameters of surface water sources used for watering pastures to improve the water quality / Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences. Volume 21, No. 4, 2023, pp. 875-883.
  3. Onaev M.K., Shadyarov T.M., Denizbaev S.E., Umbetkaliev N.M., Ozhanov G.S. The experience of using meltwater to irrigate anhydrous pasture lands / Gylym zhane bilim.- 2023. – № 3-2 (72). – C. 272-284.
  4. 4. Montaev S.A., Onaev M.K., Denizbaev S.E., Ryskaliev M.Zh., Ozhanov G.S. Structural features of the flask of Western Kazakhstan, proposed as natural non-carbon modified sorbents for desalination of mineralized groundwater of pasture lands / Gylym zhane bilim.– 2023. – №3-2 (72). – Pp. 263-272.
  5. Onaev M.K., Bulekov T.A., Denizbaev S.E. Cultivation of high-protein forage crops in the dry-steppe zone of the West Kazakhstan region / Gylym zhane bilim.– 2024. – №1-2 (74). – Pp. 73-83.


  • 2013 – foreign language courses, Oxford
  • 2015 – Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilova, Saratov
  • 2015 – Michurinsky State Agar University, Michurinsk
  • 2016-2018 – university republican courses.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:[email protected]
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